Other places to advertise and sell products apart WF wso section?

13 replies

wso section receives decent traffic and it's very good place to advertise your product or service, but what you would do and where you would advertise your products if you getting good sales from wf traffic, but you want to scale or to make more sales by advertising in other places or use some traffic methods to drive traffic to your WSO link?

For example, how you would drive traffic to your WSO apart just natural forum traffic?
#advertise #places #products #section #sell #wso
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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    yes the WF is one of my favourite places to advertise as you can communicate well with people that are purchasing from you and build up a good customer relationship.

    I have used Facebook groups to send traffic to my WF offers.

    Facebook groups can be good, but once again you need to build up a relationship and get know to people before they will purchase from you.

    You can also advertise on Bing - they are cheaper than Google Adwords, and use them to send people to the WF, but you can also send them straight to your website if you have one.

    Hope this helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author naviown
      Originally Posted by Ged3 View Post

      yes the WF is one of my favourite places to advertise as you can communicate well with people that are purchasing from you and build up a good customer relationship.

      I have used Facebook groups to send traffic to my WF offers.

      Facebook groups can be good, but once again you need to build up a relationship and get know to people before they will purchase from you.

      You can also advertise on Bing - they are cheaper than Google Adwords, and use them to send people to the WF, but you can also send them straight to your website if you have one.

      Hope this helps.

      Any specific facebook groups where I could advertise?
      DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    You can find other marketing forums on the internet where you can put a link in your signature and engage in conversations going on in those forums.

    Basically, you want to be providing value wherever you attempt to get traffic.

    As said above Facebook groups are a good source of traffic, but you have to note that you can't just go into groups and start spamming the users of those groups. You have to enter the conversation going on in the group and do your best to provide them with the value from your posts.

    Other social media sites are good to get traffic from as well. It's all basically about adding value to people and leading them back to your offers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    You have to pay for advertising. If you want you can buy a banner ad slot at the top, bottom, or side, and drive traffic to your WSO that way. Or some free marketing tactics and even social marketing will help drive traffic to the WSO.
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    • Profile picture of the author naviown
      Originally Posted by Randall Magwood View Post

      You have to pay for advertising. If you want you can buy a banner ad slot at the top, bottom, or side, and drive traffic to your WSO that way. Or some free marketing tactics and even social marketing will help drive traffic to the WSO.
      I was thinking to put a banner on wf site, but afraid to spend money and not get results. Have you tried to out a banner here on WF?
      DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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      • Profile picture of the author palmtreelife
        Don't take this personally, but rookies are the ones who are afraid to spend money and not get results. What if you put up a banner and it does get results? People spend thousands of dollars on paid advertising, but they make tens of thousands from that. They didn't start that way though. They started by putting up a banner for a few dollars and figuring out how to maximize the conversions. We learn and then scale.

        This advertising does not require a mortgage. Try it. If it doesn't work, then try to learn/ask what you could have done differently. Try again. Figure it out as you go, but don't be cheap.

        You can't be guaranteed results with paid advertising. You can only tweak and improve conversions as you go. Even the experts will throw up an ad, analyze the numbers and tweak it to improve.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11496615].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author naviown
          Originally Posted by palmtreelife View Post

          Don't take this personally, but rookies are the ones who are afraid to spend money and not get results. What if you put up a banner and it does get results? People spend thousands of dollars on paid advertising, but they make tens of thousands from that. They didn't start that way though. They started by putting up a banner for a few dollars and figuring out how to maximize the conversions. We learn and then scale.

          This advertising does not require a mortgage. Try it. If it doesn't work, then try to learn/ask what you could have done differently. Try again. Figure it out as you go, but don't be cheap.

          You can't be guaranteed results with paid advertising. You can only tweak and improve conversions as you go. Even the experts will throw up an ad, analyze the numbers and tweak it to improve.
          Thanks for the advice.
          Planning to advertise using banner here on WF.
          For example, my wso received 130k impression and from this amount of impression, I got 7000 visitors to my wso. Can I expect similar CTR using banner?
          DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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  • Profile picture of the author chuckholmes
    1. Bing PPC Ads
    2. Solo Ads
    3. YouTube videos
    4. Google Ads
    5. Facebook Ads
    6. Instagram or Twitter Ads
    7. Postcard Marketing

    I hope that helps.
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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    Originally Posted by naviown View Post

    For example, how you would drive traffic to your WSO apart just natural forum traffic?

    You wouldn't.

    You'd drive traffic to your own site.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ged3

      Sometimes the WF converts better than your own site though as there is a lot of credibility with the WF site - customers can complain or give their true feelings about products - which is not always so on privately owned websites.

      Just my two cents.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
    The selective testimonials point is valid, but the fundamental problem here is that the product isn't one that exists outside the WF. Therefore, it's not a 'WSO' (an offer of an existing product), but something make purposefully to solely target WF members and set up base camp to drive traffic in in this case.

    The main point is that an effective business is based upon establishing an independant product and a place to sell it, with non-dependancy upon a third party.

    There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm towards something which is potentially a liability.

    The income claim, can possibly cause problems as it stands. We might advertise with and attractive claim, only for the rules here to request of you to rid of all claims. When we are more in control selling from our own site, you we are bound to rules imposed only by our hosting company.

    As mentioned a 'WSO' is meant to be an offer of an existing product and so, setting one up is meant to be considered nothing more than a sideline accessory to business - not the backbone of it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ged3

      some good points there.

      I agree - having your own website is essential for long term business as only you have control of it.

      The WF can still be useful for generating purchasers and these can be signed up to your subscriber list and - then sold to from your own website - once you have gained their trust.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ged3
    Yes Palmtreelife,

    good point - with advertising you always need to try different things and keep a record so that you can analyse what is working best so that you can repeat that and delete what is not working.

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