Which domain to use and which to redirect

7 replies
Just looking for a bit of advice on the following:

I have two domain names extensions. The .co.uk one and the .com one.

Which one shall I use as my main domain?

I will be targeting UK only, so not sure if the .co.uk extension is best or whether to use the.com

I will be forwarding ( redirecting ) the one I don't use.

Your thoughts please

#domain #redirect
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  • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
    If you are only targeting the UK then use the .co.uk extension and redirect the .com

    Host your domain on the fastest local service you can afford. Someone like skynethosting dot net has good local UK hosting plans if you want something economical but fast. Their UK business pro plan is on a shared server but has the added benefit of mailchannels service which helps keep your email from ending up on blacklists.

    Best regards,

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  • Profile picture of the author puppy5502
    Perhaps you should check your search engine results. If .com is rare in the results perhaps you should use .co.uk
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  • Profile picture of the author senupal
    I agree with oziboomer that .co.uk is best for targeting for uk
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    If it's uk only then chances are you should make the uk address your primary.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I would go with .co.uk as the primary domain, and then redirect the ".com" extension.
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  • Profile picture of the author blueclcl
    I want to target everyone worldwide but for SEO purposes I feel it's easier to target Uk. The search number for keywords I will target are still high enough to do well for UK only.

    Another question I have is:

    If you are non UK residents then would you buy from a uk domain? A site with Uk pricing in pound ect?
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    • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
      Originally Posted by blueclcl View Post

      I want to target everyone worldwide but for SEO purposes I feel it's easier to target Uk. The search number for keywords I will target are still high enough to do well for UK only.

      Another question I have is:

      If you are non UK residents then would you buy from a uk domain? A site with Uk pricing in pound ect?
      Totally different question than your original one. In it, you said you would be targeting the U.S. only. Now, you are saying you want to target the entire world (almost always a bad idea, incidentally) but that you think the U.K. will be easier to rank.

      If you will ultimately be trying to get business worldwide, I would go with the .com domain name.

      In many cases, people WILL NOT buy from another country's domain. Some people won't care, though, and another large percentage of people won't even notice.

      If you are targeting people in countries with different currencies, you should have a currency converter that converts prices into the site visitor's currency.
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