Looking for .mobi Wordpress Ideas

6 replies
I have read the pros and cons of getting a .mobi domain name (the cons seem to be winning) but for some reason, I really like the idea.

So I registered a wonderful .mobi domain name this morning and am now trying to figure out what to do with it. Or should I say 'how' to do something with it.

I checked out mobisitegalore.com - it looks quite promising.

However, I'd rather have control of my site rather than building something on a free site, no matter how good it looks.

I'd love to use Wordpress, but I can't find any good .mobi wordpress themes. I know the theme has to be pretty basic, and mostly I want to enter text rather than graphics.

Can anyone point me in the direction of some good (paid or free) .mobi wordpress themes?
#ideas #mobi #wordpress

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