How to limit webinar workshop registration

4 replies
Hi guys,

I'm doing a series of the same webinar workshop, but only want about 8 people per event, as it's interactive. I'm using aweber and zoom, and can also use timetrade.

Any ideas on how I can keep registrations to 8 per event? I'd prefer to have this automated rather than having to set up after they indicate interest. Not sure where the best part of the process is to insert a limiting process or what to use.

#limit #registration #webinar #workshop
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  • Profile picture of the author DIABL0
    Why 8?

    I'm not well versed with webinars, but all marketing is a numbers game.

    Limiting to 8 sounds like a serious waste of time.

    I can't imagine anything exists to do what you want because I'm pretty sure anyone doing them would consider 8 attendees to be a failure.
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    • Profile picture of the author jbmunchie
      Hi Diablo,

      It's an interactive workshop, not a bulk webinar. The purpose is different and definitely not a waste of time. I know there are others out there using a similar format because I've been on some of those events. Just hoping there are some options I don't know about but am checking with Aweber and zoom as well.

      So, to answer your 'why 8' question, it's like a small mastermind in some ways where I'm having a very interactive conversation with a few people. Without that interactive intimacy, the value just isn't as obvious.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steve L
        Originally Posted by jbmunchie View Post

        Hi Diablo,

        It's an interactive workshop, not a bulk webinar. The purpose is different and definitely not a waste of time. I know there are others out there using a similar format because I've been on some of those events. Just hoping there are some options I don't know about but am checking with Aweber and zoom as well.

        So, to answer your 'why 8' question, it's like a small mastermind in some ways where I'm having a very interactive conversation with a few people. Without that interactive intimacy, the value just isn't as obvious.

        I've seen this type of format as well. I know Sendowl will let you limit the number of sales to whatever you want. In your case after you've sold 8 it won't let anybody buy anymore. This would of course require you to use Sendowl to process transactions though. I've used them before though and have never had any issues.
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    why not just ask the services you are using. They would probably be the ones with the answer


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