All Things Being Equal or Are They?

1 replies
Let us say you are looking for backlinks not traffic.......

If a blog has a high PR and you make a comment on it hence getting link juice would that be equal link juice to spending time and building a page on a web2.0 property that has the same PR (even though the page you are building does not have the PR of the main site)

That being the case wouldn't it make sense to spend time blog commenting on a variety and number of blogs instead of Web2.0 building as you can spread the link juice more?
#equal #things
  • Profile picture of the author dndoseller
    I can say that I landed a deep link in a comment on a blog post on a major site that ended up having a PR 4 on that specific page - and I was the only person who made a comment!

    That ONE link gave my blog post a PR 2. So all things being equal you should have a link on a page that has page rank. That is what I always go for.

    Why bother with Web 2.0 link wheels and all that unless your content is of poor quality and real webmasters and bloggers delete all your links and wont answer your link exchange emails.

    As an example I get link exchange requests all day via email for my site and I delete 90 percent because the sites are lame and I dont want to send people there.

    However about once a week I get a nice personal note from a webmaster of a high quality site and not only do I exchange links but I often blog about them!

    Remember how you and I met Lil? Now THAT is the way to get links... and those will sit on my blog forever.
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