seeking PLR Ebook marketing & Webinar marketing

by chase
4 replies
Can anyone point me towards some PLR resources that target:
1. Marketing using Ebooks
2. Marketing using Webinars

I am look for info covering "how-to" guides, samples, what types, what to avoid, etc.

Appreciate any suggestions.

#ebook #how to #marketing #plr #seeking #webinar
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  • Profile picture of the author wilsonmacgregor
    you could try unstoppableplr
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  • Profile picture of the author hbeezy
    You could try as well. There are plenty of plr sites online that have what you are looking for.

    I'm assuming you are looking for plr content to use, rebrand/rewrite and sell... There are also some plr sites that limit their content so it is not sold to everyone (flaminghotplr, tiffany lambert, sue fleckenstein, etc)

    These are just a couple of places you could look at. Honestly, google is your best friend.
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  • Profile picture of the author robermonas
    My suggestions are PLR Dealers and IDPlr. The second one you can find on ClickBank.
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    • Profile picture of the author wilsonmacgregor
      Originally Posted by robermonas View Post

      My suggestions are PLR Dealers
      The only thing I do not like about plr dealer is it is a membership site. I am not against membership sites except when it comes to plr. you have to wait until the new month then you may get something you want but will definitely get lots of stuff you do not want or need.

      I prefer plr sites where I can just buy what I want.
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