Yahoo Answers to sell? Any success with this?

35 replies
Has it worked for anyone? All these youtube videos are saying $100, $200 a day?
You answer questions and cloak your affiliate link with I also used tinyurl, wonder if there is a difference. I am putting the link in the source, does that matter? Or in the answer?
Thery're saying sell clickbank products... I am sending traffic to my store. Hope it works!! I am desperate for some sales. Put up a store last summer, was horrible failure and it was a lot of work and high exoectations.

Now I put up a smaller store that is easier and just has a few products.

Makes sense. Hope it works.
#answers #sell #success #yahoo
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    I am sure it still can, but probably not as well as it used to. The yahoo answers train left the station a couple of years ago. It was pretty much taken over by spammers. You know, what you want to do


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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  • Profile picture of the author naviown
    Not that much to gain from yahoo answers. Try quora
    DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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    • Profile picture of the author codyhay
      Yeah Quora is one of the best site. Too bad people are nowadays using it for advertising.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I think you loose your time on yahoo answers as they were spamed to death by affiliate links and now they kill them imediatly .A better option for you its quora
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  • Profile picture of the author CoffeeFan
    Thanks, will bag yahoo answers.
    Has this worked for anyone with an e-commerce store? If you're a little store, you can't compete with nordstrom, lord and taylor, etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    Why don't you try another way to get free traffic?

    I tried this method before, but this method required to answer one by one

    It's not effective to drive a lot of traffic to our site.
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    • Profile picture of the author naviown
      Originally Posted by Mabu Map View Post

      Why don't you try another way to get free traffic?

      I tried this method before, but this method required to answer one by one

      It's not effective to drive a lot of traffic to our site.
      Not true, if that question blows up, or that question is most searched for online then well you get free exposure to your website and you get more traffic to your website.
      DFY(Done-For-You) Service. Building A $3k/Month Biz From Scratch.

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  • Profile picture of the author faisalmaximus
    Now a days Yahoo answers are getting very view chances in Google SERP, Quora has already taken the place. So use quora to get double ROI doing the same hard work.
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    Whether using Yahoo Answers or Quora, the key is to link to a very well written article that thoroughly answers the question - DO NOT just link to a product page.

    Sure, in that thorough article you can have links to products but if you just link to products from either Yahoo Answers or Quora, your answer will likely get deleted as spam and you may very well get banned from the platforms.
    Signature - The #1 place to buy & sell websites!
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  • Profile picture of the author CoffeeFan
    Hope it works. quora is saying I crossed 700 views, I am assuming that means 700 people looked.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    It can still be a good source of traffic but it is a lot of work. You can not outright post any affiliate links. They will boot you out of there quickly. It has always been like this... very strict.

    However it can still work (as a long term plan) for those who actually 'enjoy' giving value.

    But if you're just there just too get traffic for yourself quick and easy...

    As they say in New Jersey...

    Forget about it!
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  • Profile picture of the author filiks
    I think youre better off with quora (though its getting spammed to death too) but its still better compared to using yahoo answer
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  • If you are going to use website like "Yahoo Answers" & "Quora", to generate targeted traffic, then it's best to send that traffic to your opt-in form, where you collect their email address in exchange for a free trial period, for one or more of the products on your online store. You will require a landing page and an autoresponder service to capture email addresses. You can do some research on which service is best to start with if you don't already have one.

    It's very rare that traffic from those websites like "Yahoo Answers" will covert to a sale immediately, unless you nurture a relationship with them, by giving them something for free first. Unless of course it's Samsung TV's you're selling in your online store. Send your list updates on what new products your selling in your online store, especially if you can offer them an early bird special discount.

    In essence, you won't immediately make sales online from just answering questions online. Unless you know how to write hypnotic sales copy. Even so it may not convert effectively.
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    • Profile picture of the author CoffeeFan
      Great idea, but I can't afford to send out free products. Later I could.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pablo Visconti
    I think quora is the place to go nowadays...

    The best way to use this method, would probably be to link out to an article on your blog or a youtube video, since quora likes that a lot.

    A bunch of people have been saying it's a great traffic source, you can get thousands of views and whatever...but i'm not so sure how well they'll be converting. You can totally try that out though
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  • Profile picture of the author jduck1979
    Yahoo Answers is becoming a waste of time these days as I've noticed they seem to have started shadow-banning replies with certain links in them, regardless of whether or not they're "spammy".... and they only become visible again after editing the post to exclude the link.
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  • Profile picture of the author CoffeeFan
    Thank you everyone!

    Quora had 3000 views over a few days so that is good.But you're right, that does't mean sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Does it still work? I remember this technique back in 2013-2014 when It got so popular, I think Yahoo figured it out and they are protecting their network now.
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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    If yahoo answer is getting traffic, it will work...You might need like 200 clicks to make 1 sale. However when i had my sale, which was few years ago, i had the traffic directed to my blog content and it had a affiliate banner on sidebar..
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  • Profile picture of the author kyurin
    More important question is that is your store and products good enough for the traffic to convert?

    Quora and Yahoo Answers are not really places to sell products unless they directly solve a problem that people are actively looking for. Spamming one's links doesn't work, instead try to bring people value first.

    It is better to link to a video or a blog post if you want to use Quora or Yahoo Answers.

    Depending on your products, it's better to just run FB/IG/YT/Google ads and if you don't have the money to run nads, get a job and save up $1000-2000. It'll make things much easier.
    Grab a free list of 500 Instagram influencers:
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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Joce
    I dont think so that ship has sailed
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Yahoo answers takes too much effort if you are driving traffic through links

    But if you are driving traffic through citation or the STREISAND EFFECT, it still works

    If it were up to me, I'd stick with Quora for most niches

    Reddit is good too if you have a content-based system
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  • Profile picture of the author bigbinhire
    yahoo answers are dipping down day by day , but you can use Quora as it sis growing and there quality is good.
    skip bin hire melbourne fast, reliable skip hire in Melbourne. Our 4-20m3 walk-in bins start from $300. Call for a quote and same-day delivery
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  • Yahoo answers still exists? Wow

    I suggest you try out Quora or Reddit instead. You might have better luck there.
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Quora is a lot better than yahoo answers. Yahoo answers have had its time, it's no longer as effective as it was before.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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  • Profile picture of the author Maca56
    Yep, those along with Quora probably works well still, but you really need to write like at least 300 words reply with like one link and not more to be considered as good person and be countable so your post will stay there. Be prepared not just put link with cloaker, it's really a job.
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  • Profile picture of the author CoffeeFan
    Maybe Pinterest is better.
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  • Profile picture of the author beasty513
    I think Yahoo answers is a waste of time. Either they will block the link or ban your account. They're much better alternatives.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    You would be better off with paid marketing.

    FREE ads take a lot of time and most of the time it doesn't work. It 8s really up to you to determine which places are better then others.

    You just can't rely on one free way. When you do, it gives you the impression that you are not getting any results and never will.
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  • Profile picture of the author bond87
    If you watch a video and you try to apply what you have seen but does not work for you then you make it simple as you did or others that will work
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  • Profile picture of the author CherryMiss
    I suppose it depends on your niche. I didn't get expected results and stopped the campaign. I had a travel agency. I ordered several guest posts instead.

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  • Profile picture of the author sftslab
    Really impressive information you shared, thanks for giving such information
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  • Originally Posted by CoffeeFan View Post

    Has it worked for anyone? All these youtube videos are saying $100, $200 a day?
    You answer questions and cloak your affiliate link with I also used tinyurl, wonder if there is a difference. I am putting the link in the source, does that matter? Or in the answer?
    Thery're saying sell clickbank products... I am sending traffic to my store. Hope it works!! I am desperate for some sales. Put up a store last summer, was horrible failure and it was a lot of work and high exoectations.

    Now I put up a smaller store that is easier and just has a few products.

    Makes sense. Hope it works.
    Hello CoffeeFan,

    I feel the frustration in your post.

    I can tell you I am myself used Yahoo Answers in the past but I grew frustrated with it when it was clear to me that to make it be successful you pretty much have spend a lot of times answering questions. Also, a lot of the questions being asked are technical questions that you don't have no knowledge of.

    Furthermore, those questions on Yahoo Answers are usually months and years old. Again, it has been 5+ years since I have used Yahoo Answers. And given that a lot of the questions already go tens of answers given.

    Finally, given how frustrated you sound in your post, Yahoo Answers is not something I would recommend to anyone to take on on their own.

    I hope I was able to help.

    Stay cool and successful...
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