Twitter Followers Question

2 replies
Does anyone know how you can go through your Twitter Followers list and clean out certain people or groups that follow you?

I was in a niche which I am no longer associated. My stream constantly has postings that I do not wish to read any more regarding the niche.

I am not sure how you distinguish that a person is in that particular niche except when something goes by in the stream of information on your home page.

Any ideas how to accomplish this cleaning out task?

Thanks everyone!
#followers #question #twitter
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Parker
    I wouldn't suggest you to remove your followers as if you remove the number of followers, the traffic on your links will decrease and your value will also reduce.

    When it comes to users you are following, if some of them are not following you, you can go to the option "Following" and remove those users who are not following you.

    Hope this helps...

    All the best!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1324337].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Freedomcoach
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