A little tip for beginers who start with free traffic
Lets tell you something working in IM its not easy and it takes time
You start working hard you create youtube videos ,blog posts ,coment on forums and you are very excited . Then after some time you see that get almost 0 viess or some views on your yt videos ,blog posts etc
Then you get fustrated because you work maybe 8-10 hours daily and you see not results ,and you think this not working as you dont get any conversion and you lose your time
Then you give up or search for another method where you reapeat the same process
Lets tell you something .If you work with free traffic "CONSISTENCY" its the key you need to work and not stop because things dont work fast in IM after pain you see results where your videos will rank etc
My advice for you its to find a part time job and in the other time work in IM and never stop working even if you see 0 results ,good things come after a lot of pain
Coninue working ,be persistent
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