Using Core Ftp-File Size 1.18 GB (1,274,390,207 bytes)-Help Needed

3 replies
Hi Warriors, Right now I'm trying to upload a file that is excessively large to a website using Core Ftp. I was using filezilla at first but it was too slow.

Core ftp is still transferring slow but faster than filezilla I say. My problem is it keeps turning off after a certain period of time.

Also, now that I'm trying to restart the download it's saying "Noob" zzz and it wont start transferring again. What does that mean? I just basically need to know the correct settings I should adjust for my file transfer protocol so I can get this file uploaded.

Thanks in advance!
#118 #207 #274 #390 #byteshelp #core #ftpfile #needed #size
  • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
    It has more to do with your internet connection then anything ...

    I don't use Core ftp, so I don't know what "noob" means unless you've been hacked and the hacker is playing with you.

    Use Filezilla, set it to binary mode, and upload via "SFTP" and not FTP.

    Though I would seriously checked for a hack, and change your passwords.

    I've uploaded 2-3Gb videos with filezilla - no problem.
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    • Profile picture of the author jefferybaxter
      Originally Posted by Eric Lorence View Post

      It has more to do with your internet connection then anything ...

      I don't use Core ftp, so I don't know what "noob" means unless you've been hacked and the hacker is playing with you.

      Use Filezilla, set it to binary mode, and upload via "SFTP" and not FTP.

      Though I would seriously checked for a hack, and change your passwords.

      I've uploaded 2-3Gb videos with filezilla - no problem.

      Ok appreciate it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Is this shared hosting? I know my host has a cut off on the back end if I use the file manager of:

      Maximum File Size allowed for upload: 50 MB

      I don't FTP so I don't know if that allows something different - but if you still have issue after the above solution you may want to call your host.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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