Dean Graziosi and Stuart Ross type of courses
Why it seems I started to receive more and more affiliate marketing course ads via YouTube in recent times.
Why successful affiliate marketers I mentioned in my subject decided to go all in spending their money into promoting their courses instead of earning money old way by doing what they know best and what they teach others today- the affiliate marketing from the niche.
Is the consulting business more profitable than working on the niche today?
I mean why one second they realize they want to share the knowledge with all for a small fee of course.
Can I guess that this could be an indicator of the bubble in the affiliate market space?
I noticed that when people make less money from using their knowledge, they start selling that knowledge.
Are they tired of making money from niches and decided to become "generous" one day, sharing and exposing all their knowledge to masses? It is hard to believe that. I might be wrong.
The main focus for this discussion - does that indicate there are too many affiliate marketers that entering into niches online and trying to get conversions today?
Old sharks leave and change their strategy into the consulting business?
Thank you for your opinions
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