Landing page=1,125 Pageviews, 430 Uniques, 3 sales...I Think Somethings Wrong Here?

9 replies
I use ezine to get traffic but my conversion rate is terrible.

Any advice or encouragement is welcome.

Thank you.
#125 #430 #landing #page1 #pageviews #salesi #somethings #uniques #wrong
  • Profile picture of the author Jacer
    What is the site? Let us know and we can help critique...
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  • Profile picture of the author Spencer Haws
    Actually, depending on your niche, this might be a great conversion rate.

    Originally Posted by Steve36 View Post

    I have a blog with some good content on it. I use ezine to get traffic but my conversion rate is terrible.

    Any advice or encouragement is welcome.

    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve36
    Thanks for your time.

    I am wondering whether I should change themes. I am using wordpress. There are no complications in changing themes is there? ...I think it's easy?

    I have a 60% new visitors so people are coming back.
    3.5 pageviews-I have 5 pages of content.
    0.46% bounce rate.
    Avg. time on site 2:45

    This SHOULD be a hungary crowd and it is targeted traffic.:confused:

    Thanks balboa, but if I don't make some sales I won't even have a site in a few weeks. (can't afford to buy anything)
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  • Profile picture of the author patJ
    And the site and niche is...? It's hard to help you unless you give us some more info.

    But yes, changing themes is easy. Go with a simple theme. The less distractions the better.

    Elegant, simple and clean Landing Page Templates for just $7.

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    • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe

      Don't forget search bots can show up as visitors in your stats. So you may have had less eyeballs than you thought which means your conversion rate is higher then you thought.

      If you can write articles about your niche you can drive some additional traffic with little cash investment.

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  • Profile picture of the author source47
    I'd be very interested to know the URL for your landing page to critique.

    I assume that you have a call-to-action on the home page to encourage visitor to request more info or something like that. You said that you only had a few sales. Is it the price point of your product rather than the landing page? Just a guess, but would lowering the price of your product encourage more people to buy thus making more sales for you?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jesus Perez
    Originally Posted by Steve36 View Post

    I have a blog with some good content on it. I use ezine to get traffic but my conversion rate is terrible.

    Any advice or encouragement is welcome.

    Thank you.
    Ezine traffic? Please elaborate.

    That's some of the hardest traffic to convert.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steve36
    Really? Actually that makes sense, ezine is an information site after all.
    I have had 400 pageviews from them. I would still hope for 1% though...?

    I suppose... after thinking about it, If I have had search bots on my site, then my conversion rate might be a little better than I thought. Thanks Killer Joe.

    It's a shame I can't tell how much time each visitor is spending on my site. If I am getting an avarage time of 2:45 (time spent on site) and I am getting 3.5 pageviews....that seems to imply that a lot of people are only on my site for a matter of seconds...doesn't it?
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    • Profile picture of the author brchap
      What are you considering a "conversion"...?

      Are trying to get people to sign up for your newsletter or buy something?

      Depending on what it is, you may want to take one approach or the other. Sometimes setting up a dozen autoresponders and then building up a list of subscribers is the best way to go. Other times, you may want to go straight for the quick sale. Without more information, it's a guessing game.

      I'd say a 1% conversion on sales is good, if you are stirring up enough curiosity and then offering enough value. Remember that your solution to the problem should be of MUCH more value to the client than the price you are charging... but, sometimes this is hard to measure and can be an apples to oranges comparison.

      I say do some split testing and tracking. Add a free bonus, then test. Change the headline, then test again. Sometimes getting enough traffic to test can be expensive, but after you have raised your conversion rates you can back down off of paying for traffic and start sending more organic traffic over to the site.

      Good luck.

      I'm currently taking MASSIVE action...

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