Is This The Worst Crap We Have Ever Been Taught?
An idea hit me today, and I decided to discuss it with you..
The very first lesson we learned as newbies to online business is that:
"You should do business in a niche you're passionate about"
"You shouldn't try to do business in a subject you know nothing about"
And we used to think about these 2 sentences as being 2 sides of a coin..
But, it took me a long time to realize that, this is crap..
and these 2 sentences are hugely apart from each other, to an extent that one of them is absolutely correct, and the other is a total crap
(Note: all of this post is a personal opinion, it maybe right, it maybe wrong, that's why I opened this discussion)
First things first, when you enter this business, and try to choose a niche,
niches are classified for you into 4 categories:
1-Niches you no nothing about, and absolutely hate to be involved in.
2-Niches you no nothing about, but you are either neutral towards them or finding it interesting to know something about.
3-Niches you have some knowledge about.
4-Niches you are PASSIONATE about, means you have a vast knowledge about and know almost everything related to this niche.
According to the classical advice that I started with, the forth choice is the best to go with, and if you find a niche that lies in this category for you, and happens to be profitable and lucrative, you shall go immediately with this niche...
on the other hand, the first and the second options are niches to avoid, you shouldn't try to do business in a niche you're not interested in or know nothing about.
Well, This is where CRAP starts for me.
Let's explain ...
I'm passionate about "soccer", actually I'm CRAZY about this sport, I know everything a fan can know about it, I watch every single match I come by, I know every single detail about big teams and top players all around the world, I know by heart the history of the world cup since 1930 to every small detail.
If there's a contest about anything related to soccer, I'll definitely be the winner.
But, will I build a soccer site someday?
Because IT'S MY PASSION...
It's a hobby for me, I enjoy soccer, I love when I come across soccer sites as a regular fan, without thinking about checking their ranking or backlinks, or analyzing their onpage SEO factors...blah..blah..
I just enjoying being there as a fan, not a business man!
That's why I found the advice of "Doing business in what you're passionate about" a total crap...
If I do business in what I'm passionate about, what I'll keep for my own, personal, life joy?
My passions are things to enjoy, to feel the taste of life through, not to be hooked with in a business circle...
On the other hand, I found the advice of" Don't do business in something you know nothing about" absolutely true, but with a small twist...
If you find a market that you think profitable, but your knowledge about the subject is limited....what is the problem if you try to "learn" about it?
I was interested in knowing more about "Feng Shui" I got a book from the local library about the history of Feng Shui and started to read, few pages ahead I got bored to death, I used to hate subjects related to decoration and interior design..
Well I do business in this niche?
of course not!!
Feeling the hate to the subject while you're trying to learn about is a good sign to leave it alone,
In another occasion, I found a book about tarot.
I heard about it before, but my knowledge about it is very limited...
I enjoyed the reading very much, I was amazed how this subject is so interesting, and I got a couple of other books and read them for fun..
Now, Is it possible for me to think about this niche for business?
Of course!
The point is, it's not a big deal how much you know about a market to decide if you can do business in it or not, but once you made the decision you should learn about the given subject as much as you can...
But, you don't have to be passionate about it to build a successful business around it...
We are publishers, not creators!
The real passion that has to exist here is the passion to your business, the passion to build a successful site that attracts a lot of visitors and offer great value, and make good money in return
Take the book publishers as an example, what about Dan Brown's novels publisher?
He or she made millions from this novels, but does he/she have to be passionate about religious symbols or christian history?
Their only passion should be towards books and publishing, towards publishing a successful book that hits the skies with its success..
That's my opinion, with the desire to succeed and a fair knowledge about the subject, you can build a successful business in any niche under the sun..
Again, all of these are personal observations to be discussed..
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