5 reasons why you should use infographics

by WF- Enzo Administrator
29 replies

Infographics are used by almost everyone and can be found almost everywhere. They get the point across, and are easy to the eyes. In fact, the Warrior Forum Community Guidelines & Rules is laid out in an infographic so members can legibly read its content.

And sure, some of you might already have implemented or personally designed an infographic on your website or social media page, but for those who are yet to launch one, here are some insights.

Visually attractive

Infographics look beautiful and are pleasing to the eyes. Your audience is more likely to read and share your content when it's in a properly laid-out photo, not a bunch of texts.

Gives a perception of authority

Infographics give a sense of authority in the sense that it gives people a "wow" factor. And frankly, I am more likely to perceive a brand as believable if they have infographics on their website.

Makes content more readable

Designed properly, infographics are excellent eye candies. Statistical content, in particular, is more easily understood and readable when presented graphically because you are not giving your audience a "hard numbers slap".

Tend to be viral

Infographics stir up discussions, and these discussions are easily shared on multiple social networks. And if you have a LinkedIn business profile, professionals join in the discussion too.

Great for SEO

Infographics are one of the most effective methods of link building, and can generate backlinks because they are linkable and shareable.
#content #infographics #reasons
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    Thanks, and you must have a different definition of either 'tend' or 'viral" than I do.

    Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

    Infographics are used by almost everyone and can be found almost everywhere. They get the point across, and are easy to the eyes. In fact, the Warrior Forum Community Guidelines & Rules is laid out in an infographic so members can legibly read its content.

    And sure, some of you might already have implemented or personally designed an infographic on your website or social media page, but for those who are yet to launch one, here are some insights.

    Visually attractive

    Infographics look beautiful and are pleasing to the eyes. Your audience is more likely to read and share your content when it's in a properly laid-out photo, not a bunch of texts.

    Gives a perception of authority

    Infographics give a sense of authority in the sense that it gives people a "wow" factor. And frankly, I am more likely to perceive a brand as believable if they have infographics on their website.

    Makes content more readable

    Designed properly, infographics are excellent eye candies. Statistical content, in particular, is more easily understood and readable when presented graphically because you are not giving your audience a "hard numbers slap".

    Tend to be viral

    Infographics stir up discussions, and these discussions are easily shared on multiple social networks. And if you have a LinkedIn business profile, professionals join in the discussion too.

    Great for SEO

    Infographics are one of the most effective methods of link building, and can generate backlinks because they are linkable and shareable.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan S
    Most people are seem to be eye-minded that's why graphical explanation sits well on them. That' what exactly an infographic does, great marketing invention indeed!
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  • Profile picture of the author Damon Thomas
    Infographics are quickly turning into the favored methods for correspondence in the present computerized world. They are utilized as a useful asset to allow individuals to digest information quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author samkadya
    An infographic will give people the sense that you are an expert in the subject addressed in the infographic.
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  • Profile picture of the author codyhay
    That's why i always suggest people to use Infographics. As they help in creating user engagement.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jenelia Dsouza
    When used to provide useful information, they have the potential to go viral - prompting others to share your work on social media. Infographics are a powerful tool for increasing engagement, informing your readership, and converting website visitors into customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
    Really useful info. We have been using Infographics for one of our link building tools for our clients. But the main thing you need before crafting your infographic is research. If your research is good, only then your infographic can go viral.

    I help founders win more clients with Google Ads. Need help? Visit: shuvoimtiaz.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11555521].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Marian
      Originally Posted by shuvoimtiaz View Post

      Really useful info. We have been using Infographics for one of our link building tools for our clients. But the main thing you need before crafting your infographic is research. If your research is good, only then your infographic can go viral.
      That's right! This is my experience as well!

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  • Profile picture of the author sendizo
    I'd add:
    - easy to share and go viral
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  • Profile picture of the author marielcalilong
    infographics are more eye catchy
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  • Profile picture of the author outreachpanda
    #1 Engaging
    #2 Interesting
    #3 Visually Appealing
    #4 Easy to understand
    #5 Takes less time to understand than text content
    #6 Can be used to increase traffic(Pinterest)
    #7 Decreases bounce rate
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11555979].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Rob Dean
    Nice post. I really got valuable information by reading this post. Honestly speaking, before reading this article I was not much aware of the importance of infographics but now I clearly understand the importance of this. Thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author White Pearl
    Great post. No doubt info graphics are good for SEO and generating traffic moreover the tools like canva made is quite easy to generate high quality infographics wihout being photoshop guru.
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  • Profile picture of the author blackbelt
    I agree I love info-graphics. I use them a lot.
    Joe's Done It Again I'm excited to guide those who are ready to earn $100-$500 cash daily. http://cashdonerite.com
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  • Profile picture of the author sourabh kumar
    Infographics is combination of information and graphics, user easily understand any topic with help of infographics, In seo term we use infographics for backlinks like if we create infographics on pictochart then it link to our site and get high quality backlinks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11556490].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Really? This is what you thought would be useful?

      Originally Posted by sourabh kumar View Post

      Infographics is combination of information and graphics, user easily understand any topic with help of infographics, In seo term we use infographics for backlinks like if we create infographics on pictochart then it link to our site and get high quality backlinks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Curious
    5 reason that's why we use infographic is They are eye-catching. First and foremost, infographics will grab a customers attention.They make information accessible and easy to understand.They demonstrate thought-leadership. They will increase your viewers and drive traffic to your website. They promote awareness.
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  • Profile picture of the author anujkrajput
    here is top reasons -
    1. Tap in to the visual web
    2. Create viral content
    3. Bolster brand recognition
    4. Boost search engine performance
    5. Demonstrate expertise
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11556758].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wickieagentur
    As its mean info through the graphic. It makes anything easy to understand. Basically its a promotional way of search engine optimization and it attract the user thorough the graphics pasted on it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melvin Joe
    People never spend time to read our Content, but they love to see pictures !! This is the main reason that Infographics playing the main role today !! Your infographics should be attractive, informative with simple Content.
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  • Profile picture of the author monica geller
    Thanks for sharing. I don't know much about the infographics. Great effort and it is very helpful to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'll be the contrarian (what else is new). Used to explain, to train, to organie thoughts/actions, etc - infographics are fantastic. However, they are at times overused.

    Example - forum rules as an infographic. Looks good, readable...BUT....

    Not searchable, links in it are not clickable and you can't copy/paste a rule to provide an example to members. To me, not a logical use of infographics.... but that's just me.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11558009].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I'll be the contrarian (what else is new). Used to explain, to train, to organie thoughts/actions, etc - infographics are fantastic. However, they are at times overused.

      Example - forum rules as an infographic. Looks good, readable...BUT....

      Not searchable, links in it are not clickable and you can't copy/paste a rule to provide an example to members. To me, not a logical use of infographics.... but that's just me.

      For goobers who use Google to search for images, a loaded illo can be press-ganged into makin' an appearance.

      Infogiraffics aloft!

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11558048].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I definitely agree with using INFOGRAPHICS for SEO

    Since there are so many LAZY bloggers out there, they'd love to copy and paste the custom (linked) text you give them to intro the infographics you give them

    It's a WIN WIN
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11558461].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stylepick
    Infographics based content have become popular nowadays since these contents are so much understandable for the visitors. Besides these contents are also helpful for creating backlinks for your website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Beatriz1
    Worldwide Coverage.
    Increases Traffic.
    Brand Awareness.
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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    Is there a easy infographic tool that will help you build one quickly?
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  • Profile picture of the author phoebedamien
    We only got few seconds of our viewer's time. Infographics says it all at a glance.
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  • Profile picture of the author muscatbrillmindz
    When you include it in the blog article, you will shocked at the traffic response.
    why use them?
    1. Compulsory and Attractive
    2. Viral strength
    3. Simple to search and screen
    4. Label Consciousness
    5. Worldwide Coverage
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11561445].message }}
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