Any experience with selling leads from funnel?
First time writing here...
So, I'm currently re-building a funnel that's selling
info products (e-books about programming).
And at the moment I have a dilemma...
Right now my front-end offer is a book package for 11$
the OTO is a bigger bundle for 48$
And there is where I'm stuck. I would love to have a better product to offer at least around 200$ish.
However, I'm not the creator of these books (I've bought them from a ghost rider).
The options I thought about:
1. Selling a physical product (such as keyboard and mouse, computer screen)
2. Selling a branded t-shirt (which is not a high-value product but it's an option)
3. Selling leads to someone. (with that option I have no experience)
So, I would love to get 2 things from this thread.
1 - What is your opinion, does a potential client who've bought e-book bundle will buy a shirt or a physical product?
2 - If you have experience with selling leads online - in my example it will be for someone who offers programming courses.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
20+ Years Exp . . . . . . . . . . . . Email - CPA - PPL
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