How much important is Article in driving new traffic?

31 replies
Sometimes we read articles and sometimes we don't read them.
Articles provides content on a particular topic.
So, we read them if we want to.

Does it help that much in generating traffic?
Let us know about your ideas on this.
#article #driving #important #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well if your article its good ranked of course its worthing .You can get 500 readers per day as an example doing nothing .So yea its worth it
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    • It all depends of the purpose of writing your articles. Some internet markers use article marketing, to generate traffic to their websites, by inserting their website addresses, in the author's biography box. They use paid advertising to send targeted buyer traffic to the articles and they have a link to their lead capture page laced strategically throughout the articles.

      Well written search engine optimized articles usually generate FREE organic traffic to the author's website/lead capture page.

      Writing articles, give your prospects a taste of your content, which hopefully leaves them wanting more in-depth information from you, that they will be willing to pay you for.
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    Man you'll get old before you generate enough traffic to make even $ done right with good post. Thats a better prospect

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author godfather25
    Yes, article writing definitely helps but you're relied on SEO. But if you're going write articles on a blog, its a good idea to have a few social media platforms like facebook, or twitter. Where you can share your content with members there, to help build a following.

    I first started just with blogging, back in the day, when it was easy to get ranked on G. And made some really nice money. It's much harder these days, but still very lucrative.

    However, it can be a long process. Free traffic takes time. Paid traffic is faster, if you're the impatient type.
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  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    You might want to use the combination of writing a blog and automatically turn it into a video (some editing required). I'm particularly thinking of Lumen5 which has a free option. (I'm not an affiliate). As the saying goes, 'best of all possible worlds.'

    But 'possible' is the important caveat. As others have pointed out, you need eyeballs in either instance. And don't we all. I'll leave others to offer the secret formula for that. And there are many.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    That depends what you do with them. Article syndication can get you lots of traffic. Just posting it on your site won't get you much.

    Originally Posted by top1marktr View Post

    Sometimes we read articles and sometimes we don't read them.
    Articles provides content on a particular topic.
    So, we read them if we want to.

    Does it help that much in generating traffic?
    Let us know about your ideas on this.
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  • Profile picture of the author praetserge
    We write articles to give our visitors the information they are looking for so articles are very important.
    FREE $5 coupon for SEO Clerks - start building links (guest posts, niche eidts, etc) to your site for FREE. DM me for your FREE coupon. Only for new customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author IMWealthMogul
    The days of writing a keyword optimized article and posting it to Ezine sites, ranking it in Google, and driving traffic are gone.

    These days a better option would be to guest post articles on related blogs in your niche with a link back to your site.

    It does require some outreach and networking with other webmasters in your niche, but over time just a few guest posting relationships can bring in thousands of free visitors to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author bryan247
    Don't just do it... total waste of time. Leverage facebook marketing to drive traffic
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      "It" is a very vague term.
      So, what is a total waste of time? I know you cannot mean article marketing because I know it can work well when well executed. So, what is "it" please?

      Originally Posted by bryan247 View Post

      Don't just do it... total waste of time. Leverage facebook marketing to drive traffic
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  • Originally Posted by top1marktr View Post

    Sometimes we read articles and sometimes we don't read them.
    Articles provides content on a particular topic.
    So, we read them if we want to.

    Does it help that much in generating traffic?
    Let us know about your ideas on this.
    It all depends on the keyword(s) that the article is ranking for. If the keywords have a healthy monthly search volume and the article is ranked highly on the first page of Google, then they should definitely generate traffic.

    Also, you can post articles on sites like reddit to drive traffic. If the article is interesting enough and gets a lot of upvotes, it can generate a ton of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author extrememan
    Content will always be king. Video is drastically outperforming articles but people still prefer reading than watching. Combining both is not a bad idea.
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    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      If people prefer reading, how are videos outperforming written content?

      Originally Posted by extrememan View Post

      Content will always be king. Video is drastically outperforming articles but people still prefer reading than watching. Combining both is not a bad idea.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Originally Posted by top1marktr View Post

    Sometimes we read articles and sometimes we don't read them.
    Articles provides content on a particular topic.
    So, we read them if we want to.

    Does it help that much in generating traffic?
    Let us know about your ideas on this.
    At first I was going to say "What a stupid question."

    Then I got to think about it and realized that I for one often ignore stupid questions unless the question is not stupid at all.. its the person that asked the stupid question that I ignore.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    For SEO and social media traffic, articles are CRUCIAL but the future is going to be...

    TEXT and VIDEO
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    The key to writing articles to drum up business is to use them as dog whistles that call in your ideal buyers. Generic content won't get the job done. It needs to be something that helps your customer avatar with a problem. If you have content upgrades inside the articles it helps speed up the process.

    Free Training for SEO Providers in the United States -

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  • Profile picture of the author Laszlo Kovacs

    Well it depends on your strategy and effort. I mean how much time you want to invest in. If You are willing to post 2-3 new articles per week,and each provides great, educational and engaging information about a certain topic and you submit each of your articles on the biggest article directories than yiou can start seeing a decent traffic coming in to your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author joeldavis
    Your article gives you the opportunity to create relevant content for your customers and if you got success in achieving the customer interest then your article will definitely drive new traffic to your business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Originally Posted by top1marktr View Post

    Sometimes we read articles and sometimes we don't read them.
    Articles provides content on a particular topic.
    So, we read them if we want to.

    Does it help that much in generating traffic?
    Let us know about your ideas on this.

    First, articles alone do not generate traffic.

    Second, articles must be strategically designed and planned to generate traffic.

    There is a basic formula that I use that is essentially a three step strategic process.

    Strategic Process 1: Strategic On-page SEO.
    Focus on On-page SEO strategies, objectives and actions that correlate with:
    • ROI of your articles
    • Email subscribers
    • Sales (Conversions)
    Done right and your articles will pull traffic from the Search Engines. After all, people will not visit your articles without organic or paid traffic.

    Process 2: Strategic Article Creation.Gives you opportunities to create content that matches the On-page SEO and Searcher Intent.

    Strategic Process 3: Strategic On-page Monetization (ROI).
    Focus on opportunities to create and generate ROI:
    Relevant in-context links
    Relevant in-context ads.

    That is just the basics of my little formula that I employ on my sites. My sites are diversified, so the formula does not have to be followed step-by-step owed to diversification of my sites.

    The take-away is "action" and when we take "action" we generate traffic and ultimately conversions.

    Question: Do you prefer K.F.C. cold or hot?
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author elfrost
    How can i research what keywords are rangking high for my blog/web ?
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  • Profile picture of the author wolfdem
    In my experience is not entirely necessary
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Yes it definitely works
    How we get most of the traffic for our clients
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  • Profile picture of the author StefanP
    Writing articles to give your visitors the information they are looking for it is very important . But , it is not enough .
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    if you are writing them yourself its laser targeted traffic because people will like know and trust you..and if you are able to provide value, you are good to go with that
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    You're better off posting articles on a Wordpress blog you own and control.
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    • Profile picture of the author depotgang
      Originally Posted by tyronne78 View Post

      You're better off posting articles on a Wordpress blog you own and control.
      Bingo I agree blogging unique content will in the long run generate the best targeted traffic

      Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable.

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  • Profile picture of the author kyliejenner
    Good articles to give your visitors the information they are looking for it. Choose the best topic for your article then you can get good traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Getting traffic and lots if it from article marketing is, and this is my opinion, a thing of the past.

    10 years ago it worked well but because of so much competition these days, this should not be your primary way of getting traffic.

    Paid ads is the better and faster way to get results.
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  • Profile picture of the author myob
    Article marketing, when done right, is still the most formidable strategy for driving massive quantities of highly convertible traffic. I have found it to be the fastest and most effective method for establishing an online presence in even the most hotly competitive niches.

    But, just writing articles is only the beginning. They also need to be marketed to relevant online/offline publications. For example, I'm still marketing articles I've written years ago to new audiences. For any given commercially viable niche, there are virtually unlimited publication outlets suitable for for syndication. We call this article marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    I read somewhere that content is still King. So a good article can bring the content you need to make money. And a gain, you need to be consistent and write articles regularly.
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