I have a problem with my digital products with Apple devices users!
I'm running an online business to sell digital products; all download packages are compressed in zip format.
I don't have any experience with Apple devices, whether iPhone or MACOS, always dealing with android smartphones and MS Windows OS.
I noticed that many of my customers experience difficulties to unzip the digital packages they download after purchasing on my website. The main common thing between them all that they have an Apple device; they always mention something like "Finder" can't.....
I did create a MACOSX folder in the download package that contains duplicates for all package contents with all folders starting with "_" and files to begin with "._".
But I'm not sure that it is necessary to do this step as I understand that files like (JPEG, PNG, TXT, DOCX, and PDF) all can be opened with no problems on Apple devices.
What should I do from my side (Windows 10) while creating the download package to avoid any extraction problems on Apple devices?
Your help is appreciated!

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