Is $1 a minute expensive for custom video creation?
In the process of researching video source options, I've boiled down 4 alternatives
Option 1
- Create my own videos and speak in front of a camera (non-starter cuz I'm extremely shy and might flub up my speech if I get nervous)
Option 2
- Create whiteboard animations with my own voice (this has been beat to death and the software to create these have tricky monthly plans)
Option 3
- Hire a video spokesperson to present my script (from Fiverr etc)
Option 4
- Hire a voiceover person and another person to create a dynamic slideshow from the narration - all based on the script I supply them (again, from outsourcing platforms)
My question: I've found several providers for Options 3 and 4, the cheapest I got was for Option 4 which is $1 per minute.
Is this expensive or just right? Should I find a cheaper alternative?
Sadly, all the 'text to video' software options out there flat out suck even with the supposeldy AI-driven voice synthesizers so I have to rely on HUMAN voices/video spokesperson
Thanks in advance for your feedback/suggestions
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