Avoid these pitfalls when building your chatbot

by WF- Enzo Administrator
1 replies
Chatbots enable business to become more agile, as they automate responding to mundane user queries which can be resolved by quick 1-2-3 guides. However, it's still pretty common to make mistakes when building bots, so avoid these.

No strategy. At all.

Why build a bot when you don't even have objectives enlisted? And even if you have objectives, if you have no strategy to work on, I mean just why? What is your goal? Are you looking to have your chatbot takeover your customer touchpoints? Are you creating a virtual assistant when visitors come to your website? Discuss with your programmers your key goals and what you want to achieve, both short- and long-term.

Using chatbots wrongly.

No, you still can't create a chatbot as fluent and as sarcastic as Iron Man's J.A.R.V.I.S. At least just not yet, as chatbots are still incapable of responding to open-ended or complex queries. Right now, you can use chatbots to:
• Automate customer contact touchpoints
• As marketing automation tool
• As backend tools.

No branding.

I'm sure you have brand guide or something similar which you religiously follow and implement so you can properly represent and show what your brand is made of. And this means that anything attributed to your brand, including your bots - should align with your brand strategy and voice. Is your brand trying to be funny and humorous? Are you trying to portray sarcasm and dry humour? Are you serious and down to business?

Have you implemented a chatbot? Or are you currently implementing one? Chime in your thoughts!
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