What is the best way to promote an ebook without a website?

33 replies
Hi everyone,

I have an ebook and I am in the process of creating another, although it might take some time. I was wondering what format I should place my ebook on. I currently promoting it on my Instagram. However, I was thinking instead of a website for it, I can create a Facebook group, page or a wordpress blog. I'm not sure what to do. Would love some advice.
#ebook #promote #website
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Promote it via a mailing list

    Some email services like aweber offer hosted forms

    Promote the freebie you're offering to get people on your list on places like Twitter / Pinterest / FB groups / niche forums / reddit / etc
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    • Profile picture of the author John Durham
      Originally Posted by writeaway View Post

      Promote it via a mailing list
      Ultimately, the best traffic is your own traffic, that you send yourself. Paul Meyers taught me that, long ago. Good advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    yes a facebook page would be useful, because you are already using instagram and could connect these two-> double traffic without much extra work
    additionally you should go to facebook and find some groups which are in your niche and find potential readers in there.. connect with them , be friendly, helpful etc you know what I mean
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    • Profile picture of the author RollSolo
      Originally Posted by TobiMDD View Post

      yes a facebook page would be useful, because you are already using instagram and could connect these two-> double traffic without much extra work
      additionally you should go to facebook and find some groups which are in your niche and find potential readers in there.. connect with them , be friendly, helpful etc you know what I mean
      Thanks! But I can't pull emails through Facebook really. I would need some kind of capture service.
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  • Profile picture of the author depotgang
    So how does someone get the ebook without a website...how is it delivered. So if you have a simple website to deliver the ebook. I would promote with Social Media first...Twitter, Facebook and then considered paid traffic like solo ads etc. It all depends on the topic. If you have a popular "social" topic then instagram is fine, YouTube would be best

    Learn how to start your own Solo Ad Business without an autoresponder or build a list. It's Fast Fun and Profitable. https://soloadmasterclass.com/

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  • Profile picture of the author aluminous
    FB will work for you, really. Just set your advert company according to the your audience interests. It is a half of success
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Originally Posted by RollSolo View Post

    Hi everyone,

    I have an ebook and I am in the process of creating another, although it might take some time. I was wondering what format I should place my ebook on. I currently promoting it on my Instagram. However, I was thinking instead of a website for it, I can create a Facebook group, page or a wordpress blog. I'm not sure what to do. Would love some advice.
    keep promoting on social media + I would suggest your own website as having an ebook without a website is like selling a book without a bookstore

    Originally Posted by shawnlebrun View Post

    Amazon? Use their KDP program?
    yes that's another great option, I would also put it on eBay lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Warrior Forum Marketplace is another option.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Profile picture of the author aff101
    What about YouTube? It's a great traffic generator.
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  • Profile picture of the author hiteshd1
    If you are in the long run related to selling your ebooks, try platforms like, use platforms like Slideshare and post couple pages of your EBook as a preview. Make multiple listings, it is going to receive organic traffic for the times to come

    Learn Affiliate Marketing Step By Step Here.https://goo.gl/siwmMG

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  • Profile picture of the author solo27703
    You could also try digital delivery sites such as TradeBit.com and Payhip.com. Those platforms are great ways to sell products without having your own website.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    A blog would be great period yo drive extra traffic from search engines for free.Podcasting you tubing or fan page would drive traffic and build awareness too
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  • Profile picture of the author wisecoach
    Friend, website is must for ebook to promote better. You have already done hard work now just create a website , write a good sales page (that is not big deal for you) and you are done..For more better result, hire some sales page designer that could give them professional look. That's all done..

    These all cost few bucks but it will pay back more.Moreover, one time cost and work...If you go without this...your most of hard work go in vain.
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  • Profile picture of the author natostanco
    Mailing lists are quite good ways to do it. Or just social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jerlene65
    My name is Bridget Malone. I think you should write an article about your ebook on wordpress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gh0st4unt3r
    Social Media is a good way to go but also have you thought about third party marketplaces that allow you to sell via their websites, they may take a small cut (commission) but they already have driven traffic to their websites which could prove well for you.

    New Developers Community - Storm Developers

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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    The best way is to create a squeeze page and build your email list, and then send them your offers. do this and you will collect new leads who become loyal audience in your business. once you do that. start a captivating blog and write between 5-20 articles and focu on serving your visitors.
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  • Congrats to you for completing your E-book. May be good to consider putting your E-book on platforms like JV Zoo, ClickBank, Amazon, etc and get others to promote for you.

    You will definitely have to pay a small fee in the form of commission for these affiliate marketers.

    You can also consider running solo ads from time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Originally Posted by RollSolo View Post

    Hi everyone,

    I have an ebook and I am in the process of creating another, although it might take some time. I was wondering what format I should place my ebook on. I currently promoting it on my Instagram. However, I was thinking instead of a website for it, I can create a Facebook group, page or a wordpress blog. I'm not sure what to do. Would love some advice.
    Sell it on your own website. You have no competition there. You won't have to under price it, and you get the opportunity to sell 1-to-1 without any competing ads or competitors who are selling similar items. Never rely on another platform other than your website to make money. Once the platform goes - or the rules change... so does your income.
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  • Profile picture of the author venibbs
    Usually, your marketing approach should depend on your niche (the niche of your book). when you have identified your niche, you can now focus on identifying your potential market. i would advice you look for relevant face book groups for your products and interact for now.
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  • Profile picture of the author jgriff225
    If you don't have a website then you could try selling your ebook on Ebay, Forums related to your ebook or Amazon.
    Cheap Web Hosting - Find the Best Web Hosting to start a business or personal website..!
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    I would advise that you go for a blog. If you can remain consistent and promote the blog, you are likely to create a following that will be interested in the ebook.
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  • Profile picture of the author xjason2x
    If you want to do this long term, you need to build up a brand and a following first. So the strategy is put out valuable content on platforms such as Facebook, Youtube, Quora etc then put your ebook link on your profile or at the end of the content.

    If you can post valuable content out there, people will eventually want to know more and check out your eBook. I would sugguest you to create a self-hosted Wordpress blog and create a page promoting your eBook.

    So when you promote the page of your eBook on other platforms, you are also doing SEO in the process and you will rank on Google with low difficulty keywords. So you get even more traffic to your eBook.

    Another way to do this is paid traffic but the money you make will be short term.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Web hosts, websites and autoresponders are so cheap these days I don't understand "why" anyone could not afford it. Heck, all of that can be obtained free.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Without a website there are a few options I would recommend.

    1) Facebook posts/ads
    2) Run Solo Ads with your contact info (instead of a website)
    3) Twitter posts with your contact info
    4) Safelists with your contact info (instead of a website)
    5) Craigslist Ads with your contact info (instead of a website)
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    I think you should combine all of them. The social media and a good blog can give you the traffic you need to make your business profitable.
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  • Profile picture of the author jackanderson96
    Social media - There's even niches in Snapchat
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Scott Jr
    If you are referring to how to be able to deliver the ebook without a site, you can do so via Google drive. You can share a pdf. However you are better off having a website. Hosting it's pretty cheap for something like this.

    Take a Free Test Drive of my "DONE-FOR-YOU-FUNNEL" to promote your affiliate offers for more leads and more commissions. Click Here For A Free Test Drive <--

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  • Profile picture of the author Single Creator
    amazing, thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author Fischlein11
    Socil Media is the best way to promote
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