My 3 Day $2500 Challenge Results & Method
Anyway as it started of as a 3 day challenge I didn't even get round to doing research the first two days and so it really ended up like a 5 day challenge anyways the results from the 5 days was $2136.
I didn't reach the target of $2500 but it was still a great effort even if I do say so myself starting again from scratch.
Ok so heres how I did it.
First step was to create a large ebook that I could sell for $37 this would be where I would make the most money.
I was going to research this but didn't focus and just got a great course that I have obtained PLR rights to that was already on my hard drive, if you dont have any plr you can do a google search for free plr and also if you choose you can pay a small amount to get a great quality plr.
Next step tidy up and update the plr ebook and make it unique and my own.
Job 1 Complete.
I then went about trying to figure out what my 10 small reports where going to be about so I went to amazon.com and clicked into books and found out what the bestsellers where and then chose 10 topics that I could write on.
Once I had my topics I simply went to find forums on each of them for example one was about a niche within gardening so I searched for gardening forums and read the posts about my niche.
I made notes of the most common questions that where being asked and that were appearing the most and then I simply found out the questions to those answers within the forums themselves and compiled a report on it.
I did this for 10 topics and so I now had 10 small reports that I could sell.
Job 2 Complete
What I had so far:
1 Large ebook which would sell for $37 each
10 Small ebook reports which would sell for $7 each
Next I made a note of my target goal which was $2500 and tried to figure out how many sales I would need exactly so that I could reach the goal in the quickest time possible.
I worked it out what the minimums that I could achieve would be below:
Between 10-20 for the $37 ebook
10 Copies of each of the $7 ebook
So the totals I worked out would be:
$370-$740 for the $37 ebook
$700 for $7 ebook reports
Total minimum would be $1070-$1440
I looked at this and thought if I only sell the minimum then there is no way that I could reach my target because at the top end its still only $1440 so I had to think of something that I could do to increase sales.
The only thing that I could think of was upsells and one time offers so thats what I did.
I created an upsell for the $37 ebook, to put it simple all I did was take the ebook that I had already created and quickly make it into a video course, now I didnt have much time on my hands so I made the videos short but very precise and step by step which made things much quicker, I then also added short reports and bonuses that I found on the internet.
I priced the upsell at $67, what this means for those that dont understand is normally when someone would buy the $37 ebook that would be it and that would be the amount that I would make but now that I was offering a video course upsell aswell I was then able to increase my sales to $104 for those that went for the upsell.
I did the exact same method above for the short reports that I created once again making a video however it was only 1 video to compliment the report and priced the upsell at $20 increasing my sales to $27 for those that went for the upsell.
Now with the upsells in place I went back to my minimum stats that I made to judge how much I could make and included the upsells.
Between 10-20 for the $37 ebook
Of which 3-5 took upsell at $67
10 Copies of each of the $7 ebook
Of which 15 took upsell at $20
These were the minimums that I thought I could sell.
Job 3 Complete
Now that everything was in place it was just a matter of getting my ebook and reports out there.
Ok so the first thing I thought was that I would simply upload a sales page onto my hosting however I remembered that I wanted to show people how they could do it from scratch without any money so I did just that.
I created a wordpress blog for the large ebook and also each of the 10 short reports.
I chose a targeted keyword for each of the niche topics that I picked and made that my blog title.
Next I went back to the niche forums to get some content that I could use to put onto my new blog, what I simply did was to find a great post that was getting alot of views and then I contacted the person that wrote the post and said to them that I enjoyed reading their post and that I would like to add it to my blog, she agreed and I also provided a link back to her site so it was a win win situation, free content for me and a free link and some traffic for her.
I did this a few more times so that I created 4 new posts and on the 5th post was when I posted about my new report/ebook that I had created so that it would appear at the top of the blog.
When I was making each post I submitted to 5 social bookmarking sites to get the ball rolling and for the search engines to spider my new blog.
I also went to pingomatic to submit my blog posts.
Now once I had all the content in place for all of the ebook/reports it was time to start bringing in the sales, now I wont go into how I added a paypal button for payment etc as you can find that out or just ask me and I will help but anyway thats who the payments where coming through.
Afterwards I submitted all of my blogs rss feeds to the top sites to bring in some extra traffic and also help my search engine rankings.
I was going to submit some articles to some of the top article directories but I decided not to because for some new people trying this 3 day challenge it could take upto 7 days to get your articles approved so kind of beats the 3 day challenge but go for it anyway.
Next I went back to trusty google and searched for related blogs on each topic of my ebook/reports. I looked through the posts on the blogs to see if there where many comments so that I could see that there was potential traffic there that I could siphon off to my blog, if there wasnt many comments I simply went onto the next blog.
When I found a post with lots of comments now when I say lots I was typically looking for more than 5, then what I did was instead of just writing a normal post I created a short video talking about the post that the author wrote and also gave a tip on the same subject and then shown my blog link in my video plus send, if you want any more tips on such and such then visit my blog at .........
You would be suprised how much traffic alone this brought.
I did that for each of the reports on 3 different blogs and also uploaded the videos to youtube, metacafe and viddler.
Along with the video comments adding great content I also did some normal blog commenting write short comments and providing a link back to my own blog.
Next up I setup a twitter account for each report and then searched for people interested in the topic that I wrote the report about, I simply added them to my twitter following and then posted a link on my twitter profile back to my blog along with some useful other content, once again I did this for each of my products that I had for sale.
I forgot to also mention that when I uploaded my videos onto youtube I searched for similar videos that where already getting a high number of views and added my video as a video response, some great traffic there.
While I was still continuing to add new traffic getting strategies I was already making some sales.
My next move was to go back to the forums where I had found my content and then add my blog to my signature and submit some good quality posts which I found from searching questions on my topic through yahoo answers and combined the best answers into a new thread on the forums.
While on the subject of yahoo answers I submitted my blog there aswell simply search for your niche and then provide an answer with a link back to your website or blog in my case.
Next with my already created content and new found content I created a hubpages, weebly and squidoo page that I could paste my content into and provide a link back to my blog which also helped with the rankings.
When I was done creating all my videos, hubpages, squidoo, weebly, blogs etc I went an used socialmarker to bookmark every single site to also drive traffic.
Now the sales where coming in and so it was time to invest in some more traffic, I only got involved with this traffic source myself around 4 months ago and it is great although some people argue that, anyway I signed up with freeebooks.net and created a new teaser version of each of my 10 reports and submit it to the website freeebooks, remember if you are doing this for traffic to include a link or ad at the bottom of your teaser version that will link to your sales page/blog.
It costs under $20 to register and submit but only do this when you get the first initial sales coming in so that you can use that to pay for it.
I will stop here now so that you can take everything in and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask me.
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