Put in the time ( So few people do this )
I just want to put something out there and I know many product owners will benefit from this. This particularly applies to those with evergreen products...
I'm talking about training your affiliates to sell for you. Sure many people will mention in their ebook that the reader can promote it for cash but that's where it stops.
What if you were to actually invest your time in training affiliates to be effective affiliate partners of yours ?! I'm not just saying hand them a bunch of resources and swipe files either, I mean REALLY train them.
What if you have a system to train affiliates for example to - setup a blog, drive traffic, build a list, use social media ... etc ?
The kind of training many sell every single day online, you give for FREE !
But what happens ?
You have an army of affiliates that can promote for you on an on-going basis, you have loyal followers that trust and respect you because of the help you have given them and ultimately your business grows immensely.
Just some thought there for people, would love to hear your thoughts
Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
Click To Go BIG!
Here's A Ready-Made High Ticket Product To Make Your Own.
Click To Go BIG!
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