Targeted TRAFFIC is NOT even ENOUGH!!! - Here's the MISSING PIECE

21 replies
Hi guys!

If you drive a lot of traffic to your offer and see no/little results
Maybe here's why:

You didn't know how to communicate with your leads EFFECTIVELY
this is the BIG Problem because the main money is come from the list

If you don't do this part right, then you can quickly turn your list
into an empty list.

95-99% visitors will not buy at the first time they face your products
You will have to focus to optimize the way you connect with your leads.

When i changed my focus is when i make more sales

Here's my tip for you.

You should build a community, not just a list.
You should have your own fanpage or at least let people add you as friends on facebook

Don't try to hide from them
You should create your own facebook group
should be a private facebook group

You can post some post on your facebook group
or add some valuable content of it then send to your list.

By doing this, your prospects can see and know more about who you are
More trust.

MORE TRUST -> MORE SALE just that simple

I hope this help
#missing #piece #targeted #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    This are some nice advices .The important part its that many gurus tell you to build a huge email list and you will make shit load of money .I dont say that you cant make money but the real money its in the relationship developed with that list
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  • Profile picture of the author JPs copy
    And my experience, it's just easier to tell the truth. You'll be seen as more trustworthy and you'll get more repeat business
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  • Profile picture of the author amybol
    Good Post. Building trust and being transparent help the people to connect with each other
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  • Profile picture of the author kjblitz
    Good post. It goes without saying that people buy from people they know and trust
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  • Profile picture of the author tyronne78
    If you want to build a profitable online business that pays you for decades focus on building a large email list of subscribers who know,like & trust you.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I am glad things are working out for you. Why do you call this the missing piece?

    Originally Posted by Mabu Map View Post

    Hi guys!

    If you drive a lot of traffic to your offer and see no/little results
    Maybe here's why:

    You didn't know how to communicate with your leads EFFECTIVELY
    this is the BIG Problem because the main money is come from the list

    If you don't do this part right, then you can quickly turn your list
    into an empty list.

    95-99% visitors will not buy at the first time they face your products
    You will have to focus to optimize the way you connect with your leads.

    When i changed my focus is when i make more sales

    Here's my tip for you.

    You should build a community, not just a list.
    You should have your own fanpage or at least let people add you as friends on facebook

    Don't try to hide from them
    You should create your own facebook group
    should be a private facebook group

    You can post some post on your facebook group
    or add some valuable content of it then send to your list.

    By doing this, your prospects can see and know more about who you are
    More trust.

    MORE TRUST -> MORE SALE just that simple

    I hope this help
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11602261].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
      Because all i saw is that people are trying to build a list,

      a big list, but not a lot of people are mention about this.

      This is one of the mistake that i make at the beginning

      So, i'm trying to help people if they are making the same mistake
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    a good advice, thanks for sharing.

    It's one of the main reasons why people fail to make money online.
    They forget to deliver enough value and building trust
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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    "Atta Boy", trust is the name of the game. You are my friend, i buy what you recommend. You are not my friend, you recommend; i go search in the Google to look for reviews. Especially selliselling $500- $1k ticket items needs more building trust; or you can borrow the trust by befriending authoritative figures. Same as in bbc has different trust value than same ad in some unknown site. You can leverage authority and trust of someone else. That's why you see advertorials that has logo of CNN, Dr oz, msnbc, mens health etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Great Point.

    Of course no one shoe will fit all. So it will be our job to tailor our style to our audience.

    We talk about trust and use pen names, fake avatars, jump into niches we really do not personally indulge in and still can create value and enjoy success etc.

    I think everyone on this thread is certainly not the churn and burn strategy but the cultivation and relationship strategy that is long term leverage.

    I like to use real case studies in just about everything. It can not be disputed and gets trust by default generally.

    I do not need to get in peoples heads except for the fact to make what I share relevant to their goals.

    Surveys help with that.

    I will not be posting pics of me and the family

    But I will post and share the best helpful info I can at all times.
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  • Profile picture of the author sligon00
    Yes, so true ...without their trust, they will soon leave you... :-)

    No Sig Free Zone

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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    This is great advice! Customers not only buy products and services they are buying the brand/person/mission behind it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
      Thank you. You're right

      That's why we will need to put more effort to build the relationship
      Free Training: How To Earn $123+/D Online
      Even If You're A Complete Beginner - Click Here
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  • Profile picture of the author tomkos1234xx
    This is called branding. The process behind it should be as simple as possible and trustworthy.

    The Best Quality SEO Service For All Kinds Of Web developers and App creators. Give us chance on

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  • Profile picture of the author Harry Warren
    Thanks Linh! Great advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author Perimeter 81
    I agree. I think once you got a lead you have to fuel them with additional info about your product and this way you could get more sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author pilerp
    The problem is, it takes time to build trust. Also it's not easy if you know what you are doing. Whereas I need money now, today. What can I do to do that in a way that's not complicated for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author baokhau
    People work with people who they know, like and trust.

    Lots of people are making money using the FB profile. And the sales are generated from their friends.
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  • Profile picture of the author abril
    Thanks for the advice! With a dedication to consistent quality, we create a foundation of firm trust.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    I think OP forgot to mention the REAL missing piece

    Building a community is nice to build sustained and self-reinforcing traffic

    But what's the point of POURING TRAFFIC into a BLACK HOLE??

    That's right... you may be able to get traffic (and I get tons from FB groups) but if I were to POUR THAT into a NON-OPTIMIZED / GENERIC SALES FUNNEL, I am (at best) settling for CENTS on the DOLLAR or (at worst) WASTING MY TIME


    Step 1: Be clear about your conversion GOAL (hint: it must be about adding dollars to your bank account)

    Step 2: Track your content funnel performance in passing traffic to your conversion pages

    Step 3: Optimize your conversion pages

    You can do this yourself if you have the time and motivation or your can hire a VA to do it for you.

    VA's are cheap if you know how to train and where to look

    You can go the time-based route (Upwork / Fiverr) or quota-based/pay for results route (Cognoplus / Harrios )

    Whatever direction you go, OPTIMIZE, OPTIMIZE, OPTIMIZE
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  • Profile picture of the author shmol
    I could not agree more.

    Be open and honest--give good reviews of products.

    Don't push every offer that comes along--be selective about the ones you promote.

    Also, when you give something away to your list or FB group--make it count--make it good actionable info--a PDF or video that actually gives them something that works--like a way to get targeted traffic for example.

    Then, and only then, should you offer them the software or other information that will help them do it faster/better.

    Hope this Helps
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