Biggest mistakes of new affiliate marketers!

67 replies
Here's one of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can and will make when they first start out.

Some even keep making this same mistake for weeks, months, and years with no results.

I will start this off so feel free to add your insights and opinions.

One of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can make is to think that they can register for a: website
2. Free funnel builder
3. Free autoresponder

And start marketing for free by spamming forums, blogs, and other places and get any good results.

If you are doing this, STOP IT.

Affiliate marketing is a real business and you have to invest both time and money.

One of my mentors said this and it's very true:

It takes money to make money

If someone tells you other wise, they are lying to you.

You have to invest some money in tools to get the ball rolling.
#affiliate #biggest #marketers #mistakes
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Here's another mistake new affiliate marketers make and this is a big one.....

    They market low ticket products that can range from $7 to $25.

    You can't build a business like this. If you are promoting these types of commissions based products that are bringing you low commissions, stop it.

    Top affiliates work with products that have multiple commissions in the "funnel".

    Your customer decides to buy what ever you are selling/recommending and you earn, let's say $7.

    Now that they just bought the product, they are offered more related products on the back end.

    Now instead of just getting a $7 commission, you can now potentially earn $50, $200, $1,000+ from that same customer.

    If you are getting a ONE time commission of an ebook transaction of $7, you can't do much as an affiliate marketer and you will go broke fast.

    So anything you promote, it has to have multiple upsell products that can bank you up to $1,000 or more. Even if it's up to $200, that's still good too.
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    • Profile picture of the author Anna Athan
      this was my number 1 mistake LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author JoshFlake
      Definitely agree with this! Much easier and more economical to make 3 sales to 1 customer (via upsells), than to try and make 1 sale to 3 separate customers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Josue Rivera
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Here's another mistake new affiliate marketers make and this is a big one.....

      They market low ticket products that can range from $7 to $25.

      You can't build a business like this. If you are promoting these types of commissions based products that are bringing you low commissions, stop it.

      Top affiliates work with products that have multiple commissions in the "funnel".

      Your customer decides to buy what ever you are selling/recommending and you earn, let's say $7.

      Now that they just bought the product, they are offered more related products on the back end.

      Now instead of just getting a $7 commission, you can now potentially earn $50, $200, $1,000+ from that same customer.

      If you are getting a ONE time commission of an ebook transaction of $7, you can't do much as an affiliate marketer and you will go broke fast.

      So anything you promote, it has to have multiple upsell products that can bank you up to $1,000 or more. Even if it's up to $200, that's still good too.
      Totally agree, great explination for us the newbies
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    • Profile picture of the author Bear smith
      Thanks for sharing this.I am new In Affiliate
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Here's one of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can and will make when they first start out.

    Some even keep making this same mistake for weeks, months, and years with no results.

    I will start this off so feel free to add your insights and opinions.

    One of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can make is to think that they can register for a: website
    2. Free funnel builder
    3. Free autoresponder

    And start marketing for free by spamming forums, blogs, and other places and get any good results.

    If you are doing this, STOP IT.

    Affiliate marketing is a real business and you have to invest both time and money.

    One of my mentors said this and it's very true:

    [B]It takes money to make money[B]

    If someone tells you other wise, they are lying to you.

    You have to invest some money in tools to get the ball rolling.

    Not only that, but a major mistake that newbies are making is not
    learning the fundamentals. Now they do not even want to spend
    any time reading or learning, they want the money to just fall into
    their lazy laps like it's manna from heaven. They seem to think
    that more experienced people are going to drop knowledge that
    took them years to learn, like what is a profitable niche where the
    real money is at. Newbies should know things like where affiliate
    links originated and by whom. After that, the most important thing
    to know is how to code a hyperlink. Even if you can afford to hire
    professionals to develop your sites for you, you still need to know
    these things. Otherwise you might end up hosting a site that has
    somebody else's links embedded in it and wondering why you
    aren't making any money.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    This might be a mistake, but it does work to some extent. The truth is though, if you want to build a sustainable online business, then this isn't the way to go.

    Sure you'll be able to make money in the beginning, but it doesn't last. If you want to build a business that stands the test of time online, then taking your time to build it as you recommend is how you do so.

    It's all a matter of short term profits versus long term profits. Most don't think about the long term, they just think I want to make money and I want to make it now!

    It's a real business like any other business. Treat as such and you'll do well.

    Thanks also for the advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    @talfighel; how many of the $1000 products have you sold? If you are new affiliate marketer, selling low dollar tickets is a challenge in itself; selling $1000 products requires experience and skill; that's a tall order to win when you are just learning the ropes of internet/affiliate marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by 55sadhikar View Post

      @talfighel; how many of the $1000 products have you sold? If you are new affiliate marketer, selling low dollar tickets is a challenge in itself; selling $1000 products requires experience and skill; that's a tall order to win when you are just learning the ropes of internet/affiliate marketing.
      Talking about backend and earning commissions from upsells.

      It's ok to promote a $7 product to get the customer "in the door" but you will be surprised to know that many of them will buy the upsells.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by 55sadhikar View Post

      @talfighel; how many of the $1000 products have you sold? If you are new affiliate marketer, selling low dollar tickets is a challenge in itself; selling $1000 products requires experience and skill; that's a tall order to win when you are just learning the ropes of internet/affiliate marketing.

      The reason that most people fail at affiliate marketing is because
      they think that they will earn a living by selling hundreds of items
      that pay a couple of dollars each. They go through the rigmarole
      of buying keyword ads, etc. and end up losing money.

      The fact is that it does not require any more effort to market big
      ticket items than low-cost ones, except when pushing expensive
      items your sites/web presence can't be tacky, spammy or look
      like you are running a scam.
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  • Profile picture of the author Raahull Raahull
    What rubbish! You all are trying to tell new affiliates that only rich people can start affiliate marketing but those who don't have money beforehand can't make anything because they are looking for free options initially. Dear friends, I don't know who are your Gurus but be sure, if you ever your business goes down and all you are left with is experience and no money then you will never be able to make to again. Those who stay persistent patiently with their efforts in the right directions even with free resources and even if the initial wait takes them years when they start earning, they will by the time, already how to make money from nothing and they'll end up learning how to always win the game.

    When some one is not earning from their efforts, it's easy for anyone to guide or misguide them to any direction because the new people, in any field, always keep thinking already that "we are definitely doing something wrong that's why we are not getting the desired results".

    Message to new Affiliates- Guys, for example, when you learn driving, experts suggest, either you go to a driving school(Spend money) or learn from someone you know(free option) if you choose the second option where you don't pay to learn then use a second hand/ used car initially instead of a new car, same-way you should opt for the free option initially and once you know the track well go for paid better options with more features.

    Please remember to win the race, like Blogging in affiliate marketing also you need to pay attention to the content because even in the marketing world- "Content is still the King". No matter whatever business you start online, your first and foremost attention must be on the writing unique and Viral content, like amazing new slogans, tag lines(content that attracts) on your sales pages or on the squeeze page but that doesn't mean you start boasting, be honest, then only you will win the audience or leads.
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by Raahull Raahull View Post

      What rubbish! You all are trying to tell new affiliates that only rich people can start affiliate marketing but those who don't have money beforehand can't make anything because they are looking for free options initially.

      Who are you addressing and who said anything about being
      rich to get started in affiliate marketing? Generally speaking,
      people who are looking for free ways to make money online
      are not really serious, otherwise they would set some money
      aside to cover their initial expenses, in the same manner that
      they would if they were starting any other type of business. If
      a person cannot afford $10 to register a domain name, can't
      cover hosting fees or pay for their other expenses then this
      probably is not for them. That is very different from saying
      beginners need to be rich.
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      • Profile picture of the author Raahull Raahull
        Dear My Monetize, I am Rahul Sharma, a java programmer, and an affiliate and I am not raising questions on " whether to buy a domain and hosting or not?", because these are 1-time annual charges and due to big competition, the cost of domains and hosting are quite affordable these days, but I was talking about monthly subscription-based tools required in affiliate marketing like SEO tools, PPC or any other kind of marketing tools and so forth, which are generally very costly for beginners if you could understand or rather I would say, if you actually tried to understand, what i meant, Sir. Instead you got annoyed and were trying to be personal by addressing me by " Who are you...", which is not what this general discussion expects from you if you really are a big name in affiliate marketing. I am not a big name and just starting the journey and talking out of my experience in the field. Yes, using free marketing tools does makes the progress slow initially but a beginner doesn't have many options because most of the beginners don't get good guidence or "Gurus" and most of the time they are doing hit and trial on many ways of marketing learnt through sources like Youtube, major Blog articles or ebooks made on affiliate marketing. Even if, they have money then also they need to first understand what they are doing and will it reap benefits at all, when they make investments. It's a fact that beginners, no matter what they do, they always feel that they may not be doing it right until something hits the bull's eye. After spending years and finding a way to earn through affiliate marketing, general belief- what works is right and the rest is wrong. Every one has a different truth about successful strategy, basically what works for you is your truth but I know people in this industry who made it without initial investments, off-course they invested later, but only once they learned, where and how to make investments. A good business man is very shrud and doesn't throw away even a single penny just like that. The truth is, there is no specific time period in which you will start making money in a business, so it is possible that you have money but you are not smart enough and spend a lot of money and time investing here and there in (tools and services) and end up spending the same amount of time as the other person who used free sources, before both of them found a suitabe strategy to make it big. This is what I was trying to inform
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        • Profile picture of the author Monetize
          Originally Posted by Raahull Raahull View Post

          Dear My Monetize, I am Rahul Sharma, a java programmer, and an affiliate and I am not raising questions on " whether to buy a domain and hosting or not?", because these are 1-time annual charges and due to big competition, the cost of domains and hosting are quite affordable these days, but I was talking about monthly subscription-based tools required in affiliate marketing like SEO tools, PPC or any other kind of marketing tools and so forth, which are generally very costly for beginners if you could understand or rather I would say, if you actually tried to understand, what i meant, Sir. Instead you got annoyed and were trying to be personal by addressing me by " Who are you...", which is not what this general discussion expects from you if you really are a big name in affiliate marketing. I am not a big name and just starting the journey and talking out of my experience in the field. Yes, using free marketing tools does makes the progress slow initially but a beginner doesn't have many options because most of the beginners don't get good guidence or "Gurus" and most of the time they are doing hit and trial on many ways of marketing learnt through sources like Youtube, major Blog articles or ebooks made on affiliate marketing. Even if, they have money then also they need to first understand what they are doing and will it reap benefits at all, when they make investments. It's a fact that beginners, no matter what they do, they always feel that they may not be doing it right until something hits the bull's eye. After spending years and finding a way to earn through affiliate marketing, general belief- what works is right and the rest is wrong. Every one has a different truth about successful strategy, basically what works for you is your truth but I know people in this industry who made it without initial investments, off-course they invested later, but only once they learned, where and how to make investments. A good business man is very shrud and doesn't throw away even a single penny just like that. The truth is, there is no specific time period in which you will start making money in a business, so it is possible that you have money but you are not smart enough and spend a lot of money and time investing here and there in (tools and services) and end up spending the same amount of time as the other person who used free sources, before both of them found a suitabe strategy to make it big. This is what I was trying to inform

          I wrote "Who are you addressing and who said anything about being
          rich to get started in affiliate marketing?" That is all. If this has upset
          you, I apologize.

          I am not a big name, I am a no name and that is my preference.
          And I am a woman.

          I am a web developer and have been doing affiliate marketing since
          2003. I started out with CB products. I got very lucky to find products
          that people were actually buying. I started with one keyword domain
          name and one five-page HTML website and my CB checks weren't
          regular but when they came, they were substantial.

          If you have discovered a way to make money in affiliate marketing
          without expending any funds, that is fantastic. But I have found that
          business people who are seeking free ways to do this, that, and the
          other are not really serious about being in business. That does not
          mean it cannot be done, I just think it's easier to spend a few dollars
          to cover your initial business expenses, and in most cases it is
          necessary to do so.
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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    I totally agree with you, it needs an investment to start a profitable business. But you have to know what you are doing on the platforms you invest it. If you want to go a fast results, then learn how to invest on paid networks to get customers, if you are with free traffic it takes time.

    Br sure, to servebtye many to get thr income. Selling a good offee is the best thing you can do for the audience.

    Keep delivering the right info and follow up with your subscribers.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I am agree with this but are many people in in midle and poor countries that cannot afford this things
    for example website 10$ per month
    autoresponder 20$ per month
    funnel builder 100$ per month
    So its almost 150$ per month and many people cannot afford this money as some people work half of the month for this money .Also when you start this business it takes time until you see good results ,months or even 1 year .So it think in the beginning if you cannot afford that work hard as hell then when you get some income then start upgrading to a real business

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Diving without proper knowledge and tools will make them drown to the bottom of failure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chyna B Atkinson
    Find a mentor you resonate with and then mirror them.

    There is a lot of noise and overwhelm for beginners in this industry so finding an awesome mentor is very important.

    After that it's understanding how everything goes together to get your first result/sale and then duplicating it.

    Learning all the components such as building landing pages, building your list, communication and conversion.

    Do your research before buying a program that leaves you hanging and still not understanding what steps goes first.
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  • Profile picture of the author abbe77
    Financing and funding to any business is also the part of a Business Plan. So YES I think that money is necessary to start affiliate business.

    On the other hand if anyone is poor and still have a dream to start affiliate busines, that person should start with a job first. And start online business as part time, once he/she get some money and experience then can quit job and focus on business full time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    I agree with all the OP has shared great job but I could easily say the opposite and we would both still be correct.

    Thousands know how to make money with no money. I was one. Not for the love it hahaha had no choice.

    A lot of old school marketers started out with Bum Marketing.

    Some people are doing it now over at Medium and other places.

    But if you want to build an Empire yes you have to think bigger and smarter and use leverage. That is why this is a great thread.

    If 2 people started today and one had recurring and big ticket, and funnels in his promotions I would say one is going to fair better than the other.
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  • Profile picture of the author prvegas
    Go to McDonald's today and just order a Quarter Pounder, see if they ask if you would like Fries with that?

    Go to most post offices and good clerks are trained to ask at the closing of the sale, do you need any stamps?

    Go to Amazon and see the bottom, others also bought.

    Suggestive upsells work that is why you see others using it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anna Athan
    you're right.... you need at least hosting and a domain name to have a website. I've never made money without investing so far.

    At the same time there are so many influencers on social media that became famous for a stupid video they've made... so technically you can make money without investing money....
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    • Profile picture of the author Anna Athan
      I forgot about Youtube too...
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  • Profile picture of the author Anna Athan
    *Another mistake that I see affiliate marketers do is not wanting to learn about marketing.

    *Choosing a low ticket product should be avoided. That was my number one mistake when I started years ago.

    *Not niching down and having random products.
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by Anna Athan View Post

      *Another mistake that I see affiliate marketers do is not wanting to learn about marketing.

      *Choosing a low ticket product should be avoided. That was my number one mistake when I started years ago.

      *Not niching down and having random products.
      Tripwires or low cost products get people into your funnel where you can then recommend higher Premium products and services.

      You then have a list of buyers not freebie seekers.

      But Even FREE for example Groove Funnels is giving away Products people pay big bucks for but they still are having huge number of upgrades for lifetime package on all their platforms for $1000+ because of the value offered..
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      • Profile picture of the author abbe77
        Originally Posted by Profit Traveler View Post

        Tripwires or low cost products get people into your funnel where you can then recommend higher Premium products and services.

        You then have a list of buyers not freebie seekers.

        But Even FREE for example Groove Funnels is giving away Products people pay big bucks for but they still are having huge number of upgrades for lifetime package on all their platforms for $1000+ because of the value offered..

        Good advice!
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Here's one of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can and will make when they first start out.
    As a former affiliate marketer, I might argue the biggest mistake they make is becoming an affiliate, when the time and money you refer to, could be used to create their own products.

    Just saying, if it takes the money to make the money, then CHOOSE carefully before you commit to whatever it is. I believe the #1 reason why they choose the affiliate route is low cost of if money were available, they might go a different route???

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  • Profile picture of the author 55sadhikar
    Making money with no money is very much possible; one most important thing to remember is having an idea, making a decision and not giving it up until you see it through. A vert doable example I can give you.
    1) start a blog at blogspot ( free cost)
    2) Put your written content on at least 10 platforms ( Twitter, facebook, youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, vimeo, wordpress, taggit)
    3) sign up for adsense/ad networks for earning money
    4) sign up for mailchimp for sending emails to your new subscribers ( free for 1st 1000 subscribers)
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    • Profile picture of the author Monetize
      Originally Posted by 55sadhikar View Post

      Making money with no money is very much possible; one most important thing to remember is having an idea, making a decision and not giving it up until you see it through. A vert doable example I can give you.
      1) start a blog at blogspot ( free cost)
      2) Put your written content on at least 10 platforms ( Twitter, facebook, youtube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, vimeo, wordpress, taggit)
      3) sign up for adsense/ad networks for earning money
      4) sign up for mailchimp for sending emails to your new subscribers ( free for 1st 1000 subscribers)

      I think we can agree that there are ways to make money
      online with free tools and hosting. But the problem with
      many of the free blog services is they don't allow affiliate
      links and they will shut you down without notice. That is
      why it's advisable to use your own hosting.
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  • Profile picture of the author Erfan MMS
    Yes absolutely right. You need to spend money to earn money!

    Want To Learn How To Build A Sustainable Online Business With Affiliate Marketing (Step-By-Step)?

    Click Here To Watch The FREE Training Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author gsquarewebtech
    Little bit agree with you but disagree with you these points.

    " website
    2. Free funnel builder
    3. Free autoresponder

    And start marketing for free by spamming forums, blogs, and other places and get any good results."

    For a good startup, every marketer needs to start with these.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Affiliate marketing is a real business and you have to invest both time and money.

    One of my mentors said this and it's very true:

    It takes money to make money

    If someone tells you other wise, they are lying to you.

    You have to invest some money in tools to get the ball rolling.

    You're kinda right, but you're also kinda wrong.

    Yes affiliate marketing is a real business and people should treat it as such, however that doesn't mean that they have to invest time AND money to start.

    This is the beauty of this business model and the online world that you can start completely for free.

    I'm not saying that it is easy, and I personally also preferred to invest into training, systems and tools but this is because I have the money.

    Now let's say someone is completely broke and wants to start with affiliate marketing:

    They have the entire internet and tons of information available, they can go to youtube and watch and learn everything, they can find forums like this one and get marketing information, they can find websites/blogs to learn information.

    Once they have these information and once they have developed a success mindset (->which is the most important part to succeed - you can also learn about this for free on youtube) they can start to open free accounts on twitter, facebook, youtube etc.

    All they need to do now is register a free affiliate account on jvzoo, warriorplus, clickbank or somewhere else and market their chosen product to their audience the RIGHT way.

    Of course you will fail when you just spam on social media your link, but when you provide value and when you position yourself as an authority and a helpful person, people will come to YOU and ask what you can offer them in order to solve their problem and boom you start making money. Because you developed a relationship with your potential customers. They don't care if you have an own domain name or a paid autoresponder subscription.

    It's all about marketing.

    Let's say you are clever and promote a good funnel leading to high ticket sales (btw I completely agree with your second part regarding this topic) and earn your first $1000 - Now you can invest into additional tools and scale from there.

    Look for example I saw someone here in this forum promoting his opportunity with a free google document in his signature instead of a 'normal' landing page. (If you read this: Hi ) - is it perfect? No. But who cares, if he provides value to people and if he can position himself the right way - People will buy.

    Consequently please don't say that it is not possible.

    I would totaly agree with you when you say that it is very hard to learn all the right things on your own and that the possibility to get distracted and to feel overwhelmed is very high when you can not invest into a mentor or a blueprint to follow step by step.

    Because of this it's a matter of fact that people can achieve their goal probably much faster when investing into tools etc but if you can not do that, then it only means that you have to invest more time to reach your goal and that you need a strong mindset.

    "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."

    ― Henry Ford
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Here is another and this is BIG.


    You throw money on different ads in different places and you spend hundreds of dollars.

    Maybe a few sales come in and you probably made a small profit or broke even.

    Then you are sitting there and thinking to yourself this:

    Where did these sales come from and from which place?

    Tracking should be a huge part of your marketing. If it is not, how will you know where to scale and where to kill your ads?
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshFlake
    I complete agree that it takes money to make money. You have to be willing to invest in your business.

    One of the other big mistakes I see people making is thinking that this is a get rich quick scheme. It takes time, effort, and commitment. You can't just jump in without taking some time to learn the fundamentals and then build a solid business from the ground up.
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  • Profile picture of the author Melvin Gonzalez
    One of the biggest mistake newbies made is to promote affiliate products thru low quality traffic sites.

    Sites like safelists and traffic exchanges, and promoting there using the affiliate raw links, which lowers vendors conversions.

    Also they start jumping from one product to another without sticking to one and without mastering any type of traffic source.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    The biggest mistake I have seen is new marketers involved on any type of marketing is 'not allocating enough of their personal time' to build a solid business foundation be it affiliate marketing, product creation, etc.

    People that already have a job usually do not have enough time to allocate additional work be it creating a website, autoresponder and a host of other tasks.

    There are also people that:
    • Do not have a job and want to get involved in marketing as a source of permanent income.
    • There are people that have a job and just want the so called "sidegig" wherein they earn additional income to supplement their main source of income.
    • The List goes on.
    In many of those situations people are already involved with "life choices" that take up a large portion of their personal time and they simply cannot dedicate enough personal time to learn and operate a new source of income:
    • Taking care of their family from the elderly to young children.
    • Taking care of their own health.
    • The List goes on.
    In any event, given restraints, we have to decide on a business wherein we can allocate 'enough of our personal time' to the business. Here is the good part of it all - The business we decide to get into is a "Life Choice" meaning we decide on how we live our life.

    It all starts with "Time Management" be it one hour a day or eight hours a day. Personally, I have my own way of managing my time which means my own way is not everyone's way. Different business's require more time than others and via versa.

    It is all about you at this stage in terms of allocate 'enough of our personal time' to the business, the family etc.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

      The biggest mistake I have seen is new marketers involved on any type of marketing is 'not allocating enough of their personal time' to build a solid business foundation be it affiliate marketing, product creation, etc.

      People that already have a job usually do not have enough time to allocate additional work be it creating a website, autoresponder and a host of other tasks.

      There are also people that:
      • Do not have a job and want to get involved in marketing as a source of permanent income.
      • There are people that have a job and just want the so called "sidegig" wherein they earn additional income to supplement their main source of income.
      • The List goes on.
      In many of those situations people are already involved with "life choices" that take up a large portion of their personal time and they simply cannot dedicate enough personal time to learn and operate a new source of income:
      • Taking care of their family from the elderly to young children.
      • Taking care of their own health.
      • The List goes on.
      In any event, given restraints, we have to decide on a business wherein we can allocate 'enough of our personal time' to the business. Here is the good part of it all - The business we decide to get into is a "Life Choice" meaning we decide on how we live our life.

      It all starts with "Time Management" be it one hour a day or eight hours a day. Personally, I have my own way of managing my time which means my own way is not everyone's way. Different business's require more time than others and via versa.

      It is all about you at this stage in terms of allocate 'enough of our personal time' to the business, the family etc.

      Now that is taking time to keep things very real thanks Jeffrey.

      Yes time management and discipline.

      I remember telling some of my buddies if you have a problem with things like overindulging, drinking, etc, you damn sure will have one overseas.

      Alot of frustration I had was trying to emulate the "Big Dogs" of marketing when they have huge budgets, resources, and networks.

      But we just need to focus on bread and butter income at first then remember how did we hear bout that Big Dogs last webinar? Facebook?

      Success leaves trails to focus on.
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
        Originally Posted by Profit Traveler View Post

        Now that is taking time to keep things very real thanks Jeffrey.

        Yes time management and discipline.

        I remember telling some of my buddies if you have a problem with things like overindulging, drinking, etc, you damn sure will have one overseas.

        Alot of frustration I had was trying to emulate the "Big Dogs" of marketing when they have huge budgets, resources, and networks.

        But we just need to focus on bread and butter income at first then remember how did we hear bout that Big Dogs last webinar? Facebook?

        Success leaves trails to focus on.

        Running with the Big Dogs is what I did in the beginning and still do to this day.

        They all had the same question when I wanted to get off the porch and run with them: "What do you bring to the table?"

        My business, skills, achievements meant something to them, but that only got my foot through the proverbial door.

        They all were primarily interested in who I knew and had a good business relationship with for one reason only: networking with like minded people.

        We form a plan based on pooling our resources for one thing and one thing only: an honest income.

        That "honest income" is derived from "vesting" wherein everyone has a "vested interest" in the venture(s). It keeps everyone involved "honest."

        In reflection, we make far less mistakes when we align ourselves with savvy people that have been there and done that (real business experience) and work together to minimize mistakes.
        In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11610433].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
          Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

          Running with the Big Dogs is what I did in the beginning and still do to this day.

          They all had the same question when I wanted to get off the porch and run with them: "What do you bring to the table?"

          My business, skills, achievements meant something to them, but that only got my foot through the proverbial door.

          They all were primarily interested in who I knew and had a good business relationship with for one reason only: networking with like minded people.

          We form a plan based on pooling our resources for one thing and one thing only: an honest income.

          That "honest income" is derived from "vesting" wherein everyone has a "vested interest" in the venture(s). It keeps everyone involved "honest."

          In reflection, we make far less mistakes when we align ourselves with savvy people that have been there and done that (real business experience) and work together to minimize mistakes.

          I am willing to lose a pinky finger like John Wick to get in on that "Honest Income High Table".
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
    Another mistake "some" new affiliate marketers make is joining an established affiliate group's forum "after" a public launch and expecting to get "involved" in terms of plan, goal etc.

    The forum Admin does in fact maintain a sticky thread that explains there is a start date and a cutoff date for discussion of the initial plan, goal etc. as well as all events in the "timeline."

    "Some" new affiliate marketers do not read the stickys and ask questions about the plan and goal etc. which causes one of two actions by the Affiliate Manager:
    1. Point the member to the sticky thread with a reminder that the member may apply for the next product launch.
    2. Suspend the member until the launch is complete if the member complains and disrupts the forum.
    It is important for new affiliates to understand that said forums are "established working group of affiliates" that are typically adhering to scheduled launches and it is best to "only" get involved in the planning and goal stages of future products.

    There is a lot more to it than that, so just know that not everyone can join a private forum and if you did apply and were accepted.. remember that you are not in sole control.
    In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
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  • Not Utilizing Evergreen Content. Evergreen content is a search-optimized content that is always relevant and stays "fresh" for a long period of time.
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    • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
      Originally Posted by Ann Margarette Aca View Post

      Not Utilizing Evergreen Content. Evergreen content is a search-optimized content that is always relevant and stays "fresh" for a long period of time.

      So right my friend...we always see it as a chore in the beginning then one year later we wonder how the other person flew past us! Also a Recurring payment element in the mix. Keeps our business in business.
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  • Profile picture of the author mellisas
    Well said, everything in a world requires time and money, if you don't have time and money then its better to do nothing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Vincentbre
    Aren't those things fine for beginners, though? I was fortunate enough to have built a great site and following before doing affiliate marketing. However, for others, they are just stretching their wings and testing the waters. Let them make those mistakes and learn from them
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  • Profile picture of the author JosephC
    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    You have to invest some money in tools to get the ball rolling.
    Along with this, not investing the proper amount of time into the business is just as harmful. Affiliate marketing is full of products and courses that say "work one hour a day" without taking into account how many weeks and months of unpaid work it takes to get to that point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rajul kaushik
    Besides those, I guess biggest mistakes of new affiliate marketers are:
    1) Ignoring video marketing
    2) Ignoring FB marketing
    Step onto these my friends and you will register faster success.

    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Here's one of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can and will make when they first start out.

    Some even keep making this same mistake for weeks, months, and years with no results.

    I will start this off so feel free to add your insights and opinions.

    One of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can make is to think that they can register for a: website
    2. Free funnel builder
    3. Free autoresponder

    And start marketing for free by spamming forums, blogs, and other places and get any good results.

    If you are doing this, STOP IT.

    Affiliate marketing is a real business and you have to invest both time and money.

    One of my mentors said this and it's very true:

    It takes money to make money

    If someone tells you other wise, they are lying to you.

    You have to invest some money in tools to get the ball rolling.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    Starting out when you are building the foundation of your business you have to use time as your most valuable tool in order to generate money. Once you earn some money you can invest in proper funnels, marketing, content, branding, tools that will free up time spent with money spent. Use the tools you have and as you progress with success you will acquire superior strategic tools. The most important thing to success is to take action.
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  • Profile picture of the author hardworker2013
    Your post is so true, but the biggest mistake a newbie can make in internet marketing is going into too many niches at once. That was the mistake i made when i got started years ago. You need to focus on one niche at a time and learn it well.
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    • Profile picture of the author abbe77
      Originally Posted by hardworker2013 View Post

      Your post is so true, but the biggest mistake a newbie can make in internet marketing is going into too many niches at once. That was the mistake i made when i got started years ago. You need to focus on one niche at a time and learn it well.
      Yes as a newbie, its common to become the victim of "Analysis Paralysis" and "Shiny Object Syndrome".
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  • Profile picture of the author shuvoimtiaz
    I think the biggest mistake that new affiliate marketers make is not getting proper education. I know you need some investment before starting, but before that, you must know ins and outs of what you are doing.

    Ready to Rock Your Website's Performance? Skyrocket Your Content and Rankings - Discover the Magic at!

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  • Profile picture of the author David McGimpsey
    Biggest mistake by newbie affiliate marketers: being afraid to test and expecting someone more experienced to tell them which product to promote. You can't grow if you aren't willing to test new offers and promotion methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author dominicwhittaker
    I really enjoyed reading all the comments, took a few notes. My 10cents, not utilising different engagement plattforms. Most "gurus" still talk about email list building. None really look at Whatsapp business API, FB messenging, Wechat etc. Far higher engagement and click through rates for the same amount of work
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  • Profile picture of the author incomenow
    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Here's one of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can and will make when they first start out.

    Some even keep making this same mistake for weeks, months, and years with no results.

    I will start this off so feel free to add your insights and opinions.

    One of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can make is to think that they can register for a: website
    2. Free funnel builder
    3. Free autoresponder

    And start marketing for free by spamming forums, blogs, and other places and get any good results.

    If you are doing this, STOP IT.

    Affiliate marketing is a real business and you have to invest both time and money.

    One of my mentors said this and it's very true:

    It takes money to make money

    If someone tells you other wise, they are lying to you.

    You have to invest some money in tools to get the ball rolling.

    Thank you so much for this advice! I have always thought about it that a business needs money to grow and without funding it, there's no way forward. I'm planning currently to upgrade my WordPress theme and buy some important tools I'd need for my affiliate marketing business.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    Not testing MORE affiliate programs. Some are duds, others convert like gangbusters.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

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  • Profile picture of the author Jignesh86
    Totally agree with you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mabu Map
    There are too many newbies are looking for an easy method to make free money online

    that's why there are too many people are suffering

    wondering why they could never make a sale.

    It's a real business, you don't have to have a lot of money to start

    But you do need money to get going.
    Free Video: How To Earn $250/D Online
    Even If You're A Complete Beginner - Click Here
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11616920].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WINstore
    One of the biggest mistakes that they can make is not researching the product they want to market beforehand. This can act as a major problem for their affiliate marketing career not just a brand but also as a trustworthy individual.
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  • Profile picture of the author yako
    There is no need to spend thousands of dollars but you have to at least invest a few hundred dollars.

    I will give you a few suggestions on how to get started:

    1.Free website - OK but you have to get your own domain and hosting.

    2. Free funnel builder - OK but you have to have your own autoresponder service.

    3. Free autoresponder - NO. You need to sign up for some kind of autoresponder. It can be free for a while but eventually you will have to pay for it. (unless you are programmer)

    4. Free marketing tools - NO. You will need to invest some money into marketing tools to market your business.

    If you are just starting out, please take my advice and don't go out and start spamming forums, blogs, and other places with your affiliate link.

    You will just be wasting your time, energy, and money.
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  • Biggest mistake is to start spending money on advertising from day 1 when they don't have an idea of CTRs, conversion rates as to how many clicks are needed to get a sale.

    Understand the basic metrics first! and which channels converts best for your offers and bring quality customers.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mehwish Yati
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    • Profile picture of the author Jeffery
      Originally Posted by Mehwish Yati View Post

      The only way to earn an affiliate marketing income successfully is to build a "VALUE" blog, and brand yourself-providing solutions to the problems of people.

      There are plenty of awesome marketing training platforms for affiliates which will teach you how to do it for a cost.
      That is not an answer to the question.
      In the minute it took me to write this post.. someone died of Covid 19. RIP.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11618738].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by Mehwish Yati View Post

      The only way to earn an affiliate marketing income successfully is to build a "VALUE" blog, and brand yourself-providing solutions to the problems of people.

      There are plenty of awesome marketing training platforms for affiliates which will teach you how to do it for a cost.
      Learning to market online effectively is the best way to master affiliate marketing and do well.
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  • No selecting the right affiliate vertical or right product and services to promote.

    New affiliate should look at commission rates on offer, are they paying recurrent commissions? Also take into account average basket value and lifetime value. Most importantly is the legality of affiliate programs in a given country, affiliates should check if the products that they are marketing can be promoted in these countries

    A good affiliate program pays high commissions over 30% for life and the lifetime value of the customer is high. Affiliate programs offering these advantages are SaaS, Dating, Software and tech programs.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11619326].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author GainMoreLikes
    Well said. Especially where you mentioned those who promote low ticket products. That's one of the biggest mistakes new affiliate marketers make when starting out.

    From our many surveys building out clients' funnels and marketing systems, I've come to realize that it takes the same effort used to sell a $10 product to sell a $100 product. And the same effort used to sell a $100 product to sell a $1000 product, and so on. The only difference is in positioning.
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  • Some newbie affiliates tend to go for the same old merchants where competition is very high and the chances of getting organic traffic are very low.

    My advice is to research new and upcoming product verticals, for example, SaaS affiliate programs where these programs not only pay high commissions but also recurrent for the lifetime of the customer, so if we send just a couple of customers at the beggining thats ok you are still making good commissions.

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    The common mistake of new affiliate marketers is thinking affiliate marketing is easy, and a get-rich-quick scheme.

    Affiliate marketing is a business just like any other business.

    It takes consistent work on a daily basis to build up your momentum and your business.

    If your blogging produce high-quality content that people actually find valuable and want to read and learn basic SEO skills to get your high-quality content to rank in the search engines for free organic traffic.

    2. Build your email list this should always be your main priority

    3. Put an effective email marketing funnel in place with a low ticket product as the tripwire mixed with recurring income and high ticket products to maximize your earnings.

    4, Re-invest a good majority of your profits to build your business and grow.

    5. Find a good traffic source and master it.

    Rinse, wash, and repeat.
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