New Twitter research says you don't have to break the budget to get good video

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You might want to take a look at this article from Social Media Today. This very probably isn't going to be the first time someone suggested to you that you should use video content in your marketing. It works effectively everywhere and that means on Twitter too, according to the platform's latest research - which found that tweets with video get ten times more attention than tweets without. Twitter went further than that, however, and looked at different video ad formats too. The results make a pretty interesting read.

Twitter released the results of this research in three parts, which you can view in full here, here, and here. One section looks at using different formats, the next at exposure by format, and the last at the specific strengths of each format. That might prove to be extremely valuable information if you're strategizing for a new campaign on the platform, and let's face it, there will be much crossover with regard to other platforms out there too.

Twitter discovered that its premium 'First View' service gains maximum engagement, especially when teamed with Twitter's Amplify and Promoted Video options. This from the platform:

"Given the premium attention-grabbing nature of First View, leveraging it as the first exposure leads to 25% higher fixation on the ad. While First View will equally deliver on its primary objective of driving awareness whether seen first or second, it's 27% more cost-efficient at driving purchase intent than when other formats are used first."
Your budget vs your prime ad position

First view may not be in everyone's budget but Twitter talks up how it guarantees that your target consumer will see your ad first when they log onto the platform - if you're prepared to foot the bill and sign up for First View:

"When the ad is seen in the First View format, eyes are fixated on the video itself. In the Amplify and Promoted Video formats, people are absorbing additional information such as the account name, Tweet copy, and engagement metrics."
The good news is that if you can't stretch to buying First View placement, both Amplify and Promoted Video also perform quite well.

"When compared to the control, [both Amplify and Promoted Video] create memorable experiences (Amplify +33% aided ad recall, Promoted Video +59% aided ad recall), but each has their own strengths. Amplify spreads awareness to a broad group of consumers, driving +8% new product awareness and +8% research intent. Promoted Video helps to increase positive brand opinions like +18% cultural association and +9% the perception that the 'brand is good quality'."
I think what's important to remember here - and it's well worth clicking the link above to read the whole report - is that by using a combination of Twitter's services, you can figure out a strategy that's cost-effective and gains decent exposure. First View works best if you're trying to create awareness. Amplify can help you drive home that awareness and figure out what your potential customers want. Promoted Video is a great, cheaper follow-up to all that, and you can use it to reinforce brand identity. You don't have to use First View all the time - but doing so here and there might prove to be money well spent - if you can afford that.
#break #budget #good #research #twitter #video
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