Why consumers sign up for webinars

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
6 replies
A new piece on Hubspot says virtual events are - perhaps unsurprisingly, given the current times - popular in 2020. This article looks at how you can make sure webinars are successful and attract a large audience.

The article talks about how events like webinars have had a revival amid lockdowns and examines some of the ways you can make your own events more engaging, and how you can ensure you get as many viewers attending your webinars as possible.

We're told that, because of their educational format, webinars offer several pluses for brands. You get to build some authority and demonstrate expertise in your field by hosting events like these - and it's a great way to connect with your customers at the same time. But, what do customers want, and more specifically, what makes them remember to tune in to events like webinars?

The author surveyed 400 consumers about their webinar preferences, at the same time, asking what motivated them to attend virtual events. The first thing was that attendees like webinars that help them explore passions. People are also attracted to webinars that help them advance their careers.

Which webinars are you most likely to attend in 2020?

Webinar attendees also prefer certain teaching styles.

"Which webinar format sounds most engaging to you?"

It seems many attendees like a fairly straightforward and simple approach to presenting, but the author warns you should still make an effort to keep viewers engaged and not base lectures on too broad a topic. Viewers also prefer interactive elements.

"Which element would you most like to see in a webinar?"

If you're thinking about hosting your own webinars this year, the article is worth a read. This is just a very brief summary of what's actually quite an in-depth study, and there are some great insights to be had.
#consumers #sign #webinars
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  • Profile picture of the author Medon
    Consumers are looking forward to be convinced that the product works. Also, they are eager to learn more about the product, how it can be used and how it can benefit users.. There are plenty of other reasons that they will want to register and be part of the webinar.
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  • Profile picture of the author OliviasDad
    Honestly, people want to learn how to do stuff, but also want the learning to NOT have gaps in it.

    From 'zero' to 'hero' when learning 'How-To [Insert Task Here]'

    There is nothing worse than going through a course (or presentation) that leaves 'gaps.'

    However, in a webinar format, this is the way to go, where you give away a LOT of the techniques, but leave some 'holes' which can be filled by the 'Call To Action' Product or Service being offered.

    However, just talking about info products people buy and sell, giving people a COMPLETE set of steps to follow to do a task will keep them coming back for more.

    Good training and products will create lifetime customers.

    Crap products that just gloss over the techniques and then try to get people to buy 'affiliate' products like 'ClickFunnels' or any other affiliate based page builders or really just anything else to 'make it simpler', where the creator is banking commissions.... that's just the best way to burn customers and lose their loyalty.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    There is a huge benefit of using Webinars for selling.

    You can do an entire 90 minute (or longer) sale presentation that looks like a talk.

    Of course, it has to have real value, without having to buy anything else. But the purpose is to make high end sales directly from the webinar.

    The benefits include;

    A format to answer any questions that are commonly asked.
    A format to answer any sales objections before they come up.
    A chance to create rapport with the audience. They will feel like they know you after watching and listening to you for over an hour.

    There is no reason for additional steps in the sale. A few videos selling the webinar, a few follow up videos sent to the non-buyers......and you can have sales.

    All of this can be live or automated A good automated program is everwebinar.

    Most people that make money this way get their audience either from Facebook ads or using joint ventures with marketers.
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author stiger1
    Well, I can only speak for myself I join webinars to learn something and cutting edge since the online world is changing rapidly.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Scott Jr
    What motivated me to attend many webinars was the idea of learning something specific. However, I noticed that what makes them effective is really getting to feel like you know the presenter.

    It's the whole know, like, and trust thing that makes them so effective. It's almost a way to get around the rule of having to have someone see something 7 times before they make a purchase. A webinar is a good way to reduce the frequency it takes to warm up your audience.
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  • Profile picture of the author marksmith121
    From webinars, we learn a lot about products and get more knowledge about trending things in the market. From Webinars, We can reach more customers and educate the customers about products and services.
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