Twitter Just Shared New Insights into Key Trends During COVID-19
For that reason, among others, you may want to take a peek at what Twitter just released. The impact of the virus and measures to contain it has obviously been profound for consumers.
Parenting has transformed during 2020. That's had a lot to do with kids spending more and more time around the house, allowing parents more time to engage:
Mental health has also become even more of a concern for society during COVID-19, and for many, it's now more than just a concept. Huge numbers of people have been negatively affected by lockdowns and lack of social contact:
The lockdowns have also prompted a heck of a lot of new hobbies among social media users. Many people out there have been forced to find other ways to spend their time, money, and energy in lieu of the option to spend it with friends, or even continue hobbies that used to involve them going out:
Look, it's perhaps accurate to say that there aren't many true revelations to be had in this article. It's certainly no surprise that consumers al over the world have had to adjust during the current health crisis. Still, for marketers and business owners, social media platforms like Twitter can definitely throw some light on precisely what that's meant for everyday lives. Whatever else Twitter is, it's a snapshot of what's going through the minds of its users while they're active. You might want to give the full article a read for that reason.
Saravana -
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