Do you bother protecting your download pages?

by Sami
30 replies
Hi All

Over the years I've noticed that many big name marketers don't bother protecting their download pages. Do you bother?

If not, why not? What's your biggest challenge?

If yes, what's your preferred tool or method?

#bother #download #pages #protecting
  • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
    Well, if somebody doesn't protect their download pages, I doubt that they're going to announce it in a forum thread.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sami
    I thought someone might say that ;-)

    but then there are people whose products/niches are not accessible from their identity here.

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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    A lot of people don't protect their download pages until they see their stuff being passed around, and it all suddenly becomes real and personal.

    It's not until after the damage happens that they decide to implement a download management system.

    But more and more people are realising adding some security and customer management to your website will actually save you time and money, and generally make your life easier.

    Watching what "the guru's" do in this area isn't always the best idea, either. The gurus make their name because they're promotional geniuses, not technical geniuses...I'm sure most of them will whole heartedly agree with this

    Having said that, there are a lot of guru's that are also looking for a system that not only secures their download areas, but makes life easier for them and their clients.

    Basically as more and more people see how easy it is to implement security, and how it not only benefits them but also benefits their customers (thereby increasing customer satisfaction and raising the chances of repeat business), they're starting to do so.

    And depending on your choice of system, they realise just how easy it is.

    I often get clients telling me "I wish I bought DLGuard sooner".

    Remember that download management isn't just about security - it's also about business management.

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author Sami

    Thanks for your info.

    I fully agree and endorse the customer management and business productivity benefits that come with the right tool.

    I'd also like to hear what problems others have faced if they have tried to install some form of protection.

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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    Hi Sami,

    I protect my DL pages with e-junkie.

    I used to host my ebooks and articles on my own hosting account but I find e-junkie to be easy to use and as safe as I want to be.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author Sami
    Thanks George

    I'll look into e-junkie. On first look it seems good. But also it does eem to lend itself to smaler digital products and not videos that can take much more space and therefore cost more to host there.

    Many protection solutions are badly flawed/limited. So I'll check e-junkie form a technical stand point too at some stage.

    Many thanks again.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim M
      This is a subject which is dear to my heart as I've been researching it for a while.

      The number of unprotected products out there is scary - and what really bugs me is that if someone is purporting to be an internet guru - and they don't even have the wherewithall to protect their own products - then why should I believe a word they say - or buy anything from them? especially if they leave it lying around on the street for anyone to pick up?

      The products I have never been able to access have been invariably protected by DLGuard - that's why I use it myself on my membership site.

      If you've got a 'viral' report or something that you want shared - then thats fine - let it circulate - but why would you give free access to hackers and thieves to products which the honest man in he street has to pay for?
      Jim Montgomery
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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
        The creator hath already spake.

        Buy DLGuard, and never worry about this problem again.



        Not promoting right now

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        • Profile picture of the author TheDailyBanana
          Watching what "the guru's" do in this area isn't always the best idea, either.
          Very, very true. Marketers with access to large distribution channels and who pursue a strategy wherein they launch a product and then pull it from the market within 1 to 7 days after collecting anywhere between US$500,000+ and US$3,000,000+ in gross revenue are somewhat more insulated from the financial pitfalls of product theft. These marketers have usually already collected their money and are no longer actively marketing the product. So if someone is out there passing around a copy of their product, it doesn't matter as much to them because they've already pocketed a significant sum of money from the product launch.
          The Daily Banana is a FREE daily e-mail from
          the front lines of Internet Marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ralf Skirr
    I once found a download page from one of the most famous people in this forum on a #1 position at google for a very common search term related to the product. How's that for SEO success?

    I PMed him, the site was protected very fast, but he didn't even bother to reply to my PM with a simple thank you.

    Since simple techniques to protect downloads and thank you pages are around for years now it's hard to understand why someone wouldn't protect his products from the start.

    Personally I'm using Fantasos to manage that stuff.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jeannie Crabtree
    I use DLGuard. It has saved me money in the long run, as people cannot download for free.

    I do have a couple downloads for newsletter subscribers not going through DLguard, and those get found and passed around sometimes.

    I at least put some affiliate links in it, along with my web address for those.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sami

    Thank you for your contributions.

    I have investigated a bunch of download page protection systems and they all seem to suffer from something or other.

    For example many digital delivery programs protect the download page 'and' the link on the page. But as soon as you go to multiple links on one page, the protection is reduced to the link that you email to the customer.

    That means, the email link can be made to expire or only allow X attempts but if the customer bookmarks the target page, you have no protection - for multiple links one one page.

    Why would you need multiple links and not one zip file with all your products in there?

    Well, we're in the age of video ... you can easily have videos that are 300 MB and need to be broken up into smaller clips. And if you don't have this situation now, you soon will.

    By the way watch out ... the solution offered by many of these systems is for you to set up each file as a separate product. Then they all have to be added to a shopping cart! Not good if you have a video product made up of 12 x 1-hour clips.

    You cannot expect the customer to add them to the cart individually ... it is one product after all. And you don't want to sell 12 items, each at 1/12th of the total price!...

    ... I may be mistaken (& if so I apologise) but (based on a half hour investigation) that seems to be the problem with e-junkie too, i.e. having to add each file as a separate product.

    My colleague has been in touch with Sam at DLguard. And DLguard seems to be the only solution on the market in this class of software that can handle multiple files and secure the files, the download page and the email links etc.

    I bought DLGuard 3 days ago. We're testing it at the moment and I sure hope it works out ... time is a precious thing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Carl Kelly
    I've written my own scheme for protecting DL's, so I'm not awfully familiar with products available to do that function.
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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Thanks for your support, Sami!

    I remember talking to your colleague about the expiring of bonus products.

    If you have any questions, please let me know! Either here, or the fastest way is to contact me through the "Contact" link on my website.

    Thanks again for choosing DLGuard!

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
    Yes I protect mine.. If no paypal payment is made no download is generated. Matter fact you can not even access the download page unless a paypal payment has been made.

    I have a 100% custom solution that I coded that is full sercure proof.

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    • Profile picture of the author Sami
      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      Yes I protect mine..
      Thank you for answering.

      Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

      If no paypal payment is made no download is generated. Matter fact you can not even access the download page unless a paypal payment has been made.

      I have a 100% custom solution that I coded that is full sercure proof.

      Within my company we have the capability to write the code and we nearly did until we found DLGuard. And I have no specific allegiance to the product or the owner (though he is lightening fast and responsive which is a rarity).

      The great thing about custom code is its perfect integration with whatever other system you have.

      The three major issues with custom code or even free open source scripts are:

      1- The time penalty to write the code and integrate

      2- All the customer management functions that a good deigital delivery system provides along with security.

      It takes a lot of time and resource to produce the same including help files, forums etc if you want your staff to use the system. For example when your customer support staff want to re-issue links etc.

      Sure you can develop it all but you end up developing a rival product in the market place with just one customer - YOU!

      3- Maintenance and development is often under estimated in favor of low cost or free scripts. A good commercial product with a reasonable price tag is always well supported and contiually developed. The cost of ripping up and replacing a cheap or free dicontinued product is enormous.

      Anyway friends, I recognise in some situations there's no substitute for a custom solution and thank you all for contributing.

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  • Profile picture of the author Zeus66
    I use PHP to protect my DL pages. If someone tries to give the download URL to someone else, they'll get an error and automatically be redirected to my sign-up or sales page. You can't access the DL page directly, in other words. I think it cost like $8 to get the instructions for this. I'm not a coder, but the instructions were explicit and easy to follow. I'm sure DL Guard is great, but I wanted a cheaper solution.

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    • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
      Originally Posted by Zeus66 View Post

      I use PHP to protect my DL pages. If someone tries to give the download URL to someone else, they'll get an error and automatically be redirected to my sign-up or sales page. You can't access the DL page directly, in other words. I think it cost like $8 to get the instructions for this. I'm not a coder, but the instructions were explicit and easy to follow. I'm sure DL Guard is great, but I wanted a cheaper solution.

      Hi John,
      That is why I built my own custom solution, mine also redirects to the index/sales page. Along with paypal's encryption service using .perm files everything is 100% secure.

      All downloads are auto generated and the master is never seen. Downloads expire after 1 hour.

      There is so much you can do with custom, the above solution took me 2 hours to code.

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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Riley
        I protect my paid product download pages, but never protect my free report download pages ;-)

        DL Guard is fantastic!
        Kevin Riley, long-time Warrior living in Osaka, Japan

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        • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
          To answer one of the questions in the original post - why some of the 'gurus' don't protect their download pages - here's one take...

          In the grand scheme of things, some of them don't care.

          I was listening to an mp3 of a teleseminar last night, and the question came up. The answer?

          "I have 10,000 people paying me $47 to access my content, which costs me virtually nothing to deliver. What do I care if a few people figure out how to look at it for free? Besides, there's a built-in back end, and they might go for that..."

          As another poster mentioned, it's sometimes a matter of scale. Let's say you have 10 people figure out how to watch your videos for free. If you sold access to 90 people, fully 10% of the accesses are stolen. If you sold access to 9,000, the percentage is less than 1%.

          It's why places like Walmart are a lot more careful about securing certain pharmacy items and small electronics than they are about a candy bar or bottle of aspirin. The day my Snickers bar comes with an electronic anti-theft tag is the day I know people stealing Snickers bars is a big problem.
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          • Profile picture of the author TheRichJerksNet
            Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

            To answer one of the questions in the original post - why some of the 'gurus' don't protect their download pages - here's one take...

            In the grand scheme of things, some of them don't care.

            I was listening to an mp3 of a teleseminar last night, and the question came up. The answer?

            "I have 10,000 people paying me $47 to access my content, which costs me virtually nothing to deliver. What do I care if a few people figure out how to look at it for free? Besides, there's a built-in back end, and they might go for that..."

            As another poster mentioned, it's sometimes a matter of scale. Let's say you have 10 people figure out how to watch your videos for free. If you sold access to 90 people, fully 10% of the accesses are stolen. If you sold access to 9,000, the percentage is less than 1%.

            It's why places like Walmart are a lot more careful about securing certain pharmacy items and small electronics than they are about a candy bar or bottle of aspirin. The day my Snickers bar comes with an electronic anti-theft tag is the day I know people stealing Snickers bars is a big problem.
            Very good point, but for a great many people we dont have list of 10,000 to sell a $47 product too ..

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            • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
              Originally Posted by TheRichJerksNet View Post

              Very good point, but for a great many people we dont have list of 10,000 to sell a $47 product too ..

              James, I'm solidly in that group as well. And I do protect downloads unless I want them spread around. back 'atcha
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  • Profile picture of the author Trieu
    what else can you do with Dlguard? Or is it just for protecting download pages.

    "$100 On eBay with just 10 Minutes Work! {120+ copies SOLD}"

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    • Profile picture of the author Fairuz Talib
      Originally Posted by Teo View Post

      what else can you do with Dlguard? Or is it just for protecting download pages.
      I use dlguard as my membership site manager and customer management system. With dlguard I can easily search for customers, and resend them the download link.

      Fairuz Talib
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  • Profile picture of the author Trieu
    I read on the website that it has an automatic autoresponder sign up

    Digital Download Protection - protect your digital products from theft and link sharing with DLGuard

    is this feature similar to aweber?

    "$100 On eBay with just 10 Minutes Work! {120+ copies SOLD}"

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    • Profile picture of the author Sami
      Originally Posted by Teo View Post

      I read on the website that it has an automatic autoresponder sign up

      Digital Download Protection - protect your digital products from theft and link sharing with DLGuard

      is this feature similar to aweber?

      I believe that feature only pushes the buyer's details (that it captures from your payment processor) into your auto responder automatically, be it Aweber or GetResponse etc.

      So the customer is not forced to optin manually - and some customers don't bother, leading to messy and very time consuming complications.

      The only issue is that if you set that particular responder to double optin, the customer will be expected to confirm their optin. Which is no great shakes for a new customer but if they're an existing cutomer and have previously double opted in then this can be major pain and looks unprofessional.

      So conventional wisdom is that set the responder handling your actual "buyers" to single optin. So they don't get a confirmation request email from your responder.

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  • Profile picture of the author samstephens
    Hi Teo,

    Sami is 100% right!

    DLGuard can add your customer details to your mailing list.

    It's full integrated with GetResponse (I worked closely with GetResponse on this new addition to our systems), and it has a number of free integration scripts for DLGuard members that allow you to connect it to other providers such as AutoResponse Plus (who I also worked closely with on the integration), and more.

    Aweber unfortuantly don't allow automatic signups (it's against their TOS), but DLGuard can display and prepopulate a signup form for your customers so they just have to click the submit button.

    DLGuard v5 - The Warrior Edition
    Full integration with JVZoo, DigiResults, and WSO Pro for secure WSO's and WSO memberships.
    Serving the Warrior Forum since 2004
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  • Profile picture of the author SimonRiver
    I think it's all part of VRE in that it's a low maintenance way to distribute products. Plus there's less of a hassle as opposed to time-based unique download pages that dissappear within a week. It's convenient for both the customer and the vendor for it's easy accessablity.
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