WhatsApp announces new features for businesses

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
9 replies
A new article on Social Media Today reports that Facebook-owned social platform, WhatsApp has announced that it will be expanding its in-app shopping options, and also giving brands some new tools for managing their interactions to maximize business potential.

WhatsApp have noted a significant increase in business activity in 2020, possibly indicating to the reason behind the addition of these features.

They commented on this, stating:

"WhatsApp has become a simple and convenient resource in this time. More than 175 million people every day message a WhatsApp Business account. Our research shows people prefer to message a business to get help and they're more likely to make a purchase when they can do so."
What features are coming?

WhatsApp spoke about some new features they are adding to the platform:

"We will expand ways for people to check out available products and make purchases right from a chat. We also want to make it easier for businesses to integrate these features into their existing commerce and customer solutions. This will help many small businesses who have been most impacted in this time."
WhatsApp posted this promotional video, regarding its upcoming in-stream purchase features to its official twitter account:

WhatsApp is also looking to implement a feature that allows businesses to manage their WhatsApp messages through Facebook's hosting services:

"We're announcing a new way for businesses to store and manage their WhatsApp chats with customers using Facebook's secure hosting infrastructure which will roll out early next year. This will make it easier to onboard to WhatsApp Business API, allow them to respond to WhatsApp messages faster, keep their inventory up to date and sell products through chats."
Unfortunately, businesses won't be able to use all of these shiny new features for free:

"We will charge business customers for some of the services we offer, which will help WhatsApp continue building a business of our own while we provide and expand free end-to-end encrypted text, video and voice calling for more than two billion people."
With all these new features coming, it really wouldn't be surprising if WhatsApp sees an even bigger increase in business activity!
#announces #businesses #features #whatsapp
  • Profile picture of the author King Manu
    I hope this is not a step into making WhatsApp like Messenger... filled with ads and annoying.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11629636].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author talfighel
      Originally Posted by King Manu View Post

      I hope this is not a step into making WhatsApp like Messenger... filled with ads and annoying.
      It looks like they are going in this direction.

      They are probably looking for more ways to generate an income from their platform.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11629703].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
      Yeah - the chat app use case (FB Messenger, Line, Kakao, Snapchat outside of Discover, etc) isn't very conducive to advertising. WhatsApp's bolt-on of "WhatsApp Status" is one way to make inroads there, but perhaps / hopefully the features mentioned in this article present a more organic and useful way to engage with users in a monetizable way..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11629708].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
      Originally Posted by King Manu View Post

      I hope this is not a step into making WhatsApp like Messenger... filled with ads and annoying.

      Actually it is. They are heading that direction now.
      CyberSEO Pro - the ultimate AI autoblogging and RSS, XML, HTML, JSON and CSV import plugin for WordPress with support for OpenAI o1, Claude, Gemini, Llama 3, Midjourney, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and more.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11662805].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Naheed
    I highly appreciate this business innovation. Thanks for sharing here on the forum.
    It has made business easy, simple, and convenient.

    Best Regards
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  • Profile picture of the author angelawest123
    WhatsApp is a common and famous app, i hope coming features in WhatsApp really very attractive.
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  • Profile picture of the author superowid
    I hope WA also develop the platform for digital download business... and create WAcoin like bitcoin for it's payment system.

    Hard time to keep promoting business? Don't worry!
    . . . . . Let me help cutting your ad production cost! . . . . .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11662241].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alastair1
    Interesting features, Hopefully, works very well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    The change in their terms of service is clear, interaction with brands or businesses on Whasapp will not be private. Messages will be recorded/tracked.

    Switched over to Signal in February. Works about the same as Whatsapp.
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