Is it wise to critic a products in my website?

by keivn2
6 replies
I am promoting a couple of the products for my website and one of them seems have very bad reputation and scam-ish (from what I learned from my research), so I decide to point out some negative part about it to make my website more "merrier" than ever...

But I fear the consequence if Google or anything does not amuse with my antics.

So , is it wise for me to write a negative review for certain product and put it in my website?

#critic #products #website #wise
  • Profile picture of the author acrasial
    Don't you want to be making sales? If you do, then if you do a "negative" review via reverse psychology you might be able to pull in EVEN more sales, regardless of how bad the product is.

    If the product is bad or not, use whatever is on your page to your advantage, and if it is not going to work in your advantage why even allow it to take up space on your page? Isn't that just a bit silly?

    Replace it with something that gets you somewhere if it isn't going to, that would make sense, rather than wasting your time researching like crazy only to write horrible things about it and be mad that you even promoted it to begin with.
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  • Profile picture of the author pharris1
    My first thought is why do you want that product associated with your website in the first place? I mean, why even take the time to put up a review on it? If their are other products similar to the main one you want to promote that have a "better" reputation then why not add those instead?

    Secondly - I don't think there is anything wrong with writing a negative review or pointing out the negative aspects of certain portions of the product but your review should be fair and honest. Don't simply trash the product for the sake of trashing it.

    Just my 2 cents.

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  • Profile picture of the author Fun to Write
    While it's okay to give an honest review of a product, I don't know why you're even promoting something on your website that you know scams people.

    Developing a reputation for promoting scam type products is not going to get people to trust you - or to buy from you.

    I suggest you find new products to promote.

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  • Profile picture of the author seanyd
    I think if theirs negative comments as well as good comments then at least your being honest might even make more sales because of this.

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  • Profile picture of the author keivn2
    Thanks for everyone comment.

    Well, it is because I am thinking that if I put some product as a comparison with other product , it might boost my sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliateMax
    Originally Posted by keivn2 View Post

    I am promoting a couple of the products for my website and one of them seems have very bad reputation and scam-ish (from what I learned from my research)
    Why are you 'promoting' it then?
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