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Unread 16th Oct 2012, 07:19 AM   #701
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Re: What to do if you're desperate
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I would advice people maybe you can cut down on your unnecessary expenses and find a job. If you are really determined on earning money online I'm sure that you will be willing to work hard by sacrificing your entertainment for time being. Always remember to invest wisely and track your traffic sources.
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Unread 18th Oct 2012, 10:24 PM   #702
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I think quick way to make money is go to places like or and offer your services.
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Unread 23rd Oct 2012, 07:01 AM   #703
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My advice would be to find a WSO that's reasonably priced and seems to get results (based on the review section). Choose one that has free or very cheap to start methods (like under $20) and work it till the wheels fall off.

I'm a strong believer that almost anything if you work it.

After that it's all about being consistent until you see results.
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Unread 24th Oct 2012, 04:34 PM   #704
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Originally Posted by Kevin_Hutto View Post

Fastest way to make some quick money -- without knowing the person's skills -- is to go to craigslist closest to their area and search the gigs. Many times these are cash type jobs that can be done quickly and locally.
This is not always the case. I've posted gigs for people in this troubled economy on craigslist, sirolist,oodle,bookoo, etc. just for simple stuff like pass out flyers house to house for a per diem wage or pay per enrollment sort of thing with me paying for the supplies and yet people don't contact me or ask me for details about the gigs. Its like they want to earn money, but just not in that way. I hate to say it but certain words come to mind "laziness" & "close minded".

If I had a gig or temp job where I needed someone to clean toilets at a location I work at until my regular worker comes back from vacation. Then that would be it. Here's the amount of negotiation. Some people (not all) seem to think certain jobs are beneath them. This is just my opinion on the gigs part on making fast cash on craigslist. A person has to be REALLY desperate to not care what the job entails.
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Unread 30th Oct 2012, 07:01 PM   #705
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Random Jobs are all I've ever known, and I get this question constantly with my students. (I teach classes about finding legitimate work at home jobs and avoiding scams) It really comes down to someone's skillset and interest level. I wouldn't recommend IM because there's to much of a learning curve, but there's plenty to do if you need cash quick~

Favourite random job is Mystery Shopping: You're paid to evaluate products and services you receive. Basic internet, writing, and observation skills required. Simply sign on with the mystery shopping companies and take the assignments that are of interest to you. Stay away from reimbursement only shops (like restaurants) if you need cash, instead of free stuff, go for the apartment and bank shops. I've been shopping since 1999 for over 150's real, it's legit, and it's an easy way to get money when times are tight.

Second up: merchandising. That's where you go into stores and set up displays or scan UPC codes. It's a bit more consistent than mystery shopping because you may have several locations to service over 3,6,9 months, etc. This is especially good for seniors, especially if there isn't a lot of heavy lifting.

After that, I'd steer people based on their skill set. VA's could work for West at Home or Alpine, Teachers could sell lesson plans through teacherspayteachers, nurses could get extra work on fonemed...I could go on and on, but again, I wouldn't steer them to webby stuff, unless that's already their skill set. And in that case, they'd probably already know how to start on their own!

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Unread 2nd Nov 2012, 03:22 PM   #706
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Let me share some simple things I do. I am a regular meditator and do it daily.
One thing you must remember that whenever you made some money with any effort just start rinse and repeat that effort. Make it as big as you can.
Never ever promote an affiliate product direct but only through your squeeze page. Start with weight loss niche it will work and start spending time on yahoo answers. Do not share link in the source but put few links in your Yahoo answers profile. Never answer full question but only half and redirect the reader to you profile link with humbleness not as sales person. 5-10 sales a month will make you 300-500 Dollars. Only spend an hour here.
Now MMO niche will be good if promoted in MMO community. Use traffic exchanges, safelists etc.
I have a real good free system and tools which you can use to build free traffic and daily money from these traffic exchanges. Traffic is real quick and you can easily earn $50 plus a day if you put efforts and tools I give you.
Just PM me if you need more info. This is working for me.

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Unread 16th Nov 2012, 12:09 PM   #707
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Hi guys, I am new to this forum and the first post I came across with is Paul's with a very interesting topic, The quickest Way To Make Money.

Hmmm.. based on my experienced, I've been a freelancer for 2 years and I can say that It's a good way to make extra bucks. But the fastest way I made money from is fiverr. You can make a research and look for Gigs that is highly in demand and try to see if you can offer the same. I bet you will get a bunch of orders and make a lot of money the next day.
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Unread 16th Nov 2012, 12:19 PM   #708
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Yeah this is good. If you're desperate, then this is actually a good thing for your IM career. How? Well this usually will light a fire under your ass and compel you to get to work, stop chatting on facebook, surfing the web, watching the latest viral youtube video, reading emails etc.

Instead, this stuff isn't rocket science people, focus on income producing activities, and the money will flow. You have to decide how and where you want to spend your time online. If you're screwing around, then you're gonna go broke. If you get to work and produce content or do activities that bring in money, you will go from desperate to feeling ok.

But for those that are desperate, if you have any types of skills in IM, then yea go market them to small businesses in your area. If you get 1 client, you can charge a minimum of $500 to do blogging and seo services. Stuff that all us IMers take for granted as being easy, well business owners don't have clue, nor do they want to spend the time to learn it. They would be happy to pay someone to get their business going online if someone would do it for them.

The position, or USP (unique selling position) that you have, is that you can do it for fairly cheap and all it will cost you is you time.

Like I said though, you have to get off your ass and start moving and producing to make anything happen, and that's what desperation will do.

Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.
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Unread 25th Nov 2012, 04:27 AM   #709
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If you are desperate to make money online, a good idea beside selling your stuff on Ebay and Amazon (in the used section) is offering fiverr gigs. although it seems to be a low paid job it can really pay off.
for example: i ordered video intros for my videos and also ordered the high resolution file because i quickly realized that the small resolution won't make me able to offer high quality HD videos - so i didn't pay 5 but 15$ for someone adding text into a template.

another example are the ebook designs. here i also paid 15$ because i wanted the high quality PSD file to be able to change the text

so if you can offer a few gigs you can quickly make some good money for not too much work.

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Unread 26th Nov 2012, 01:01 PM   #710
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Thanks for these posts... Reading this helped me get a decent view of Internet Marketing basics where as before I was having trouble thinking of where to start. Please keep posting, as I follow this thread regularly
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Unread 26th Nov 2012, 01:21 PM   #711
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104,524 views currently to date on this thread. I wonder what percentage of visitors were desperate.

I say work hard; forget about the quick millions; stay focused; concentrate on one thing at a time; set goals; create products; build lists; build relationships with JV's.

I know it's a lot to take in people but you gotta start somewhere, right?

Great post Paul!


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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 07:25 PM   #712
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Lol, The Warrior forum turning into a clinical case study of people living through tough times... might start calling the Warrior Forum the psychiatric forum for warriors living in hard times.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 07:27 PM   #713
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Some people having varying levels of "tough times"
"tough times" can simply signify an individual who tried to make a million dollars in 10 days and failed miserably and gave up on everything.
Have some goals in mind to beat back the tough times.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 07:38 PM   #714
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My advice for all the desperate people out I was once one of them, start with common sense. I've seen so many people get kicked out of an apartment or home, but yet they can take their $1,000 TV, $300 game console, $500 worth of games and a ton of other things with them. Ladies, this might mean your $5,000 in shoes and clothes.

If you are truly desperate, start by clearing out anything you don't NEED. Understand, NEED means the absolute basic necessities. I am not telling you to give up all your toys forever, but temporarily you need to let go of all the things you wasted money on. Sell them on or, pay your rent and bills, and then move onto the next step.

Once you get your bills caught up, you need to develop a skill. Whether that sill is writing, SEO work, coding or anything else you can use online. This will benefit you in two ways: one, you can use the skill to make money with your own website, and two, you can market this skill as a freelancer for an immediate income.

You can freelance to make the money you need to cover your bills, while you build your own website or blog.

It won't happen overnight, but if you work at it everyday, you can make the money you need to cover your bills and work your way out of the hole you're currently in.

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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 08:29 PM   #715
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Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

We've been getting a lot of threads here lately from people talking about tough times. Clearly, some are for real. Others seem a bit... iffy. One thing we can be sure of is that having a bunch of these scattered through the database isn't the best way to help anyone.

So, here's the suggestion: Pretend this is a request from someone who's in a tight spot, and needs to figure out how to make some money quick. We don't know if they're on the verge of getting kicked out into the street tomorrow, or if they've got a couple of months to get something going.

Give your best suggestions, starting off with the required skills and the timeline you're addressing. Let's get one thread with a ton of ways for people to handle a tough spot.

Then, when the threads come up, we can point them here. The folks who need advice get it - a lot of it in one place - and you don't have to re-type your answers every time.

Who wants to start it off?



Well, I know this is a pretty old thread but I just had to tell you what great ideas have been put out there. At one time I found myself unemployed for almost 2 years and it was truly a discouraging time. If only I had known about IM and this forum I am sure my life would have gone in a different direction. Now, I am thankful for a job to pay the bills, but I definitely plan to become a full time IM and make a great job doing it. Thanks again for this thread.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 08:36 PM   #716
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Originally Posted by Benjamin Ehinger View Post

My advice for all the desperate people out I was once one of them, start with common sense. I've seen so many people get kicked out of an apartment or home, but yet they can take their $1,000 TV, $300 game console, $500 worth of games and a ton of other things with them. Ladies, this might mean your $5,000 in shoes and clothes.

If you are truly desperate, start by clearing out anything you don't NEED. Understand, NEED means the absolute basic necessities. I am not telling you to give up all your toys forever, but temporarily you need to let go of all the things you wasted money on. Sell them on or, pay your rent and bills, and then move onto the next step.

Once you get your bills caught up, you need to develop a skill. Whether that sill is writing, SEO work, coding or anything else you can use online. This will benefit you in two ways: one, you can use the skill to make money with your own website, and two, you can market this skill as a freelancer for an immediate income.

You can freelance to make the money you need to cover your bills, while you build your own website or blog.

It won't happen overnight, but if you work at it everyday, you can make the money you need to cover your bills and work your way out of the hole you're currently in.

Benjamin Ehinger

Your response made me think of all of the things I purchased that I thought I would one day use and they are sitting in the original box. I remember buying this Waacom Tablet because I envisioned myself becoming the next best graphics designer. Every time I look at it I tell myself to sell it because I never did learn how to use it. Oh well, maybe one day I will get around to posting it on either eBay or Craigslist.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 08:58 PM   #717
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Originally Posted by Monja View Post

If you are desperate to make money online, a good idea beside selling your stuff on Ebay and Amazon (in the used section) is offering fiverr gigs. although it seems to be a low paid job it can really pay off.
for example: i ordered video intros for my videos and also ordered the high resolution file because i quickly realized that the small resolution won't make me able to offer high quality HD videos - so i didn't pay 5 but 15$ for someone adding text into a template.

another example are the ebook designs. here i also paid 15$ because i wanted the high quality PSD file to be able to change the text

so if you can offer a few gigs you can quickly make some good money for not too much work.

Do you mind if I PM you tomorrow to ask you a few questions about the Fiverr video intros? I have ordered a few gigs myself and I saw a few people who were offering those services. At any rate I must go to bed now, but if it's okay I will contact you tomorrow.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 09:34 PM   #718
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Originally Posted by hbhanot View Post

Let me share some simple things I do. I am a regular meditator and do it daily.
One thing you must remember that whenever you made some money with any effort just start rinse and repeat that effort. Make it as big as you can.
Never ever promote an affiliate product direct but only through your squeeze page. Start with weight loss niche it will work and start spending time on yahoo answers. Do not share link in the source but put few links in your Yahoo answers profile. Never answer full question but only half and redirect the reader to you profile link with humbleness not as sales person. 5-10 sales a month will make you 300-500 Dollars. Only spend an hour here.
Now MMO niche will be good if promoted in MMO community. Use traffic exchanges, safelists etc.
I have a real good free system and tools which you can use to build free traffic and daily money from these traffic exchanges. Traffic is real quick and you can easily earn $50 plus a day if you put efforts and tools I give you.
Just PM me if you need more info. This is working for me.

Seeing as though I am a newbie at all of this, I will definitely be hitting you up for more info. Thanks for sharing.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 09:43 PM   #719
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We can't just entrust our everyday expenses in online marketing or online business because it is not permanent or fixed, sometimes you can earn more or sometimes less. If you want to be successful internet business you have to commit your time to it.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 09:45 PM   #720
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Originally Posted by PowderPuff View Post

I think quick way to make money is go to places like or and offer your services.

Hmmmm....I would think sites like elance and getafreelancer are innundated with people seeking freelance work. Plus, the few times I considered putting up a profile for VA or writing, I saw the tons of other people who were hoping to get selected. Another thing I noticed was the rates charged by those of us in America were so much higher than other countries, I wondered if we could truly compete. Oh well, I know it is important to me to be able to work for myself, so I will do what I have to do. I just have to think of some way to make my profile stand out.
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 10:01 PM   #721
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Originally Posted by tyronne78 View Post

Very clear and concise, this information could be packaged into a small little ebook to give away to people who optin to your list. Maybe even a course you could sell for a few bucks.
WOW! I could be up all night reading this great info everyone is giving. You have really given some great stuff. Thank you!
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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 10:05 PM   #722
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Originally Posted by PinkOwl View Post

Your response made me think of all of the things I purchased that I thought I would one day use and they are sitting in the original box. I remember buying this Waacom Tablet because I envisioned myself becoming the next best graphics designer. Every time I look at it I tell myself to sell it because I never did learn how to use it. Oh well, maybe one day I will get around to posting it on either eBay or Craigslist.
Trust me, I understand completely. I have to purge all the crap I don't need or use from my life about once a year. It just seems to find it's way in and too much clutter just doesn't allow me to focus. I've also had to do it to pay bill before.

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Unread 27th Nov 2012, 10:12 PM   #723
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Originally Posted by RoadCEO View Post

Thanks all this was an awesome thread. I spent a few hours yesterday reading all 15 pages of it. It helped spur me on some, but also gave me some direction and guidance... oh and lets not forget about a few twists to ideas I was already thinking about ... You all rock


I totally agree with you. I am serious about creating multiple streams of income. There is absolutely no freedom like being in business for yourself. There are so many things to do pinpointing one thing to start with is the hard part.
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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 12:52 PM   #724
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I guess this is one of the greatest discussion threads on WF. And it'll take me a month to finish reading :-)

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 12:58 PM   #725
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If someone is desperate for quick cash then IM is definitely NOT the way to go. IM needs a lot of time. They are better off looking for a gig on craigslist.

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 01:11 PM   #726
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a lot of useful tips on here i am going to spend my time reading them

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Unread 3rd Dec 2012, 04:20 PM   #727
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Originally Posted by PinkOwl View Post


Hmmmm....I would think sites like elance and getafreelancer are innundated with people seeking freelance work. Plus, the few times I considered putting up a profile for VA or writing, I saw the tons of other people who were hoping to get selected. Another thing I noticed was the rates charged by those of us in America were so much higher than other countries, I wondered if we could truly compete. Oh well, I know it is important to me to be able to work for myself, so I will do what I have to do. I just have to think of some way to make my profile stand out.
I thought that too but I found that if you search for jobs that have very few proposals you'll find that the reason is because the the job is not really defined. Basically the client is simply looking for someone to contact them and ask them the right questions. By making this extra effort, you are showing the client that you are up for a challenge and by asking intelligent questions, you show them that you have the skills necessary to do the job. I often reply to jobs that have been sitting around for over a week with zero proposals. By being the only response, I basically have a captive audience and I find that I can work on increasing their budget without fear of them selecting another proposal.
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Unread 5th Dec 2012, 03:39 AM   #728
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I've gotten many questions about this very situation on my websites. Here's the quick honest truth.

If you're desperate & need to pull in quick cash you need to look at all your available sources of income and see what can produce the fastest results.

Most people in this thread have posted that a service is the fastest way. I agree, but partially.

Don't exclude the real world. Your best temporary solution might be to get a 2nd (or a first) job. If your back is against the wall and you feel it closing in fast you need to do something to guarantee some money to help get you out of the hole.

You can look on craigslist for people looking for certain types of work -OR- you could post services that you're offering on CL. You can make good money fast by painting a few rooms in someone's house or even building a website for a local business.

I know this is an Internet Marketing forum. But if you're truly desperate and you haven't had prior success online the truth is that it may take you more time to learn what you need to do online than you have.

If you've made some money online in the past & know that you can put a package or service together and offer it as a REALLY GREAT DEAL, you could rake in some quick cash. You could even make good coin offering Internet Marketing Services to other Warriors on this forum.

The bottom line is that you need to secure some money as quickly as possible. Look at the skills that you have that are the most valuable (i.e. you can sell them for the highest price) and reach out locally through craigslist, the Warrior Forum, or even your facebook profile.

Don't rule out taking another job, even if it's one that doesn't pay you enough. It's better to get some money coming in and create some breathing room than to go down with the ship. This will better your situation.

As far as Internet success goes, it takes some time and dedication. The magic "push a button" over night success stuff is all hype. To make money online you simply have to deliver more value to the niche you're trying to serve than anyone else in that niche. That takes creativity, but the reward could be a small fortune.

Focusing on making money isn't the answer. Ask yourself "what could I give people to make them truly live a better life and love me?" The answer to that question is the secret to your success
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Unread 5th Dec 2012, 04:40 PM   #729
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Along with the MANY online options listed here, I have an offline idea that I haven't saw posted anywhere.

With the influx of foreclosures, there is great opportunity to make some cash. Start by calling area real estate offices and say you are interested in offering your services for foreclosure preservation. You will most likely be directed to the agent(s) in the office that handle foreclosure (reo) listings. Call those agents up and offer your services. They may ask you to place bids so do your homework and know what you would like to charge. If they already have vendors they work with (or require business license & insurance), ask for the contact information for their vendors then call them and offer to work for them. The busy vendors almost always need RELIABLE help. Boom you have a job to start bringing in some immediate income. Be persistent as in larger cities there are dozens of agents who do nothing but foreclosures.

In addition, offer to haul off any left behind personal property for free then sell it on Craigslist or Ebay. You wouldn't believe the amazing stuff that gets left behind. You get fast cash and save the vendor money from hauling it to the landfill. Win win! Find a house that almost everything was left behind and you could have truckloads of stuff to sell. Of course this only works if the vendor hasn't figured out this cash cow and is keeping it for himself
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Unread 6th Dec 2012, 11:44 AM   #730
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The best advice I can give someone is to get a job somewhere so that an income comes in. No one is going to log into the internet for the first time, join some sort of an opportunity, and then make $1,000 next week.

The fact is that the internet is a cold and dark place. There are a lot of scams going on.

Find a good mentor, which sometimes it is very hard to do, and then learn what they have done to be as successful as they are today.

I know that many guys and ladies who are killing it online will not share their real secrets but some do. It is just about testing to see which strategies really work and which ones don't.

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Unread 11th Dec 2012, 06:46 PM   #731
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Originally Posted by Monja View Post

i ordered video intros for my videos and also ordered the high resolution file
Where did you order the video intros from?

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Unread 11th Dec 2012, 06:56 PM   #732
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As a general rule of thumb, which I not only preach constantly but I also practice religiously, is to always do it for someone else first. Find someone who is already successful at what you want to do and ask them to hire you to do the grunt work for them for cheap so that you can learn. Then after you've been paid to learn from someone smarter than you for long enough to have built your own reputation, then you can go out and do the same thing on your own.

I also recommend that you tell your boss/mentor that this is your plan from the start. Sometimes they will not like it and might not hire you however keep looking because someone out there will like it and might even pay you more for your ambition.

This is definitely not the get rich quick method but it is the quickest and safest way get smart and you have to get smart before you can work smart.


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Unread 18th Dec 2012, 07:11 PM   #733
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If you are really serious about making money online you need to treat your efforts like a business, which means you will most likely need to spend money (or significant time) to make money.

And you need to be resourceful. No one is going to hand you any real opportunities, and if they appear to be doing that out of the blue...I would immediately be suspicious.

Many of the less hyped info products are actually excellent places to start. As would be a Google/other search. Obviously you're already on WarriorForum which is an excellent starting place.

One very important thing is to look at what marketers are actually doing, as opposed to what they are selling. Actions speak louder than words!

It would also be an excellent idea to strike up a conversation with more knowledgeable marketers and get their advice. This could lead to partnerships/JV opportunities down the road. Often this can be the thing that allows you to break out and make some big bucks.

But you've got to be resourceful and keep a positive attitude. Both qualities are imperative.

Good luck!

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Unread 19th Dec 2012, 03:11 AM   #734
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Originally Posted by Joshster View Post

If you are really serious about making money online you need to treat your efforts like a business, which means you will most likely need to spend money (or significant time) to make money.

And you need to be resourceful. No one is going to hand you any real opportunities, and if they appear to be doing that out of the blue...I would immediately be suspicious.

Many of the less hyped info products are actually excellent places to start. As would be a Google/other search. Obviously you're already on WarriorForum which is an excellent starting place.

One very important thing is to look at what marketers are actually doing, as opposed to what they are selling. Actions speak louder than words!

It would also be an excellent idea to strike up a conversation with more knowledgeable marketers and get their advice. This could lead to partnerships/JV opportunities down the road. Often this can be the thing that allows you to break out and make some big bucks.

But you've got to be resourceful and keep a positive attitude. Both qualities are imperative.

Good luck!
Well Josh, what are you doing? How about you PM are the reason I am here anyway after reading your post on the Free Coaching thread...I'm all ears
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Unread 25th Dec 2012, 02:00 AM   #735
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Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

The best advice I can give someone is to get a job somewhere so that an income comes in. No one is going to log into the internet for the first time, join some sort of an opportunity, and then make $1,000 next week.

The fact is that the internet is a cold and dark place. There are a lot of scams going on.

Find a good mentor, which sometimes it is very hard to do, and then learn what they have done to be as successful as they are today.

I know that many guys and ladies who are killing it online will not share their real secrets but some do. It is just about testing to see which strategies really work and which ones don't.
The only real secret is that there are NO Secrets! People are taught to do the opposite of what works because if everyone knew happiness attracts success and then money follows, nobody would be working at jobs they hate.

Unfortunately, you learn what you live and after age 5 it gets more and more difficult to change what you believe because that's all you know. The world is full of creative, brilliant kids who grow up thinking they're not.

If you want to make money, do what you love but that requires help. Someone has to do what you're not going to do so you have to work together or hire help because nobody lives long enough to learn how to do everything like an expert.

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Unread 25th Dec 2012, 09:48 PM   #736
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Offering gigs on is always to good options
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Unread 26th Dec 2012, 12:28 AM   #737
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When I first started online I was taught:

"To make money to use for advertising, buy domains, pay for hosting, buy food... whatever, do the type of work noone else wants to do".

There are lots of "get paid to" opportunities on the web. Just have to think of a regular task that a web site owner does that is a pain... get really good at it really fast, figure out how you can "add value" to make it even better...

Perhaps even contact people directly..

As an example I had a bit of programming knowledge. I was visiting a web site and bought an ebook... but the check out process wasn't very efficient for the "instant ebook gratification" that I was after. I recognized the flaws in the current system. I put together a screencast video for free using to explain the issue and a better way to do it. I emailed the site owner and offered to do it for free in exchange for a refund of my ebook (but the video also showed exactly how to do it). He ended up refunding my money, hiring me to do it, and, over the years, I've made easily $100k with him part-time.. I still do work for him in my spare time as a "thanks" for getting my bank account fueled from the beginning.. plus.. he happens to be a leader in my niche so I get some inside scoop

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Unread 26th Dec 2012, 04:38 AM   #738
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Local video SEO in YT for music bands. I think this is an overlooked niche because I often seen people doing local video SEO for non-entertainment businesses.

Music bands, indie or not, do have money to pay for video SEO service.

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Unread 6th Jan 2013, 02:50 PM   #739
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if you are desperate go for medical trials but don't complain when the side effects start happening like your toe coming of :-)
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Unread 7th Jan 2013, 07:01 AM   #740
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Originally Posted by copius View Post

This doesn't apply to everyone but if one has a little bit of car knowledge one can offer to sell a car for a commission for the car owner. Again, providing one has a bit of car knowledge and one has a place where one can showcase the car.

Many people would prefer to sell a car on their own rather than trade it in. But, those same people don't want all those strangers coming to their home - that's the drawback for you - strangers coming to your home.

This works best in a fairly well populated area with a couple of upscale neighborhoods.

A little bit of car inspection plus, hopefully, repair and service receipts, knowledge of the paperwork involved (title, bill of sale) and knowledge of the car's value (rarely does one get bluebook value for a used car but ... well ... because of the gov'ment cash for clunkers deal last year creating a LACK of affordable used cars on the market ... who knows? maybe more).

10 to 15 percent commission plus expenses (ads) is usually appropiate.

I used to do this back in the '70s and 80's (I worked in a service station in an affluent neighborhood therefore I did have access to the people with that kind of problem. I sold an old Suburban for a friend a couple of years ago by taking some pictures and putting them on Craigslist. Made $750.)

It was a nice supplement to my income.

I would think that a couple of character references plus free areas (laundromats, libraries, community post boards etc.) to advertise this service would be needed.

just a thought. again, selling a service as reiterated on many of the posts in this thread is usually an inexpensive way to earn income.
I just wanted to weigh in on this. It highly depends on the state you are in. Here in Texas for example, car brokering is not allowed. But there are other ways to get around that. Out of state buyers, for example, eliminate that problem. So you list it on eBay and PROHIBIT Texas residents from buying the car. You'll see dealers in Kansas doing the same thing because of the strict used car sales guidelines and buyer's recourse that state has. Used car prices are still artificially high. If you can build the value in what you are selling, more power to you. Spend $20 and buy a cheap generic paintless dent repair kit and pull some of the smaller but more noticeable dents before selling. Go to the car wash and spend a few hours and a roll of quarters on it, make it real nice, wipe down the door jambs and the dash and door panel trim. You can make a $2500 car into a $4000 car with little effort!

Alan Moore | Wichita Falls, TX

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Unread 7th Jan 2013, 07:52 AM   #741
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All the posts above are truely 1st class, with all the strategies being highly effective. However ,I put myself in a newbies position, and personally I would find it all a little daunting. I have always liked to keep things very very simple in my business's so I must say as simplistic as this may sound. I would simply find someone to model myself on, who was in a position to & willing to help, and from experience, there are some extremely good guys out there ,and in here, that would step up

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Unread 12th Jan 2013, 11:20 PM   #742
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I used to go to the free section on craigslist and pick free stuff up, then sell it on ebay. Its doable.
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Unread 12th Jan 2013, 11:40 PM   #743
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A good way to make some quick money not knowing the person's skills. I would say go to craigslist closest to their area and search the gigs.

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Unread 17th Jan 2013, 06:26 AM   #744
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What can people do when they are desperate?

This is a really interesting topic and from what I have read here so far there are a wide range of different opinions on it. I think however there is not right or wrong answer to this question and more of what different people have personally experienced when in this situation throughout their lives.

For me personally when I got to the point where I was desperate, it forced me to make a serious choice. I decided that enough was finally enough and I was going to do whatever it took to change my life, if it meant going back to school, or selling everything I had at the time, I was going to do it without fail.

I think the term desperate is relative also, I mean there could be different levels of desperate, are we talking desperate in a little uncomfortable desperate or live or die desperate? Depending on the degree there is a physiological change that occurs.

I think the best thing for people is to feel a little desperation it can serve as a reality check in some cases and force people to make a decision to get all in. What I mean by get all in is commit to what they believe in and want to do to change their lives. Some change is instant change and some is long term change that happens over time but the end result is usually the same living a better life by making better choices.

Hope this helps someone somehow change their life for the better!

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Unread 17th Jan 2013, 06:37 AM   #745
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There are many outlets to sell stuff nowadays.

See what you can sell to others. You can sell services or products or even trinkets and gadgets you have laying around the house to make some starting capital or pay bills.
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Unread 17th Jan 2013, 07:47 AM   #746
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Go to and write as many articles as I can all day long.

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Unread 19th Jan 2013, 01:54 AM   #747
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Originally Posted by chukster View Post

if you are desperate go for medical trials but don't complain when the side effects start happening like your toe coming of :-)
You could sell the toe on Amazon or Ebay though.
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Unread 26th Jan 2013, 08:20 AM   #748
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There are many ways to earn money without any initial investment:

1. Go to freelance sites and look for projects in areas of your expertise
2. Set up gigs on Fiverr and offer valuable services. Check out gigs in your area of expertise which are doing well and then try to better them.
3. Offer IM related or content writing services on WarriorForum or other such forums.
4. Create and sell PLR packs. PLR packs can be of articles, videos, reports and a combination of some or all of these.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. I am sure there are hundreds of other ideas too which require almost no investment.

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Unread 26th Jan 2013, 07:38 PM   #749
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Perhaps these methods work in India, but where I live in the U.S. they are not very good things to do if you are truly desperate.

For one thing, you would need a Paypal account and a bank account, and 2-4 weeks before you would see any money from a Fiverr gig. For another, unless you have a unique area of expertise that is in high demand (and if you did, you probably wouldn't be desperate), your services offered on outsourcing sites will compete with thousands of other people, many of whom are willing to work for pennies. It's sad, but you will earn far less than the lowest unskilled labor in this country.

Here it is what has worked best for me:
1. Sell your un-needed items on Craigslist and eBay. It has been said before, but there is simply no faster way to raise decent cash in a hurry than this.

2. When you run out of items to sell, look for stuff that other people are giving away that you can sell. Go to a wealthy neighborhood on trash night and look at all the stuff rich people are discarding.

3. Search the "gigs" and "etc" job listings on Craigslist for research studies and other projects you can do.

4. Contact temp agencies that specialize in white collar unskilled labor (if you have no skills). Things like event staffing, hospitality typically pay $10-12/hour and are easy to get.

5. Talk to people you know and look for opportunities to do simple internet services for them, like setting up blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, etc. you don't have to know a lot... just slight more than the person you are working for

Originally Posted by anwar001 View Post

There are many ways to earn money without any initial investment:

1. Go to freelance sites and look for projects in areas of your expertise
2. Set up gigs on Fiverr and offer valuable services. Check out gigs in your area of expertise which are doing well and then try to better them.
3. Offer IM related or content writing services on WarriorForum or other such forums.
4. Create and sell PLR packs. PLR packs can be of articles, videos, reports and a combination of some or all of these.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. I am sure there are hundreds of other ideas too which require almost no investment.
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Unread 15th Feb 2013, 03:39 AM   #750
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Ok assuming you have no money to start i would look for bottles and cash them in if you get $2 to $3 dollars then i would buy a bottle of Windex and paper towels and go to business and say this
I am cleaning window on cars for a donation so i can eat to nite you will get job's then take that money and buy a can of wax a hose some rags and dish detergent and go door to door at business saying i am washing and waxing cars in the area anyone would like their car wash or waxed today charging $50 to $75 dollars plus per vehicle .2 car's $100 to $150

I have hundreds of these you will never be broke as long as you do it.
here's another one go to business and tell them you will put out their flyer in drive ways for 10 cent each min. of 1000 after you get a job take flyers back home and roll them up put a heavy rubber band around them put them in a huge bag, drive around the neighborhood of where the business is located and throw them into the drive-ways

You can put out 20 to 50 a minute depending on the size of the neighborhood. Hope this helped

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