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Unread 7th Dec 2010, 09:08 PM   #151
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To add to the many comments about offering services...

Think outside the box. I have once person I outsource to regularly for article spinning (something I detest) and a couple that I outsource software blasts to (particularly UAW and other article directories). Speak a foreign language? Offer to translate articles/reviews/ads/websites/etc for marketers looking to appeal to a more global audience.

Or, if you're looking to cut costs for a while, look at what you may be spending for internet marketing tools. I'd subscribed to some monthly services before in the past only to use them on a handful of campaigns due to time constraints. I found I actually saved both money and time by canceling my subscriptions and outsourcing a few blasts. I've also been using some free/low-priced tools for social bookmarking and email marketing that allowed me to cancel additional subscriptions.

One thing to remember, if for whatever reason you are counting on the internet 100% for additional income (which I don't recommend to most people), look not only at what you promote but the time payments are made with each affiliate account and there payment thresholds. Even if you hit a home run with Amazon this Christmas, you're not going to see that cash until the end of February. Clickbank has the most frequent pay periods, but it can take up to a month to get a check once you've passed the payment threshold. While I would never make pay periods a prime consideration in what to and not to promote, it is something that needs to be kept in mind.
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Unread 7th Dec 2010, 09:20 PM   #152
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If you happen to have some basic website building skills, or even know how to throw up a word press blog, talk to some people in your community who are trying to get the word out about their business, but have no web presence.

Many times, these people don't even care about Search Engine Optimization. They simply want to have a decent looking website to put on a business card, or in a brochure, or a flier at the local pizza shop. They just want to be able to refer people to it, and if you learn more in the future, then you can educate them about how to generate more leads and get more localized traffic.

Advice. People who offer services like dog grooming, house cleaning, or massage therapy will be the best route. Other things like local restaurant owners are pretty rocky for them, because they don't have clients who depend on their crucial services.

Many of these people understand that putting up a blog is something that they could do free or on their own, and that its not that difficult, but they are intimidated by the process, and don't have the time. I pick up jobs in my tiny community by helping people I know who have local business. Its not only very rewarding, but its fun and can help you in a pinch. Then maybe you can show them what else you can do for their web presence and continue to do more work for them.

If you need something outside of online work, I mentioned house cleaning earlier. Once you get the system down, you can clean a full house by yourself in about 2 hours, for about $50-$60. I have done this, and its actually very fulfilling. Just use their cleaning products and they will be fine with it. I learned this from my amazing mom, and if you can get a few jobs a day, about 6 - 7 hours of a little elbow grease can bring you in an income.

Start by running a couple of local ads in some papers, and I guarantee that you will get leads. Eventually get a business card, because if you do good work and are respectful of their home, I guarantee you that they will pass it to all of their friends.

Hope this helps with all of my heart
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Unread 7th Dec 2010, 09:32 PM   #153
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Ah, housecleaning... I've done that a few years back to supplement my income. It's actually kind of nice to do something physical every once in a while, especially if all I do otherwise is sit on my behind in front of my computer.

I also agree with the services route. That's what I did when I realized I wasn't going to be able to live off my ebook sales anytime soon. Writing, transcriptions, translation, and so on.

Also, if you have stuff around the house, in additon to (or instead of) trying to sell it on eBay, you may want to try Marketplace. The right books and things can sell for more than they do on eBay, and it's much less work to list them -- AND there's no up-front charge! Yes, Amazon charges quite a commission, but they do the advertising for you and it doesn't cost you a penny to list stuff there until it sells.

Also, now with the advent of Rapbank and similar instant commission sites, you can pick a few products and write articles promoting them, and build a list to which you can promote them some more...

Ideally, I'd do a bit of everything, i.e., clean a few houses or mow some lawns/shovel some driveways, do some ghostwriting gigs or other services, and start doing some affiliate marketing. that way, you're less likely to burn yourself out.

FREE Report: 5 Ways To Grow Your Affiliate Income

Let Me Help You Sell: Sales Letters, Email Series, Pre-Sell Reports... PM me & we'll talk!
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Unread 7th Dec 2010, 09:37 PM   #154
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Step 1 = Get a paypal debit card (so you can get your money out of the ATM like NOW and don't have to wait for affiliate checks....)

Step 2 - Find some instant commission products that are high converting (you'll need to ask around)

Step 3 - go get some "Free" TARGETED TRAFFIC (craigslist, facebook, twitter, etc)

Ping me if you want some tips on where to find high converting instant commission products

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Unread 8th Dec 2010, 04:56 AM   #155
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I was in the same situation. I had already set up some Amazon affiliate sites but I knew they were no going to provide me with an income immediately. Then one day I checked my bank account and realized I had to do something. Luckily I love to write.

I posted one ad on Warriors for Hire - cost $20. That was 2 weeks ago. I have been earning anywhere up to $100 a day (working 14 hours a day). I already have about 5 regular clients with never-ending work. And they all pay me up front! I am getting quicker at writing articles and I am learning a lot too. A much better alternative than a part-time minimum wage job I would hate. No fighting traffic, no buying gas, no freezing my buns off (yes it's freezing even in Tampa), no getting dressed up = zero expenses.

Best $20 I ever invested!

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Unread 8th Dec 2010, 05:54 AM   #156
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Originally Posted by wimbledonwoman View Post

I was in the same situation. I had already set up some Amazon affiliate sites but I knew they were no going to provide me with an income immediately. Then one day I checked my bank account and realized I had to do something. Luckily I love to write.

I posted one ad on Warriors for Hire - cost $20. That was 2 weeks ago. I have been earning anywhere up to $100 a day (working 14 hours a day). I already have about 5 regular clients with never-ending work. And they all pay me up front! I am getting quicker at writing articles and I am learning a lot too. A much better alternative than a part-time minimum wage job I would hate. No fighting traffic, no buying gas, no freezing my buns off (yes it's freezing even in Tampa), no getting dressed up = zero expenses.

Best $20 I ever invested!
You're a great example of what can be accomplished in terms of earning money pretty quickly, IF you have the determination and perseverance to do so. If you need money desperately, you're going to have to hustle and work hard at it. Just because you're working on the internet does not mean your work is going to be easy by any means!

I still think services (specifically article writing, since this is in so much demand) are the fastest way of earning money quickly on the internet. Of course, you should also keep your eyes and ears peeled for opportunities offline as well. With the holidays fast approaching, I'd imagine that there'd be no shortage of part-time work available at stores and also offered by individuals (to shovel snow, put up Christmas lights, transport/set up trees, etc.)


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Unread 8th Dec 2010, 05:56 AM   #157
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Three magic words...consistency, commitment and determination. Once you acquire these, anything is possible!
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Unread 9th Dec 2010, 10:02 PM   #158
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Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post

I am going to offer a little advice that is counter cultural here for those who have a Master's Degree. I am currently putting together a product to shows people how to quickly land a job teaching online with Universities in their local area or even for profits. This is not actual desperation, but if you have about 21 to 28 days before you need money, it can happen.

So for those of you with Masters Degrees, you have probably heard that your degree is good for nothing...not so. You can find a job teaching online today if you look in the right places. I would start with and using the term "online professor". Look for your chosen area.

The only sticking point is that you will need to quickly get all of your academic transcripts. You can rush copies and the fee is minimal, but if you need to get the money, this is a viable way.

The Project is not even close to being ready, so if you have any questions about this PM me or skype me and I will get you started and may even let you beta the product when it is done.

My name is Mike. I am interested but can not PM you or post my email address because I am a new member. I can be reached at 314-338-5816.
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Unread 9th Dec 2010, 10:52 PM   #159
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Sometimes it is good to be desperate because you will do your very best. Thank you for sharing.
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Unread 10th Dec 2010, 01:21 AM   #160
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Originally Posted by Ken Rogers View Post

A quick way to make money that has worked for me is to create a little ebook or video tutorial on pretty much anything and sell it on Digital Point because you can list in their for sale section for free.

Look in this forum and in DP and find out what people want to know about. Then research it and gather the best info in either an ebook or a video, ebooks work best because they are easy to sell.
This is great advice. Many people overlook Digital Point, but if you're in search of quick cash you can list just about anything for sale over there without any fees, so if you've no money but lots of time on your hands, you could offer IM services such as article writing, or create some quick digital products and list them there.

Of course, you'll not know for sure whether it will sell, but it is completely free to list your offers there, so if you have a little initiative and don't give up at the first sign of failure there, you should be able to make at least a couple of hundred dollars fairly quickly there doing this.


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Unread 19th Dec 2010, 03:18 PM   #161
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Thanks for this, Paul!

I didn't really know that this thread is a synchronization page for GOOD posts! WOW!

I think I would just add a link to what I've posted in another thread, it would be just too long to copy and paste that in here.

Warriors, if you're having a lot of business deals geared towards to IM that you run on WarriorForum, or even if you've just started your IM journey in WF, you might want to check this out, it's my thread featuring some powerful features in WF introduced by Allen a while ago.

Even some of the higher stature and respected WF members missed out on what I've been documenting...

One warrior even jokingly wondering if I was being paid by Allen to do so.

Here you go:

Aiden Chong
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Unread 21st Dec 2010, 07:10 PM   #162
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If you know how to do some things maybe you can offer your services for cash. If you know about Internet Marketing you can probably offer services on this forum like writing articles, making videos, creating ecovers etc.

Hope this helps.

Haphiza baboolal
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Unread 21st Dec 2010, 07:12 PM   #163
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Get a decent, high converting CPA offer, apply some bum marketing methods using your offer, and get creative. Voila! Instant profits, I've had much success with methods like these.
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Unread 21st Dec 2010, 09:36 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Anne1985 View Post

Three magic words...consistency, commitment and determination. Once you acquire these, anything is possible!
thats some pretty vague advice there :confused:

you can have all these but without proper knowledge what are you going to get out of your online experience.

That is what I see with the clients I coach, they think they know it all, yet they go to do the first step, they are determined and commited and just sit there, like a top fiction novelist, staring at his blank sheet of paper.

I think you need to get educated fast, and learn how to take action properly. Too many times in here the WF you hear TAKE ACTION spoken about, but most people actually do not know how to take action. and when they do, how to take action properly and make the most of their time.

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Unread 29th Dec 2010, 10:01 PM   #165
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Once I bought 30 brand new books of Martha Stewart for just $1 each (I bought it on a dollar store) and research on amazon and the book price was $24 so I create an auction on eBay and I use on the Title "Save 30% Today" I sold out in 2 days!

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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 09:19 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by celente View Post

I think you need to get educated fast, and learn how to take action properly. Too many times in here the WF you hear TAKE ACTION spoken about, but most people actually do not know how to take action. and when they do, how to take action properly and make the most of their time.
This is solid advice...

'A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step - in the right direction.'
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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 10:03 AM   #167
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I found this thread after Christmas and it attracted me because I'm going through the tough times mentioned - financially and otherwise. I'll be busy posting to the Warrior Forum regularly from now on.. and I always search for threads I can respond to that catch my own interest, of course.

But this thread not only caught my attention but has given me more information and certainly inspiration than any other place I've posted. Thanks all who have posted with desire in their hearts to really help those in need!

My 2 cents is this: Jump up and down - right where you are - just jump up and down. Do you feel that? It's the ground. That's how far you can fall - that's it. Now pick yourself up and get started doing the things mentioned here. I have done this several times in my life and I'm still an active participant. You can't get rid of me.

Here's to our successes.
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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 11:22 AM   #168
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Hi Charles...just sent you a PM...thanks!!!

Originally Posted by Charles Harper View Post

I am going to offer a little advice that is counter cultural here for those who have a Master's Degree. I am currently putting together a product to shows people how to quickly land a job teaching online with Universities in their local area or even for profits. This is not actual desperation, but if you have about 21 to 28 days before you need money, it can happen.

So for those of you with Masters Degrees, you have probably heard that your degree is good for nothing...not so. You can find a job teaching online today if you look in the right places. I would start with and using the term "online professor". Look for your chosen area.

The only sticking point is that you will need to quickly get all of your academic transcripts. You can rush copies and the fee is minimal, but if you need to get the money, this is a viable way.

The Project is not even close to being ready, so if you have any questions about this PM me or skype me and I will get you started and may even let you beta the product when it is done.

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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 11:48 AM   #169
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Great idea for a thread and some solid advice, I only wish I had joined warrior when i first started online.
I opreate a few high ticket programmes, which appeal to a lot of people, problem is not so many have the money to buy in,
I always point them here.

The initial price is peanuts. $4.95. and its a great business model that produces good money. What i find is that the folks who actually use it, get results, earn some good money,then get involved with the high ticket programme, then they are on there way.
Lots of very very happy customers

Please do not use affiliate links in signatures
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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 12:10 PM   #170
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Fabulous idea, Paul. Can this be a sticky? I can see that over time, it will provide some great ideas for everyone - not just people who are desperate. Ideas often trigger more ideas. If it's at the top, it will be super easy to find when we need to boost our imaginations.

Depending on what method someone chooses, they can make money quickly or in the long term. Since they are likely thinking short term because of the urgency factor, this might only turn into a temporary, short term solution. They should be considering methods that work short AND long term so money will come in later as well.

Here are a few ideas:
- Determine your skills: writing, copy editing, proofreading, graphic design, blog setups, mailing list management, public relations, computer technology, blog posting, forum posting, etc. Consider any and all jobs you've done in the past - not just paid work, but home tasks, volunteer work, etc. Put together a list, post it on your blog and direct people to it. Advertise it. Spread the word every way you know how.

- put a notice in your sig file listing the type of work you can do, then spend time in the forum offering useful comments so people see your sig.

- check the classifieds and wanted sections of this forum and all the other sites like Craigslist, Elance, Rent-a-Coder, and similar sites where people post their needs.

- Study those ads to see what's needed, then go out and figure out what you need to know to do that work. Many online jobs are very easy so very little study is needed. Things like bookmarking articles and posts, submitting sites and blogs to relevant directories.

- Post your own classified ad / people for hire sections

- Post a free ad on offering your services

- Approach people you know for referrals

I could go on, but I have to get my books back to the library. I'll add more later if I get the chance.


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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 03:32 PM   #171
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As many have mentioned in this thread already-- the fastest way, by far, is offering a service, and I'll put my own little spin on it:

The service could be either offline or online or a combo and in this case it's a combo related to a local biz website.It's the exact way I get my foot in the door when securing a local biz client. I'm offering them something that they don't even know they need; and that is a better way to structure their already existing lead gen process.

What I do is take a look at a prospects's site to see what help they need as far as structuring their site, rearranging things, taking out and adding in forms or whatever I feel will help them.

My best way in to secure them as a client is to show them that their existing opt-in form absolutely sucks for getting people to opt-in. We've all seen it-- they just ask people to sign up for "the latest news or products/services we offer".

I ask how many people sign up monthly and usually it's a pathetic number compared to their unique visitor monthly counts, and if their uniques are relatively high it's money in the bank because we all know that by just offering visitors a free item or service in exchange for their name and email we can almost always increase the optin-rates 10 fold or more,

I charge 300-500 bux to set this up for them. If you, the desperate one don't know
how to do this them all you have to do is educate yourself in the terminology so you can coherently explain it to a biz owner and then find a marketer who knows what they are doing (there's plenty here that do) and outsource it to them for a commission
and make 100- 250 a pop just for being a birddog.

Hope this helps.
Timothy Peterson
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Unread 30th Dec 2010, 05:07 PM   #172
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Fiverr is a Great way to offer services like mentioned above with writing articles and producing various content for cash.
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Unread 31st Dec 2010, 01:22 AM   #173
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Originally Posted by joshril View Post

As mentioned here, offering services is going to be the fastest way to make cash. Trying to make money as an affiliate is typically not going to be practical if you're in a bind because most payout several weeks after you've made sales.

The best plan of action is to determine what your skill-set is...

Writing, designing, marketing, etc.

Sell that service...

You can sell here by scraping up $20 to start a WSO, or on other webmaster/make money type business forums. You can also offer services to offline business. This is probably going to the most lucrative as you can normally get a much higher price for your talent offline.

Once you start having some cash rolling in, you can scale the business and begin to work on some passive forms of online money like promoting products as an affiliate, product creation, etc.

I know this is a generic business model, but it makes sense.

One thing I will add...

In many cases I think getting a job when you're in a crunch is a bad play. Let's say you get a job that pays $10 per hour. You work 40 hours your first week, so you've grossed $400. After taxes are deducted, this amount will be even less.

Plus, in many cases, it may be another week or two before you even see that paycheck... Now, you may be 3 weeks out before you get paid. This is not going to work for someone in need of quick cash...

If someone actually spent those same 40 hours offering a service either online or to offline business owners, I'd put my money on them making more than $400. Now, I'm not talking about cruising Warrior Forum for 30 hours and working 10... I'm talking actually working, selling, writing, creating, consulting... whatever... for 40 hours. And, you'll get paid immediately, and in many cases, get all or a portion upfront.

Now, for the people that won't actually work without being told what to do(and there are plenty out there), getting a job might make sense. But, for those that are truly desperate and willing to put in the effort to change their circumstances, getting a temporary job is the worst thing that can be done, in my opinion.
I totally agree with you. Getting a job has a way of sidetracking you subtly from any other project you are working on because of the demands of each job. When i was working,i took up interest in IM because the particular job i had left me with a lot of time on my hands. But this was not the case with certain other jobs i have done which takes so much of your time and eventually leaves you totally exhausted at the end of the day.

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Unread 31st Dec 2010, 03:18 AM   #174
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Originally Posted by tgeo View Post

As many have mentioned in this thread already-- the fastest way, by far, is offering a service, and I'll put my own little spin on it:

The service could be either offline or online or a combo and in this case it's a combo related to a local biz website.It's the exact way I get my foot in the door when securing a local biz client. I'm offering them something that they don't even know they need; and that is a better way to structure their already existing lead gen process.

What I do is take a look at a prospects's site to see what help they need as far as structuring their site, rearranging things, taking out and adding in forms or whatever I feel will help them.

My best way in to secure them as a client is to show them that their existing opt-in form absolutely sucks for getting people to opt-in. We've all seen it-- they just ask people to sign up for "the latest news or products/services we offer".

I ask how many people sign up monthly and usually it's a pathetic number compared to their unique visitor monthly counts, and if their uniques are relatively high it's money in the bank because we all know that by just offering visitors a free item or service in exchange for their name and email we can almost always increase the optin-rates 10 fold or more,

I charge 300-500 bux to set this up for them. If you, the desperate one don't know
how to do this them all you have to do is educate yourself in the terminology so you can coherently explain it to a biz owner and then find a marketer who knows what they are doing (there's plenty here that do) and outsource it to them for a commission
and make 100- 250 a pop just for being a birddog.

Hope this helps.
Timothy Peterson
Setting up an autoresponder is one of the most overlooked services around. It may not seem like much to internet marketers who use them every day, but they're priceless especially for an offline business that is already getting targeted visitors coming to its website every single day.

I know that some of you may be thinking that $300-$500 is an extravagant price to charge for a simple autoresponder set up, but you need to view this from a different perspective. Think in terms of ROI - how many thousands of dollars more will the business rake in from the proper implementation of an opt-in form on their website? When you view it in those terms, $500 is an absolute bargain to the business!

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I think more useful would be to take a vacation somewhere in the mountains, where the phones do not have signal. Then you can deal more energy and other chores.
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Unread 31st Dec 2010, 04:46 AM   #176
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Why is everyone over complicating this?

If you want quick, "instant" results and have very little start up capital you need to use MASSIVE LEVERAGE of
a) OTHER people's traffic (i.e. go to where the traffic is vs. trying to "build" it from scratch)
b) OTHER people's product (because it takes time to build your own)
c) OTHER people's trust which basically equal's higher conversions (which happens when you select a trust product owner's product to promote).

As an example, the average website converts at about 1-2.5% of unique search engine traffic. According to a Neilsen study, converts at 9%!


I've said it before in this thread:
a) find a really good instant commissions offer of a good product owner
b) get your "same day" cash through paypal
c) take that money and reinvest in your business or take care of any immediate emergency you have. THIS WORKS!

'nough said

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Unread 31st Dec 2010, 05:44 AM   #177
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I'll accept the fact that I'd have to make things happen since nobody'd make it happen for me... At this point, I'd walk around, look around, look closer then check stuff out... Just like how the human race started... A good way to relax, see what's needed and what's not, see what's lacking and what can't be broken into, then know what to do and how to do things for continued survival, replication and self satisfaction... Oh wait, that's what I did, see my sig...

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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 01:48 AM   #178
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My advice would be to figure out what your strengths and interest are and focus from there. What you're naturally good at will help you to make money more easily and more quickly than anything else.

Once you have figured out a your strengths, find an existing, proven strategy in the same niche. I would highly recommend spending a little up front to get this strategy (whether a GOOD info product, a coaching program, etc) because it will get you up to speed and save you lots of time in the long run. If you're looking to build a business out of this and not just make a few bucks here and there you'll need to treat it like a business.

Next step of course is to implement the strategy and review and adept it to your strengths.

You will need to have total focus on this one strategy that you have chosen, otherwise you'll get distracted by the next shiny object, the next forum post, info product, etc. Make a decision and stick to it!

In the end what makes the difference for most people is getting out of their comfort zone and doing something that they haven't done before.

What's worked best for my strengths is to do offline consulting, and find my clients through networking and newsletter marketing.

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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 02:32 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by morninjoi View Post

I totally agree with you. Getting a job has a way of sidetracking you subtly from any other project you are working on because of the demands of each job. When i was working,i took up interest in IM because the particular job i had left me with a lot of time on my hands. But this was not the case with certain other jobs i have done which takes so much of your time and eventually leaves you totally exhausted at the end of the day.
This is a very valid concern which you need to pay attention to. Sometimes taking on an extra job which is very physical in nature can really leave you feeling exhausted and totally unmotivated, detracting from your ability to focus on your IM work consistently. If you can do it, I'd suggest offering some kind of service(s) to the IM niche (article writing, blog set up, backlinking, etc.) if you need some extra consistent income to get by just for the time being, while you're working on your long-term IM goals.

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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 02:43 AM   #180
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Originally Posted by John Rogers View Post

Change your mindset.

Thinking about lack will only perpetuate lack.

Identify one thing that would immediately improve your current situation.

Form a clear mental image of that thing in your mind. If you experience difficulty forming that image, keep trying. Continue to perfect the image in your mind until it is very detailed and clear to the point that when you recall the image it immediately appears in your mind in a perfect state.

Imagine how it will feel when you have the subject of the image in physical form.

Develop an awareness for opportunities that may lead you to the attainment of that one thing you desire. When an opportunity presents itself, take action immediately.

Develop an attitude of gratitude for what you already have. And when you receive something, be thankful for it.

When you attain that one thing you desire, pick a new thing that will improve your current situation.

If you have difficulty believing you can do this, start with something small. For example, a particular book, a five dollar bill, a can of tuna, anything. Focus on that one thing until you attain it to prove to yourself the process works, then move on to something bigger.

There is a wealth of information on this topic, and a number of "systems" for using the process.

One book that many have found easy to understand and implement is The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles.

..."Imagine how it will feel when you have the subject of the image in physical form..."

Great advice John, thanks for the reminder.

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The fastest way I know of to make money if you have some internet marketing skills is to talk to any business owners you know, any business owners your friends know and come up with some ideas using your skills to help them make more sales and profits.

You can charge 50% or more upfront for your services before you do any work so you could literally talk to a business owner and get paid today with a little luck.

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh

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Originally Posted by AndrewCavanagh View Post

The fastest way I know of to make money if you have some internet marketing skills is to talk to any business owners you know, any business owners your friends know and come up with some ideas using your skills to help them make more sales and profits.

You can charge 50% or more upfront for your services before you do any work so you could literally talk to a business owner and get paid today with a little luck.

Kindest regards,
Andrew Cavanagh
I second that, Andrew. Going offline would probably be the fastest way, in my opinion, to land a check in your hands. Unless you create a digital product/service of your own to sell or find an instant commission type product (which is still relatively scarce), it may be weeks before you actually get paid for your internet marketing efforts.

This is in stark contrast to offline marketing, where if you have the guts and gumption to go out there and approach business owners, you could very well end up with a check within 24 hours or less from now.

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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 03:36 AM   #183
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Being desperate is being reckless or dangerous because of despair or urgency: a desperate killer. You should be careful, because not all things can get by being desperate
Just stay as you are and dont bother others problem, make your every dollar worth it and dont buy online. try to be cheap as long as you earn more money.
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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 04:21 AM   #184
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I do write a poem when i am desperate.My friends told me i write wonderful poems.

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start writing for money it pays

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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 04:57 AM   #186
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This might help. It's an article I wrote about a method I used to make a couple thousand bucks by the weekend.,-Easy-$2,000-in-Your-Pocket-by-the-Weekend&id=1423937

"How To Hang Out On Various Exotic Islands Whilst Still Making Shed Loads Of Money...and stuff!" - Get your FREE ISSUE entitled...'A Quick, Easy $2,000 In Your Pocket By This Weekend!'
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Originally Posted by Roy Carter View Post

This might help. It's an article I wrote about a method I used to make a couple thousand bucks by the weekend.,-Easy-$2,000-in-Your-Pocket-by-the-Weekend&id=1423937
Very ingenious idea, Roy! As I've mentioned above, doing things offline can generate cash for you very quickly. It just takes a little guts and gumption to approach and talk to people in your local city/town, nothing will happen if you just insist on hiding behind your computer.


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Unread 2nd Jan 2011, 05:05 AM   #188
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Actually, I just found the warrior forum post I made on this...

The idea was very well received, so I hope it helps a few more people.

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Here's something I posted a couple of years ago. It tells exactly how I got money flowing fast when I was nearly broke and had no local friends or family to turn to.


Many years ago, I was out of work in a new city. I wasn't quite broke, but it was close, so I decided I'd start up a small part-time business while I looked around for something more substantial.

I decided on house painting. It's easy to get into because many people don't want to do their own, and some of the "professionals" in the business are not very professional. It's easy to compete and to stand out.

Art is not my strongest talent, but I spent about three hours drawing and re-drawing a simple, friendly little painter character as a logo mascot. It took me that long to get the figure looking good enough to use. Then I had an instant printer run me off a batch of business cards featuring that character as my logo. I handed those cards out to everybody I met. It said:

* Charles Burke
* The Careful Painter

And gave my address and phone number.

Note that catch phrase. A lot of people worry that when they hire a stranger, he'll come in, sling paint around, and make a mess. So I made a promise (literally, a guarantee) that resonated with most homeowners' concerns.

Whatever business you decide on, try to identify a fear that you can soothe, making you a hero to your potential customers.

Next, I pasted a dozen of my new cards onto a single 8.5x11 sheet of paper and had the same instant printer do up about 200 sheets, using sepia ink on buff copy paper - a little bit nicer and more "deluxe looking" than simple black on white. I asked him to cut the sheets back down into business card size stacks and then use printer's glue (padding compound) to make pads of the cards. I ended up with almost a hundred pads of these business cards printed on ordinary thin, buff-colored copy paper, with about 50 in each pad.

Finally, I glued each pad onto a 3x5 index card and wrote "Take One" at the top with a marker pen. Dead simple concept.

About half of the grocery stores in my area had bulletin boards. I spent a few hours driving around to all those stores, and anywhere I saw a bulletin board I thumb-tacked up a pad of my cards. I figured it'd take months to get semi-busy.

I was wrong.

The phone started ringing within two days, and after one month, I was working seven days a week and had six weeks of work backed up.

People would peel off a card, take it home and hang on to it for months. In a few cases, I got calls for estimates a year or more after I stopped posting the cards. When people keep your ads that long, you know it's effective advertising.

It's interesting that my newspaper ads in the Business Services and classified sections pulled very few responses during the same period.

Two years later, when I moved on, I sold the painting business to a friend for a nice little profit.

Moral of that story? If you want to reach real buyers with your offer, go where they go, place your ad where they actively look for ads, BUT make your ad stand out from everything else with original presentation and an offer that nobody else is making (I'll be careful with your home).

Don't schlock it up, though...

Some time back I told a friend about this and he thought he'd do a promotion for his own business. But he started cutting corners. Now, this little technique is definitely not expensive, so spending less is hard to do. Instead, he cut his corners by ignoring style.

He made all his copies on an old copier. The image quality - well, everything looked like it was 10th generation. And rather than take the job down to a print shop where they could make neat, clean-cut pads, he just had his kids cut everything out with scissors and used ordinary paper glue to try and make his pads. It looked like crappy and cheap.

Then he came back afterward and told me "your idea was for s**t... I got almost no calls, and no new business from it."

Gee - I wonder why.

With a little creative thinking, it doesn't take much more effort to look professional, but it's so worth that effort.

Anyway that's how I built a brand new business from zero to fully booked without ever spreading flyers in parking lots or knocking on doors.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I had never painted a house nor hung wallpaper before in my life. I just went to the library and checked out how-to books. For other info, I asked advice at the paint stores where I bought supplies. They were happy to help me. And though I was slow at first, the work was good quality because I did take my time to do it right.

Another time, I was in a small city of about 150,000. This was well before the age of computers.

I looked around and saw that there were only two or three fairly large typewriter repair shops, and they were quite expensive, aimed at servicing the big corporations. Nobody was targeting the privately owned typewriters sitting in people's homes. So I went to the library and looked up a supplier of typewriter parts and tools. They were only about 50 miles away in a nearby large city.

The next day, I put a small classified ad in the newspaper, offering to repair typewriters.

* Your Typewriter Repaired Fast
* Satisfaction absolutely guaranteed
* If it doesn't work right, you don't pay

That supplier gladly sold me parts in lots of one and two, and resurfaced the rubber plattens when they required it.

Again, I had never repaired a typewriter, but I managed to fix every machine, manual or electric, that came my way. My price was good, and I delivered fast.

Although I wasn't flooded with work, it paid the rent, put groceries on the table and left me with considerable free time to read and play around. Since typewriters are not so common now, you'd probably think in terms of replacing boards in computers or game boxes.

The moral of these two stories? Finding customers has mostly to do with finding what people want and offering it to them in a way that resonates with what they're already thinking and feeling.

Note that you don't have to SELL them anything. You simply tune into them and offer them what they're craving.

Cheers from warm and smiling Thailand,
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Having had some low-income times of my own in years past, I've learned a little about how to get out of a tight spot and get the cash flowing again. Here are some of the best things I've learned... my "9 Commandments" when faced with tough times:

  1. After acknowledging the problem, refuse to focus on it. Focus totally on finding the solution. If you waste time focusing on the problem, it will not only get bigger, but you will become paralyzed with worry and fear and discouragement.
  2. Convert any tangible assets you have into cash. Sell your "stuff," in other words.
  3. Focus mostly on what you can do to generate fast income. What talents or skills can you trade for money? What service can you offer, either offline or online?
  4. Try to avoid borrowing...that's a short-term "solution" that will only give you a bigger long-term problem.
  5. If you're on this thread, read every word of it. There's a lot of solid wisdom here, especially if you want to find part of your solution online.
  6. Think outside the box. Look at how creative Charles Burke was in solving his problem (see his post just above mine).
  7. Realize and believe that you WILL get through the lean times and emerge to something better. Pessimism and hopelessness get you to failure and disaster. Optimism and hope take you to success.
  8. Finally, remember that you're not the only person left on Planet Earth. Learn all you can from others, and realize that the solution you seek isn't likely to be found in personal isolation but will somehow involve other people....usually as the result of your helping them in some way.
  9. Believe that the success others have experienced can also be yours. As Anthony Hopkins' character said to Alec Baldwin's in the movie called "The Edge"..."What one man can do, another can do." If others have solved your same problem, so can you!

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Unread 5th Jan 2011, 10:27 PM   #191
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If you are desperate for money, be very careful with your decisions.

Many criminal acts have occurred because of an urgent need for cash.

You could get in trouble, in jail, hurt or something worst.

You could hurt other people, specially, innocent people.

Follow the advice given by the members here.

There is always a helping hand available every where.

The best resources are available near you, in your community, city, town, state.

Groups can help you: church, local government agencies, city hall, community groups, friends, neighbors, family members, even strangers.

Reduce expenses, do local errands for people, If you can pay later, ask for short term loans from people that know you.

Many government and humanitarian institutions have emergency assistance for people in need.

If you need food, one additional alternative is to attend parties, weddings, gatherings, and other activities where food is served for attendees. I know people that do it.

I knew a very funny homeless (and clean) person that was invited to all the activities in town. He was the life of the party. He had a daughter and she never suffered from hunger.


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Unread 7th Jan 2011, 07:25 PM   #192
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Everyone of us experiences desperation at a certain point in our life. There are secrets that you need to know to become successful:

As mentioned already by some of our warriors, you can start IM even without a single dime.

Use blogging to make money by creating useful articles and integrating in your blogs Google adsense, Amazon affiliates products, Clickbank and Click2Sell affiliate links.

You can also offer services such as copywriting, article writing, web page designing, logo and banner designing, e-book writing, etc. at elance.

There are hundreds of ways to make money for free and they are all here in the Internet. Just open your open eyes and you'll see it as clear as crystal.

There's no need to be depressed in this world of desperation. What you need are: faith, hope and love.

Don't forget to interact with your friends and loved ones. They can help you even by just talking with them. They can even teach you what to do to make easy money in legal and immediate ways.

Search WarriorForum where you can find priceless treasures that cannot be found in other forums in the cyberspace.

Trust in God who can make everything wonderful and beautiful in its own time.

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Last edited on 7th Jan 2011 at 07:30 PM. Reason: additional info
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Unread 10th Jan 2011, 09:15 AM   #193
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Lots of great advice you've received so far & I'm gonna add my share to the mix and hope that it's helpful.

Above all, it's important to become laser focused. Take action. Set a plan, stick to it. See something all the way through. Resist going shallow and you gain some understanding, to achieve success you need to go narrow & deep.

Start by creating a plan on paper. Something like this:

First, the Website:
1. Pick Topic/Product. Pick an area that appeals to you, and that you may have some knowledge in.
2. Decide on a website design. You can draw up a design on paper or visit websites in your chosen niche & choose the best elements of the best 3 sites & combine them to create your very own.
3. Do keyword research and create the text for about 10 pages targeting a keyword per page. Keyword research should meet these criteria:
* Good search volume
* You can compete and rank
* The search term has "buyer intent" and not just keywords used for informational purposes.
4. Build a website. I'd suggest a Wordpress website for its SEO & Blogging capabilities. If you can't build it yourself join or and you can have a site built in as little as a week for a reasonable price.
5. Make about 5 Blog categories (based on your target keywords) and have maybe 2 static pages. Fill in content to create 7 to 10 pages
6. Put in photos and/or videos as you like.
7. Be sure you have Analytics installed to study the traffic you are getting.

Now, to promote your site. There are 4 general ways:
1. Search Engine Ranking/SEO. Article Marketing, Forum Commenting, Blog Commenting, Social Bookmarking, Video Marketing, RSS, etc... For example, submit keyword enhanced articles to Ezine articles and in your resource box offer something for free to all who visit your site.
2. Paid Advertising. As you are ready, drive even more traffic with Adwords search and/or banner, Facebook advertising, etc...
3. Social Media. Link a Twitter page & Facebook Page to your website and use both to find your ideal traffic then drive that traffic to your website. You can also do some syndication using social media tools such as, PixelPipe, or others. The idea is to blog once and syndicate 50 to 100 times (for backlinking and traffic purposes).
4. List Building. Place a list on your site and offer something compelling so that people will sign up. Consider interviewing an expert or being interviewed as the expert in your niche as part of your teleseminars.

Don't get distracted from your plan and curtail the urge to purchase products one after the other!
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Unread 12th Jan 2011, 10:30 AM   #194
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My life situation changed drastically recently and I tried writing, but was disheartened at the competition on elance, etc. I appreciate the ideas here. Thanks all.
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Unread 15th Jan 2011, 08:44 PM   #195
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This is exactly how I earned my first dollars online and it will still work very well today. It's extremely simple but you'll need around $30 to get started

Step One
Scrapbbooking was my niche of choice because I knew already (through my mom and sister) how mad addicticted scrapbookers were to creating their work...

I registered a relevant domain with Namecheap and hosted it at Hostgator (I think!)

Step Two

I sourced a scrapbooking report that came with free giveaway rights/PLR.

Step Three

I found the top converting Clickbank product in the niche.

Step Four

I signed up for Aweber

Step Five

I built a simple squeeze page using Dreamweaver. It didn't have any fancy templates... just plain white.

I offered the free report in return for visitors email addresses. On the squeezepage I simply bullet pointed the main facets of the report.

Step Six

I drove traffic to my squeeze page using various methods... such as posting in scrapbooking forums, Yahoo Groups, Yahoo Answers and article marketing.

Step Seven

Once that traffic gave me their email address for the free report, I merely redirected them to another simple page on my website...

On this page I introduced myself, talked to them a bit about the trials and tribulations of scrapbooking etc...

And then I told them how the top selling Clickbank product could help them and pre sold them on the idea of buying it before allowing them to click my affiliate link and visit the sales page.

Step Eight

Now these people were on my list, I set up an autoresponder sequence to go out automatically to each new member on my list.

In each email I sent out, I talked to them like they talk to their friends. I also recommended scrapbooking resources and gave them my affiliate link.


After around 3 months if I remember correctly, I had built a nice sized list and made a few hundred dollars in commissions for this one niche.

Now, I really had no idea what I was doing to be honest and nowadays I'd be much better at it. But that's not the point...

The point is, if you are new and looking to make a few hundred bucks to get started then the above steps worked for me. I'm not saying they'll work for you too.

I really enjoyed it too... it got me hooked on this stuff... these days you have so much more opportunity to get MORE traffic to these squeeze pages with all the social bookmarking sites going around...

It's not a new method by any means but it does still work!
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Unread 16th Jan 2011, 09:10 AM   #196
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Re: What to do if you're desperate
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One thing that nobody seems to have mentioned is networking with people that you already know.

I realize that that's difficult for many folks, and we all have dumb "pride"...but people who know you and like you will go to bat for you.

These folks are also really valuable once you get a business set up too, any business, even an online services business like many of us run.

I do SEO and write SEO copy, and I have a lot of friends who don't know what the heck SEO is... BUT...

...they work for businesses where somebody does know what SEO is and they need this very service. They've been thinking about it for awhile but they're just waiting for a connection.

Bingo bongo bango.

Why not let your friends and family know a little bit more about what you've been "cooking up" online. You'll get a lot more business that way and it's so simple.

Set up a Facebook page and blast away at your friends and acquaintances.

And always do more than is expected of you once you get the business flowing in, do that and you'll never be in a sticky situation again.

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Unread 16th Jan 2011, 11:01 PM   #197
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This thread is loaded with absolutely great information. Thanks to all who posted.
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Unread 18th Jan 2011, 11:30 PM   #198
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"Affiliate Giveaway Method"

1. Look for affiliate programs that pay you decent money but do NOT require a big upfront investment from the customer. These are much easier to sell. An example of this would be web hosting.

HostGator's Affiliate Program will pay you anywhere from $50 up to $125 per customer (depending on how many customers you refer per month). If you refer 21+ customers a month, you get paid $125 per customer. When you break it down that is only about 5.5 customers you need to refer a week - less than 1 a day. And the smallest hosting plan is just $8.95/month which is nothing!

2. Go and find businesses or individuals (think musicians, etc) that could benefit from having a simple web presence such as a wordpress blog. Approach them and offer to set up their blog for free. Tell them that in order to do so they will need to purchase a domain and hosting and give them your affiliate link to do so.

Be straight up with them and explain that by buying through your affiliate link they will still be paying the same however you will get a commission which affords you the time to build them their website for free.

It's an easy sell and a win-win situation for all involved. You could also go a little further and create a short wordpress video tutorial series that you send each customer as a bonus.

If you were able to reach the 21 customer per month that would equate to $2625 per month or over $650 per week.

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Unread 19th Jan 2011, 12:32 PM   #199
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Unfortunately, I don’t think that desperate people make the best internet marketers.

To be a successful internet marketer, you need to have sound judgment and a clear mind and you have to be patient enough to let your products mature.

That is why it is difficult for people who want to make money “now” to start as internet marketers.

They don’t realize that the majority of the most successful internet marketers took months and maybe even years before they started seeing any consistent profit.

Is it possible to be a success right from the start? Yes.

Is it likely? No.

My advice would be read up as much as possible about internet marketing, take action, and expect to put in a lot of long hours before you start to see profits.

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Unread 20th Jan 2011, 11:24 PM   #200
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every time I check back on this thread, its gotten longer...and its all about helping out "those of us less fortunate", which at one time or another is ALL of us LOL
many kudos to warrior land, for being the champs you are
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