PayPal has become the GAME CHANGER - PayDotCom Will Change Soon
I will give you a link below that will change EVERYTHING in marketing with
affiliate programs as we know.
PayPal has done the x.com developers conference. I sent 2 people from
my company to this.
There is so much to explain I simply can not tell you all in this thread
Basically, PayPal is allowing developers to create micro payment
marketplaces like Itunes that takes 1 payment that the buyer sees
and then sends the payments to MULTIPLE PAYMENTS like the developer
and the marketplace owner and the affiliate then sent the person to
the marketplace.
Let me explain how this will change EVERYTHING not only for
paydotcom, but for EVERY AFFILIATE software that upgrades their
software API like Amember or BFM when using only PayPal as
a payment choice.
Let me show you how this will work at PAYDOTCOM and how
other paypal sites can do this too. The PDC will be $3 and
the affiliate pay out is 50% on the $47 sale.
So the affiliates sends traffic to YOUR site using PayDtoCom.
The buyer buys the $47 product and goes through PayPal.
The buyer sees 1 price of $47 to the buyer.
In the background the money is instantly sent as.
$22 to Seller
$22 to Affiliate
$3 to PayDotCom
What this means is this will be a game changer.
(PDC could become the seller like clickbank and send the money in the
background as follows as well, but then we would have to deal with refunds
and as I see it now but have to confirm, this will not be necessary, We
are diving HARD into this code now.)
Bottom line, PayPal has done about 20 other things like this that will
make it hard for anyone to consider using a merchant account again.
(of course we are subject to the evils of paypal and high volume. but
this dev conference basically showed how they are ready to take over
by a factod of x 10)
YES! This is GREAT news for PayDotCom. As now our affiliates are paid
SAME DAY which helps with adwords etc. Imagine, getting paid at POINT
OF SALE as an affiliate and the buyer never sees this happen!
PayDotCom Now has an incredible advantage for sellers that want
happy affiliates.
Affiliates will be happy that they get paid ON THE SPOT and do not have
to WAIT to in some case worry about dealing with a vendor that FLAKES.
Also in terms of AFFILIATE FRAUD this is great too. B/C the refund will
take back the money from the affiliate too! Imagine what this can do
to the CPA industry that is flooded with fraud.
But ALSO not just PDC, but Amember, custom software, BFM software,
and $7 scripts can ALL be updated by the developers with the new
API calls to allow this to happen.
I have no idea if PDC can do this in 1 week ot 60 days but rest assured we
will do it ASAP.
Guys, welcome to the NEW GAME CHANGER. This is very good for ALL OF US.
Check out thus paypal presentation for x.com their new developers network!
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