Understand This If You Want To Make Money

23 replies
The things go this way
Lets Supose you create content in a specific niche where your purpose its to sell affiliate products or whatever you want to sell
1 Now change roles and imagine you are a customer and you watch your content : youtube video ,blog post ,landing page ,affiliate review
2 .You find your content great ? ,it makes you to buy or its just look like a disperate post with no value ,just trying to make you a purchase ,its just post like everyone does and you know that he only try to make a sale
3 I hope you understand my point ,this its the way to have succes
As an example just think when you are subscribed to some people email list and you receive email from them and you see that they want to sell from beginning with no value ,you hate that email or you unsubscribe
#make #money #understand
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Leading with value opens the doors with to opportunities .Put yourself in the customers shoes I agree.Hsving empathy is the word that describes that .

    Me personally I can't stand when people pitch me without giving value and building up the relationship but I have learned to cope with it .Even though they are spamming me I have the opportunity to educate and market to them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Re Boot
    That's obvious I think, of course we should be offering something that gives value to customers, but sometimes it's about how someone can make their product look more valuable than others even for the same one.
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Great advice.

    When I first started a few years ago I also got this part completely wrong..

    I promoted a boring and useless pdf to people as a lead magnet and never even read this myself.

    When we first start in the make money online space we tend to think very selfish and forget the fact that our potential customers are real people with emotions and a brain..
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    • Yes I agree on the post as well. And you are correct also that we oftentimes forget that our potential or prospect customers are wise.

      Totally right! We have to consider the fact that we have to think on how to show off our product and services unique from others. Nowadays, competitors are everywhere.

      Wow! very well said CyberSEO, I consider this as one of the best secret for success I've ever heard.

      Yes you said it right, I believed also that we have to say a clear, real and legit info's about what product and services that we have to offer.

      I build high-converting landing page to attract sales and increase brand awareness : https://www.convertmission.com

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  • Providing value is a must when it comes to generating trust, people must trust your content by seeing value in it, otherwise, you're just one more wacky ad or post people see every day on the internet. Content is way more important since people are exposed to a load of ads, links, offers & success shortcuts. As TobiMDD said, people do have brains, & a marketer need to catch up.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Give value, get new fresh leads everyday, stay consistent, have a positive attitude and you will do well.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasmeet aryson
    Hello, If you want to earn money then should do a job. Every month you will get a fixed Salary.
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    • Profile picture of the author Darryl Smith
      Originally Posted by jasmeet aryson View Post

      Hello, If you want to earn money then should do a job. Every month you will get a fixed Salary.
      Absolutely correct, until the company goes broke, there is a crash in your industry/business/service, your countries currency goes into a hyperinflation spiral, you lose your temper with your manager and tell them something you regret...

      NO JOB is forever. Look around the world today.

      It is very important to make a plan to replace your salary with something that you personally can control.

      Go to Udemy or similar site. Pick a niche and get a skill. Learn it. Implement it. Make it yours.

      Hire yourself out. Make money with your new knowledge, here or in other forums.

      Learn code, how to write articles, how to be an accountant, how to do any dang thing online - just do it.

      Oh yes - find something you like and make it yours, then you will truly be alive.
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  • Profile picture of the author AxAxel
    Here more information given about the internet marketing it is more interesting and useful.
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  • Profile picture of the author connections
    It's a good idea to review your content from a prospect's perspective, but it is best to let someone else do that for you. We can tend to have a bias that we don't want to get in the way of a good evaluation.

    Words grab attention, and words produce emotions, words move to action, words are your key to success. www.WriteRoadToSuccess.com

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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    The secret of success in any business is as simply as this: do what you really like to do and do what you believe you are best in.
    CyberSEO Pro - the ultimate AI autoblogging and RSS, XML, HTML, JSON and CSV import plugin for WordPress with support for OpenAI o1, Claude, Gemini, Llama 3, Midjourney, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Nice post: Thanks spartan. : )

    Several years ago at a convention, when Eben Pagan asked Steve Jobs the secret of Apple's success, Steve looked up for a moment and said:

    "I think you've got to care."

    Think about that for a moment ... You have to really care about your purpose, ambition, and goal. You have to really care about your Visitors, Prospects, And Customers. Unfortunately, many People don't really care. They're not committed to really empowering/helping/serving People ... And are usually just interested in making money.

    However that simple mindset tip should be helpful. And, if you do really care, congratulations because you're on the path to amazing success. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author digitalthings
    yes , providing value is the key to MMO.
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  • Here's a slightly different perspective. We tend to talk about "value" as if this something tangible and quantifiable. Even when language such as " understand the customer" or "solve their problem is used".

    If you look at the customer journey closely though you will be faced with the realization that at the moment of sale (be it an actual purchase or getting them to accept a lead magnet in exchange for their email) the customer cannot perceive the value that you are offering.... all they can perceive is the PROMISE of value (aka your pitch).

    Focusing on the last statement of the original post @spartant14 it is the relationship that you establish. Either in the moment or over time that gets conversions and trust in value go up.

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    • Profile picture of the author Reddevil007
      Originally Posted by Vadim Shelkovnikov View Post

      Here's a slightly different perspective. We tend to talk about "value" as if this something tangible and quantifiable. Even when language such as " understand the customer" or "solve their problem is used".

      If you look at the customer journey closely though you will be faced with the realization that at the moment of sale (be it an actual purchase or getting them to accept a lead magnet in exchange for their email) the customer cannot perceive the value that you are offering.... all they can perceive is the PROMISE of value (aka your pitch).

      Focusing on the last statement of the original post @spartant14 it is the relationship that you establish. Either in the moment or over time that gets conversions and trust in value go up.


      So you saying the money is in the trustable relationship that you build with your list and only then you become confident of making the sale right?
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      • No, I mean that you can need to convey Trust as much as value to get the sale. Whether you do it in a single sales page or over a drip campaign is a matter of preference
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Heinz
    Mind programming can help in quantum mode.

    Within two years I became a new man thanks to cosmic master mind programming.

    And it echoed to my bank balance. This technology is unheard of because it goes down deep in the core of the mind which the latter can serve you for life like boosting the intuition and knowing which project will fly. All the successful people whether they realize it or not, meditate.

    I burn incense and ready to dive with both feet to another mind programming track. Next thing I know is having a lucid vision about where to pool our resources to get the most bang. Each one of us is different but the principle of success applies the same.
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  • Profile picture of the author writeaway

    Great start but you it's missing something: there are different types of content you need to post in order to CONVERT a reader

    Unless you're pumping HIGH BUYER INTENT traffic to your content, you'll need to QUALIFY your traffic with the right content

    It usually works like this: KNOW > LIKE > TRUST

    Your content MUST deliver value DEPENDING ON THE STAGE the user is in

    Get this wrong and you don't make a sale

    After all, when was the last time you bought something from someone you didn't trust

    My guess is: NEVER
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  • The key is to offer a high level of product knowledge and unbiased opinion about the products that you promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author cd87333
    Thank you for sharing this informative blogs.This is very use full for my business.
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  • Profile picture of the author surfer30
    It is very important to provide value if you want to stand out in the internet world. When i first started i thought, i can launch a captivating blog, write some fresh articles and BOOM! people will buy from. a Big No

    Relationship is the most important thing in your business. Traffic is no more problem, when you put fresh content or a step by step guide in front a raving fans, you'll create awarness for them and start following you. Leads don't come first, customers don't come first. awalys VALUE first.

    Fresh content is important, Giving FREE stuff is the most powerful thing in life, so give first and you'll be rewarded later.
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  • Profile picture of the author auraita
    I agree and also "self discipline" and a good plan are playing an important role.
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  • In essence, put yourself in your audiences shoe and see if your content is worth it. Are you giving them what they want? Don't look desperate, and always reach out to them. Great insights. Still, I believe they are not enough to make you some cash.
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