Forbes: We Really Don't Know How To Talk With Gen-Z--And It's A Big Problem

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A new article on Forbes says that the popular cliché says a picture is worth a thousand words, but what's the value of an emoji, a sticker, GIF, meme, or even a Video?

The author says it's easy to put Gen Z's preference for online communication down to the fact that it was assimilated in their formative years. They grew up with Nintendo DS's, Club Penguin, Wii's, iPod Touches, and Minecraft ushering in an era of robust, digital savviness.

The author says that to understand Gen Z or Young Adults, it's tantamount to recognize how economic, political, terroristic, and pandemic ache is a part of their DNA. Unlike other generations, the last dark decades weren't just experienced but fully integrated -- defining how millions now feel, sense, and communicate. While Young Adults prioritize IRL (in-real-life, or away-from-keyboard) interaction to build relationships and 85% prefer in-person learning to remote, 3-in-5 find it is easier to express themselves online than offline.

According to Andrew Roth and Tulsi Patel of Gen Z Designs, to understand Gen Z is to understand language -- a key differentiator:

"The oblivious think they get it. Smiley = Happiness. But, "a smiley face is not just a smiley face. In fact, we've never met anyone who unironically uses
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