Did You Have An Opportunity to Listen to Joel Comm and Kevin Houchin Webinar?

3 replies
Yesterday I had a chance to listen to the webinar hosted by Joel Comm and Kevin Houchin. Though I found the information presented extremely useful, it also made me very nervous with regards to all kinds of disclaimers that were recommended.

It was suggested to have a disclaimer stating that it is an affiliate link next to each and every affiliate link in your website and even to the extent of having a disclaimer next to Google Adsense.

I can't imagine how ugly some of my sites are going to look with all those disclaimers and I think it would be just a matter of time before I get mailed some vomit bags.

Just curious to know the feedback from others who may have listened to that call.
#comm #houchin #joel #kevin #listen #opportunity #webinar
  • Profile picture of the author Texas_Guns
    I learned about the call too late - I would have loved to
    be on that call. We're doing a large launch in December,
    right when the new regulations go into play and we
    (like everyone else out there) are trying to wrap our
    heads around this.

    We don't want to be the example of what not to do. LOL!

    Are you serious????

    It was suggested that a disclaimer be added to every affiliate
    link on a website???

    That's insane. I just do not see that happening. I would think
    that having a special disclaimer link on the bottom of the website
    mentioning that you are compensated for some purchases of
    products/services made from websites linked from your website.

    It wouldn't make any sense for a disclaimer to be added to every

    It would take some of us months to go back to blog posts over the
    years to see where we linked to something.

    If by chance that is the case, then I hope that all starts on Dec 1
    and everything you did in the past is grandfathered.

    Thank goodness for the ability to change the dates of posts in
    Launching A New Product? Need Copywriting? Multiple services offered. 13 years of experience as a Direct Response Copywriter. Product/Company launch expert. Millions of dollars in products sold online.
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  • Profile picture of the author tommen
    I missed it as well.I like Joel Comm, he has a lot of useful tips and tricks that actually work.I often visit his site, there are a lot of cool marketing videos.Hopefully the call will appear there at some point.
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  • Profile picture of the author linkman11
    The webinar replay is now available free at: https://sitecompliant.com/webinar.php (not an affiliate link)
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