2 types of prospect motivation & what to focus on

by 5ky
5 replies
Q: In the relationships market, and in general, do you think helping people move towards smth (make him commit) sells better than moving away from smth (deal with a narcissist)?

It's my conclusion based on what's selling on Clickbank.

I'm in the latter market, selling a $47 ebook helping women deal with a narcissist. Initial test years ago gave 2% CVR from Adwords. Broke even in one month.

But today, even though FB lead ads get me leads 8c/lead, sales are rare.

Should I try to differentiate from the competition (lots of free content today) and develop backend to improve the average order value or change the niche/market?

Thank you!
#focus #motivation #prospect #types
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  • Profile picture of the author 5ky
    Thread wasn't approved until today.

    Thank you for any feedback on my question above!

    Heroe's journey

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    You say: "I'm in the latter market..."

    So you think they are two distinct and separate markets, eh? So the approach should be tailored to whichever market you are in. You haven't given us much useful data to render an opinion on, but since you asked for ours anyway...

    Update and add VALUE to your market and then test, test, test. Why would anyone want a narcissist to commit to a relationship? That's asking for a lifetime of therapy isn't it?


    Originally Posted by 5ky View Post

    Q: In the relationships market, and in general, do you think helping people move towards smth (make him commit) sells better than moving away from smth (deal with a narcissist)?

    It's my conclusion based on what's selling on Clickbank.

    I'm in the latter market, selling a $47 ebook helping women deal with a narcissist. Initial test years ago gave 2% CVR from Adwords. Broke even in one month.

    But today, even though FB lead ads get me leads 8c/lead, sales are rare.

    Should I try to differentiate from the competition (lots of free content today) and develop backend to improve the average order value or change the niche/market?

    Thank you!
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    • Profile picture of the author 5ky
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      You say: "I'm in the latter market..."

      So you think they are two distinct and separate markets, eh? So the approach should be tailored to whichever market you are in. You haven't given us much useful data to render an opinion on, but since you asked for ours anyway...

      Update and add VALUE to your market and then test, test, test. Why would anyone want a narcissist to commit to a relationship? That's asking for a lifetime of therapy isn't it?

      Actually, the ebook is showing them how to deal with a narcissist (identify, handle, break up, heal, etc). It doesn't recommend they try to make him commit.

      When it comes to this niche, after they 'scratch that itch' I believe they would be interested in moving to a different segment of this market - find a good partner/make him commit/get your ex back.

      But this specific narcissist niche seems to have a lot less scalability potential than what I see with relationship offers on Clickbank, where they teach women how to make guys commit, etc.

      Of course, after helping them dump him/heal from a narcissist, I could offer them some of the affiliate offers on finding a good partner/building a satisfying relationship, or even create my product. But that's a second step, how I help them in the long-term.

      For right now, my main dilemma is should I try to increase profits and scale the narcissist thing? How can I know if it reached its limit? Maybe I should test some other types of monetization, not necessarily only infoproduct?

      Thank you for any useful feedback!

      Heroe's journey

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      • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre

        I have learned that many more people are more interested in avoiding pain instead of gaining a benefit.

        That's why you may be in something interesting with a product about dealing with a narcissist as you mention because that should be a very painful situation that many people would want to avoid or recover from.

        But in the end, it is always about testing.

        Maybe try some product about gaining a benefit (like make a new partner fall in love?) and compare.
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  • Profile picture of the author Skip Rozier
    Diego hit it dead on! Avoiding pain is crucial but...

    You have to link that pain to them not getting what they really want!

    What is it that they really really want bad? Show them how to get
    It while avoiding these pain pitfalls (make it easy for them to
    Identify the type of person they do not want) The good ones will
    stick out like a sore thumb.

    Good Luck

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