Why do you believe that WH is better than BH? Based on my experience its vice versa!

21 replies
Hi guys,

I hope you are doing very well and also Covid free....

Long story short...

WH marketing:

After 2.5 years of doing WH marketing, it couldn't help me bring any dime out of the net!

BH marketing:
5 years ago or so I earned more than $2000 "in one day" just 24 hours after uploading a great video on YouTube.

You might say that with WH marketing our asset lasts for long! I don't believe in this either! It might be true yes, but not always!!!

So what is the main advantage of WH marketing then?
#based #experience #versa #vice
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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Why do so many people have problems using words?

    What are BH and WH


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Why do so many people have problems using words?

      What are BH and WH

      BH: BlackHat
      WH: WhiteHat
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  • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Hi guys,

    I hope you are doing very well and also Covid free....

    Long story short...

    WH marketing:

    After 2.5 years of doing WH marketing, it couldn't help me bring any dime out of the net!

    BH marketing:
    5 years ago or so I earned more than $2000 "in one day" just 24 hours after uploading a great video on YouTube.

    You might say that with WH marketing our asset lasts for long! I don't believe in this either! It might be true yes, but not always!!!

    So what is the main advantage of WH marketing then?

    You don't lose everything when you're busted doing something illegal or shady. You are correct though, it IS easier to make money doing things the black and grey way, but it's also one of the easiest ways to lose money and relationships with reputable businesses that will otherwise prop you up over the coming years.

    Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

    Why do so many people have problems using words?

    What are BH and WH

    Black hat & white hat.

    Selling Ain't for Sissies!
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    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

      it IS easier to make money doing things the black and grey way
      In my case, it was like a piece of cake to make great money in just 24 hours with the help of BH methods I knew.

      But WH method couldn't bring me any dime after years!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656582].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    There is alot of gray area between Blackhat and WhiteHat but what makes me giggle is when you go on any Blackhat website and they have very strict rules on the Blackhat website that every member follows while they discuss exploiting every one else's website and terms of service.

    Make no mistake there are geniuses on both sides but if you can not find a person with a problem you can solve in 2.5 years? Nobody needed hosting, nobody had embarrassing niche problem?

    You could not upload a How To Video honestly? Heck even a compilation video of other videos would still make you honest money.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656479].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by Profit Traveler View Post

      You could not upload a How To Video honestly? Heck even a compilation video of other videos would still make you honest money.
      As my very first WH experience, we started with uploading ASMR videos just 2.5 years ago, but after a year or so, non of those videos went viral, Our WH channel got just 600 subs (in total) after a year or so...

      With WH:
      My Investment: $15000+ on YouTube videos
      My Profit: ZERO $ after a year

      With BH methods in just one of my tries:
      My investment: $400 on YouTube videos
      My Profit: $2000 in one day (More than $40K in total)

      2.5 years is 1/11 of my rest life, just in case I live till age 60.

      Should I love WH methods? I am about to hate it.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656586].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    If a method is truly black hat - you don't usually read about it on any forums. BH sort of has the 'bad guy' image that some people seem to like.

    5 years ago or so I earned more than $2000 "in one day" just 24 hours after uploading a great video on YouTube.
    How many times did that happen? $2k in one day is great. If it was ONE 'great video' in five years, I'd call that a 'fluke'. With a true method - either BH or WH you should be able to replicate that result.

    The biggest problem with using black hat in ecommerce is that online your reputation is about all you have. If you use methods that could get you banned from online platforms or cause buyers to distrust you - it requires a higher risk than many marketers want to take.

    Why would someone successful with BH methods care about WH? Each person chooses what works for him - so the question becomes 'is it working for you?'
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656483].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      $2k in one day is great. If it was ONE 'great video' in five years, I'd call that a 'fluke'. With a true method - either BH or WH you should be able to replicate that result.
      It was not one video, I managed to rank and make money out of other videos too (ALL with the help of BH marketing), but that video was the best video I uploaded on YouTube.

      But the point is that I didn't make any DIME out of WH marketing in such long period of time I mentioned above.

      The biggest problem with using black hat in ecommerce is that online your reputation is about all you have. If you use methods that could get you banned from online platforms or cause buyers to distrust you - it requires a higher risk than many marketers want to take.
      Originally Posted by Diego Aguirre View Post

      I am more interested in the sustainability of anything that I do online.
      I did BH marketing for years, and I always heard that BH marketing is not a long term business, Or you are at risk of getting banned and so on, but non of those happened to me.

      Google NEVER banned any of my websites (I purchase 1000s backlinks fort hem and ranked them this way).
      YouTube NEVER banned ANY of my videos (I purchased 100000s views for each video,and a lot of subs, shares for them).
      And I always have been told that I am at risk of doing so.

      But now that Look at the past, I find that the biggest risk I did was the time and the BIG investment I put on WH marketing! It was a big investment to reach to nowhere/nothing for me! VERY disappointed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
    I am more interested in the sustainability of anything that I do online.

    From what I see, much more people using white hat have been successful for longer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Why would posting a video on Youtube be
    considered as a blackhat method unless
    you were using somebody else's content.

    I'd be interested in knowing which whitehat
    methods you used that did not generate any
    income. Even if you just pushed Clickbank
    products it should have resulted in


    It sounds to me as if you were dabbling in
    this and that and never really got serious
    about making money online.

    I have been at it for 20+ years:

    Designing/selling websites, dropshipping
    various items on eBay, affiliate marketing,
    digital downloads, etc. Some things worked
    and some did not, have some million dollar
    years, some years not so much, but I keep
    at it, I have things going right now today.

    Over the years I've used various methods,
    some could be considered blackhat that I
    won't mention here. I have developed
    several proprietary methods that nobody
    else is using, as far as I can tell.

    If a person wants to make money, they
    will figure something out and get it done.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656540].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      Why would posting a video on Youtube be
      considered as a blackhat method unless
      you were using somebody else's content.
      The way I was ranking videos was BH/Grey Hat.

      I'd be interested in knowing which whitehat
      methods you used that did not generate any
      Keep uploading videos on YouTube and other social medias, trying to rank them with the help of less competitive keywords and/or with the help of keywords that VidIQ showed that they have a potential to bring the videos to the first page of YouTube (All done under the supervision of a so called Experienced WH manager). I think I must cry, Mustn't I?

      Even if you just pushed Clickbank
      products it should have resulted in

      If a person wants to make money, they
      will figure something out and get it done.
      I always believe in finding great Mentors/coaches to give us a big push and shorten the long roads, Especially WH roads which need more time to bring fruits when compared to BH ones...
      But now I have no trust in WH marketing when I see and compare how simple I was making money out of BH marketing. My horrible experience mad me hate WH!

      One of the main challenges here is that I can truly claim that by the help of BH methods, I managed to make $2000, just 48 hours after uploading a video on a fresh YouTube channel (A new channel with zero background), but looking for a WH guy here who could come up with such a claim!

      In short,
      WH marketing made me a loser! I am sure it has helped/helps A LOT of other guys to successfully make hard and will help a lot of others to be great winners, but that was not the case for me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656682].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Monetize
        Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

        In short,
        WH marketing made me a loser! I am sure it has helped/helps A LOT of other guys to successfully make hard and will help a lot of others to be great winners, but that was not the case for me.

        Thank you for explaining those details.
        The important thing is that you figured
        out what works for you and what does
        not and you kept on trying.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656684].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author wizard12
          and never really got serious
          about making money online.
          Mate I think I have invested over $25K on my coach and my YouTube/IG/FB Manager
          to make me and my projects a big success in White Hat marketing. I have also paid extra for time and resources to make the success arrives sooner, and also happily paid bonuses too for my critical goal to happen. So are you still thinking that I was not serious in making money online?
          How much should I invest, and how long should I wait to look a serious guy in internet Marketing?

          But even if what you say is going to be true, I think it was my manager who was not serious on what he was doing for me, not me.

          I have been at it for 20+ years:

          Designing/selling websites, dropshipping
          various items on eBay, affiliate marketing,
          digital downloads, etc. Some things worked
          and some did not, have some million dollar
          years, some years not so much, but I keep
          at it, I have things going right now today.
          My manager told me that he had near 20 years of experience on Internet marketing too and told that he was on YouTube Marketing form the first day of YouTube launch. But not even a SINGLE fruit was picked up out of what was done during that very long period of time.
          At the beginning I was thinking that such long time of experience is enough to help me make say $10000s/month out of his works...
          But now I think it is not all about for how long you have been in a market (Any market), but almost all about if:

          #1. Your strategy/strategies is/are powerful or not?
          #2. You are serious at what you are doing (Even at what you are saying or claiming!) or not? (like you mentioned above),
          #3. You are honest with yourself (and others or not)!

          That's 90% (If not 99%) of the story of success in any business IMO (I mean In My Opinion!)
          In my case I admit I came across the wrong guy to help me either (mainly with those #1 and #2 and #3). And this makes me be even a bigger hater of White hat marketing.
          You know what? WH marketing has another disadvantage than Black Hat one. It takes much longer to see who is right and who is wrong when you are on WH marketing!

          Almost Everybody in this world is thinking on his own pocket (Even if they (claim to) have 100+ years of experience and now just looking for beginners to help them to cover the sky of success!). So I must admit again that it was my fault too in detecting the right guy from the wrong guy. But honestly it is extremely hard to find/detect right guys in so called "Internet" marketing.
          Except one, All other guys I found during my 7 years of being an internet marketer, were the wrong guys

          If a person wants to make money, they
          will figure something out and get it done.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656858].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Monetize
            Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

            My manager told me that he had near 20 years of experience on Internet marketing too and told that he was on YouTube Marketing form the first day of YouTube launch. But not even a SINGLE fruit was picked up out of what was done during that very long period of time.

            I see people on YouTube and it seems like
            they are totally clueless. They are making
            videos that get lots of traffic but the videos
            are not monetized in any way at all. The
            ads are off, they do not have any affiliate
            links in the descriptions or links to their own
            sites. It seems pointless to make videos if
            you aren't going to make money from them.
            Even kids are making money on YouTube
            these days like that cute little Ryan.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656865].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author wizard12
              Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

              Even kids are making money on YouTube
              these days like that cute little Ryan.
              Your line above made me go down even further.

              You are completely right mate. But as an adult I failed. Maybe I was bad luck! But anyway Its very painful when looking at it like you said.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657411].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author adammoore
      Nowadays you won't rank videos on YouTube that doesn't keep viewers engaged. User engagement signals like retention rate is some of the most important ranking factors at the moment. If your viewers drop off after 10 seconds, you won't rank, it doesn't matter how many views or engagement you get from other sources. Also depends on the providers you would use, there are many low quality out there.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11659953].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

    Why do so many people have problems using words?

    What are BH and WH

    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    As my very first WH experience, we started with uploading ASMR .
    It went over his head obviously. It's like looking at Roman numerals or hieroglyphs.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Avoid using jargons. There are rookies here who might not understand technical terms.

    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Hi guys,

    I hope you are doing very well and also Covid free....

    Long story short...

    WH marketing:

    After 2.5 years of doing WH marketing, it couldn't help me bring any dime out of the net!

    BH marketing:
    5 years ago or so I earned more than $2000 "in one day" just 24 hours after uploading a great video on YouTube.

    You might say that with WH marketing our asset lasts for long! I don't believe in this either! It might be true yes, but not always!!!

    So what is the main advantage of WH marketing then?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656709].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

      Avoid using jargons. There are rookies here who might not understand technical terms.

      I thought those are basic terms in IMing, but OK I'll do that. Thank you.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656856].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author CruxisKnight
    BH is for quick money that doesn't last because it gets taken down, most of the time this is for one trick ponies that don't like hard work, but people crack down on this so they learn not to deal with these people in the future. WH is like sowing seeds and waiting for them to sprout. WH takes hard work but the harvest lasts a long time. People like dealing with these people in the future because what they produce actually has value.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657419].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by CruxisKnight View Post

      BH is for quick money that doesn't last because it gets taken down, most of the time this is for one trick ponies that don't like hard work, but people crack down on this so they learn not to deal with these people in the future. WH is like sowing seeds and waiting for them to sprout. WH takes hard work but the harvest lasts a long time. People like dealing with these people in the future because what they produce actually has value.
      As per my experience, Blackhat is like a leverage to reach you to all those you mentioned above easily and fast!

      IMO BH if done correctly can last for long.

      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      Please check your inbox, Thanks.
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