Why do most people quit?

117 replies
Most people give up easily.

Every day new people start an online business, every day new people join the warrior forum. But most of them post or answer 1-5 times and then they are out. I just wonder why?

If you're serious about making money online, why would you quit so fast? Did you expect to make money from the second you joined, did you expect that experienced online marketing gurus would give you all their secrets on the first day for free? or what is it?

Making money online is like any other business you start, you start at ZERO, and you actually have to work to be successful.

So don't be a quitter, like most, but make a plan and execute it. Or write below, why you failed and gave up after some days or weeks. Maybe I will start to understand it.
#people #quit
  • Thanks for good sharing, I think now a days, some people are still looking for the magic pill which can get result fast.. or maybe they are still comfortable with they current comfort zone and not able to commit to make a change

    I build high-converting landing page to attract sales and increase brand awareness : https://www.convertmission.com

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  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Most people give up easily.

    Every day new people start an online business, every day new people join the warrior forum. But most of them post or answer 1-5 times and then they are out. I just wonder why?
    Just because they stopped participating here at the forum does not mean they quit internet marketing. Warrior Forum is not the "Be all End all" of intenet marketing. They probably just moved on to someplace they could actually get valuable information


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Just because they stopped participating here at the forum does not mean they quit internet marketing. Warrior Forum is not the "Be all End all" of intenet marketing. They probably just moved on to someplace they could actually get valuable information

      I absolutely agree with that, there are a lot of silent users as well. The same is, because some people are very active and have 10K+ comments doesn't mean that they are actually good at what they are doing.

      But the fact remains that a lot of people come and go and give up very fast.


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    • Profile picture of the author Ayo Iji
      Where else is there online that compares with warrior forum? Only other one I know is blackhatworld.
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      • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
        Originally Posted by Ayo Iji View Post

        Where else is there online that compares with warrior forum? Only other one I know is blackhatworld.

        One that comes to mind would be The Fast Lane Forum....

        They have no age limits so in one post you could be reading how a teen just got kicked out of the house and still wants to know how to earn a Lambo and the next post you may be reading someone legitimately recently sold their Financial Website for 6 Million Dollars with all the details.
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        • Profile picture of the author JPs copy
          But do they have bookshelves in their garage?
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          • It's all about mentality and intelligence.

            If you've got the mentality to persevere and see your ideas and ambitions through, no matter what, then there's a fair chance you'll succeed.

            Of course for the above you also need a certain level of intelligence, so an IQ commensurate with your expectations will help. I cant think of any successful knuckleheads.
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          • Profile picture of the author Kay King
            Internet marketing is the only 'business' or 'job' I've seen where people talk about quitting before they've started doing anything.
            Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
            One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
            what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

              Internet marketing is the only 'business' or 'job' I've seen where people talk about quitting before they've started doing anything.
              those who try to build their business .. using a marketing message that offends a really large group.. will probably need to go back to offline mailing list soon enough .. as the ability is being taken away online..

              i will step back and stop trying to stop people from doing it .. if they want to cast insults at people who have done nothing wrong attempting to hide behind anonymity let the wazve of the offended mob crash over them ..or just silence them
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      • Profile picture of the author agmccall
        Originally Posted by Ayo Iji View Post

        Where else is there online that compares with warrior forum? The only other one I know is blackhatworld.
        Youtube channels, facebook pages, facebook groups, the list goes on. But they do not compare, They actually surpass exponentially


        "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

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    • Profile picture of the author JPs copy
      It's a good community here, but there are other places too. If people find their tribe somewhere else, more power to them
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    • Profile picture of the author Zmiko
      Originally Posted by agmccall View Post

      Just because they stopped participating here at the forum does not mean they quit internet marketing. Warrior Forum is not the "Be all End all" of intenet marketing. They probably just moved on to someplace they could actually get valuable information

      I agree with you too. Just moved on to someplace with valuable tips from real expert.

      IMHO: Stay away from fast money mindset. It seems like fake guru is an expert giving you advice, but actually try to sell you their product that I know or tried before which is total crap.
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  • Many people are looking for who will motivate them.

    But motivation doesn't help in the long term. Discipline does.

    You have to discipline yourself and continue no matter the obstacles.
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  • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
    Making money online is like any other business you start, you start at ZERO,
    Actually, I know of some brick-and-mortar businesses that start from negative due to the loans they take to put everything together even before the first customer comes in.
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    • Profile picture of the author JPs copy
      It wasn't until I was in B2B sales when I actually saw how unsuccessful the majority of business owners and operators actually are. They would disclose all sorts of personal information to me about their finances, and I would just leave scratching my head
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        Most business owners are not business people but technicians or managers who created a job for themselves when they got pissed of at whoever their last boss was.

        They run well the part of the business that matches what they did at their last job... So, a real estate appraiser who opens their own shop might be good at inspecting houses, locating and analyzing comparables but have no clue about getting a new client... or improving the workflow... or getting their shop to show up in Google maps for commercial real estate appraiser Denver.

        And, as long as there's enough cash-flow, they think they're doing great.

        A few years ago, I spoke to an accountant (owned his shop and had 2 other accountants working for him, + a receptionist/assistant). He was very proud of his profit as a percentage of his gross: 49%.

        He forgot to account for the money he'd have to pay someone to do his job in the business... or to give himself a salary.

        Seems not important, but I use it to show how clueless a business owner can be... I mean, he was an accountant.

        PS Once he factored him the salary for head accountant/manager, his profit dropped to 7%. So, still good.

        PPS There are many things a business owner has to know / or be aware of. So, it's easy to miss some of them.

        But many don't even know or, if they do, care that they are missing.

        Spoke to a woman once who owned a pet grooming store.

        I was trying to sell her marketing.

        She did not want any; she was too busy.

        I tried to sell her positioning and business systems consulting: she would not have any of it: She was too busy.

        Her problem, though she did not realize it, was her setup.

        She never had time to work on the business because she was always washing a pup or trimming its hair.

        Because she does not have the money to hire another assistant.

        And she does not have the money to hire another assistant, or have a life, because she works only in the business.

        In my appraisal company owner days, I charged 350 per appraisal when my competitors charged 250. And only 1 person in a hundred complained (but paid).

        I had one advantage: I had hired a full-time receptionist/ assistant. That meant, if you called my office between 9 and 5, with a problem (say, you were the loan officer, at a closing, and you needed the address to say West or South (though there was no East of North), because that's how it was on the title, you got someone who could help you in seconds.

        My competitors? You got an answering machine with a message like: Please leave a message. We will contact you within 48 hours.

        I told some of my competitors how I was doing, and how, after paying the receptionist salary, I was left with a significantly higher net income.

        None of them copied me. Because hiring a receptionist was too expensive! My net, after paying my receptionist, was 2 or 3 times higher than the nets of some of those people, yet my receptionist was expensive!

        Originally Posted by JPs copy View Post

        It wasn't until I was in B2B sales when I actually saw how unsuccessful the majority of business owners and operators actually are. They would disclose all sorts of personal information to me about their finances, and I would just leave scratching my head
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          Most business owners are not business people but technicians or managers who created a job for themselves when they got pissed of at whoever their last boss was.

          They run well the part of the business that matches what they did at their last job... So, a real estate appraiser who opens their own shop might be good at inspecting houses, locating and analyzing comparables but have no clue about getting a new client... or improving the workflow... or getting their shop to show up in Google maps for commercial real estate appraiser Denver.

          None of them copied me. Because hiring a receptionist was too expensive! My net, after paying my receptionist, was 2 or 3 times higher than the nets of some of those people, yet my receptionist was expensive!
          I agree with what you are saying ..personall i think what messes a lot of people up is the piles of bull manure shoveled at the about what it take to be an entrepreneur ..when a majority ..of people starting a business are doing the thing and have to register and file as a business entity ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Or write below, why you failed and gave up after some days or weeks. Maybe I will start to understand it.

    I can't imagine anything less helpful than

    most people
    some people
    many people

    telling stories of 'how I failed'. You learn from winners, not quitters.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      You learn from winners, not quitters.
      Don't agree, because looking at mistakes from others makes sure you don't make the same mistake. Coping a winning strategy doesn't mean you will be successful as well.

      You never stop learning, from winners and losers.


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      • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
        Agree totally. Nothing teaches like mistakes and failure (yours or others)! The problem is that we are taught from the time we are kids that failure is bad and to be avoided. What we should be teaching is that failure and mistakes are part of the learning process, you only truly fail if you give up! Everything else is just a lesson on your path.
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      • Profile picture of the author Diego Aguirre
        I agree that you also learn from losers...
        Although I have found that I was paying too much attention to the losers, you know, to avoid repeating their mistakes.
        Being a perfectionist doesn't help sometimes.
        Now that I am aware of that, I am focusing on the winners and I even welcome some mistakes along the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Kanigan
    Why do they quit?

    Because they think it's going to be easy. That some magic Easy button is out there on the internet, and all they have to do is pay someone $27 and the secrets will be revealed.

    Then they discover that's a marketing lie, and get disillusioned. Yet they continue to believe there are secrets out there, but the gurus aren't sharing them!


    You need to approach this as a job. If you were apprenticing in a trade, you'd expect to work for years before learning the role and being competent in it. Why is it different here in online marketing?

    Having observed people in this forum for a decade, yes, 10 years of watching you folks...

    ... most give up because they believe the source of success is outside of themselves.

    They think it's in the "click here do this".


    If success was mechanical, everyone would be rich.

    If it was a simple matter of "go here, type this in and you'll make money", everyone would be successful with online marketing.

    YOU are the source of success (or failure). Not some external thing.

    Your persistence is what's most important.

    Not plugging away at the same thing year after year, when it's clearly broken and not delivering results. Instead, keeping your goal but learning more, testing more, and changing your approach.

    Not leaping from thing to thing, getting temporary Messiah Syndrome about the latest thing to come along ("Whiteboard videos! Google hacks! What color matters on the page?" -- none of this stuff really matters in the long run) and then getting dejected when your latest magic Easy button doesn't work in three days.

    I've explained it time and time again here, but few want to try to understand--even though it is not complicated. Of course the people who are successful get it and agree.

    You need a lead generation system. Where are people going to come from to see your offer? Figure it out.

    You need a qualification system. How are you going to filter those people brought in by leadgen to separate those who are likely to buy from those who are not?

    You need a conversion system. How will you help some of those qualified prospective customers to buy? What method will you use?

    And you need a fulfillment system. In what way will you deliver on the promise you made in the sale, so that your customer gets what they paid for?

    Hardly anyone sticks around to figure these systems out.

    They buy some magic bullet, full of Messiah Syndrome that THIS is The One... only to find out but not realize fully that it is only a single part of one of these systems. A piece of leadgen. A bit of conversion. Some chunk of fulfillment. There is no such thing as a Business In A Box despite what the marketing will shout at you.

    You want to succeed in online marketing?

    Get to work on those systems.

    What problem will you solve, and for what kind of person?

    Where will you find them? How will you get some of them to come from wherever they were to your piece of the internet?

    How will you separate those who will never buy from those who have bought things before and shown they are buyers?

    And in what way will you induce those who are likely to buy to actually pull the trigger?

    Finally, what method will you use to give them what they paid for?

    Take stock and figure these things out.

    Now the good news:

    The flip side of this barrier to entry stuff is that once you've figured it out, through persistence, learning and adjustment, filling in these four system and getting a well-oiled machine running, it's a MOAT.

    A protective moat against competition.


    Because very few people are going to last. Few are going to bother to stick with it and figure it out. So few.

    I've been watching and helping for 10 years. So few stick with it. It's agonizing to watch, really.

    The leap into Messiah Syndrome, over and over again, that I've observed with individuals. THIS time, THIS product, THIS magic method... and that energy sadly exhausted and burnt out in just three days of non-persistent action.

    You need a lot more than that.

    As the founder of the Operational Excellence Society, which I'm a board member of, told me: launches are loud and messy. They aren't as fast as you'd think, either.

    Are you prepared to stick it out?

    Are you ready to commit to yourself, rather than some dumb marketing ploy, as your source of success?

    Are you focused on developing those four systems for your business?

    If you're not, you're destined to fail.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ayo Iji
      I like the focus on systems.

      This is so under-appreciated.

      A business isn't real until the funnel from the very beginning to the end is repeatable at scale.

      And it takes weeks and months to tweak each layer of the funnel. And to stick the delivery, so that the customer is happy at the end of the overall experience.

      If the system isn't repeatable it will never be a well refined profit machine.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    As has been pointed out, leaving here is NOT any indication of quitting, it just means this forum isn't suited to them. I'm on my third incarnation as a Warrior, having died of disgust, boredom, or when my tolerance tank got so full I couldn't handle it any longer.

    So I left. QUIT. As for a new person coming and going so quickly, it may be overwhelming, and so much conflicted information too. So, this forum doesn't meet their needs. I'm unwilling to call them quitters.

    Although, just as in the real world, where a significant % of businesses fail too, and if one includes all the starts, like with MLM/Network type businesses, the % is very high.

    It stands to reason online would be at least the same as offline, and because it is so easy to be online and to START something, it is easier to quit.

    I think Jason covered all the reasons, the main one being Internet Marketers have mastered the selling to the Herds. And the herd is huge online getting bigger by the day. In fact, it was this place which offered one of the very first HERD reports (quite good stuff too).

    Also, it has been pointed out, offline, many people put SKIN IN THE GAME, and start in debt, or on borrowed money, so they have that obligation to meet too.

    I think everything is where it should be.

    All the info is available. All the ways and means to make money are known.
    All the case studies one would ever need are in plain sight.

    We cannot browbeat common sense into each other. And as far as satisfying anyone's curiosity about WHY some, many, or most do what they do...is an exercise in futility, there is no answer even if you do understand.


    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Most people give up easily.

    Every day new people start an online business, every day new people join the warrior forum. But most of them post or answer 1-5 times and then they are out. I just wonder why?

    If you're serious about making money online, why would you quit so fast? Did you expect to make money from the second you joined, did you expect that experienced online marketing gurus would give you all their secrets on the first day for free? or what is it?

    Making money online is like any other business you start, you start at ZERO, and you actually have to work to be successful.

    So don't be a quitter, like most, but make a plan and execute it. Or write below, why you failed and gave up after some days or weeks. Maybe I will start to understand it.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      So I left. QUIT. As for a new person coming and going so quickly, it may be overwhelming, and so much conflicted information too. So, this forum doesn't meet their needs. I'm unwilling to call them quitters.

      there is no answer even if you do understand.
      Gorden, let me start by saying: Even as a successful internet entrepreneur, with more than 20 years of online business behind me, I still wonder sometimes why people give up so easily.

      Sure, Gordon, not everybody is a quieter, that quits. There can be many reasons for quitting. But even you must see a trend in young people that are looking for an easy way to make money in life, and when it does not work after some days or weeks, they stop.

      For me, as a person that employs people in 4 different countries in the world, it's interesting to understand what people drive and why people lose motivation. And yes Gordon, I would love to see if there is an answer to it, even when you don't see or believe there is.


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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        Gorden, let me start by saying: Even as a successful internet entrepreneur, with more than 20 years of online business behind me, I still wonder sometimes why people give up so easily.

        Sure, Gordon, not everybody is a quieter, that quits. There can be many reasons for quitting. But even you must see a trend in young people that are looking for an easy way to make money in life, and when it does not work after some days or weeks, they stop.

        For me, as a person that employs people in 4 different countries in the world, it's interesting to understand what people drive and why people lose motivation. And yes Gordon, I would love to see if there is an answer to it, even when you don't see or believe there is.
        they are not quitters they are consumers ..and without the consumers .. there would be little money to be made ..

        people earning money the more they earn the more likely they have years of training for that and or years of work ... then the money they earn is used to buy the things they consume ..
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        • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          they are not quitters they are consumers ..and without the consumers .. there would be little money to be made ..
          I have noticed that there is a real employer mindset and a real employee mindset. The employee mindset is the consumer mindset.

          That's just my experience. Yours may vary.
          One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

          What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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          • Profile picture of the author Odahh
            Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

            I have noticed that there is a real employer mindset and a real employee mindset. The employee mindset is the consumer mindset.

            That's just my experience. Yours may vary.
            i agree with you ...the employee bases their consumption of a smooth predictable income ..

            stepping outside of traditional employment with the many options now. Income easily varies from day to day week to week. People who survive budget their personal consumption near the lower side of income
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          • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
            Interesting observation Claude, I also realized almost immediately that there is a definite difference in mindset. For one thing the accountability for your results starts and stops with you. Secondly when you're working for yourself you don't get paid for progress like you do at a 9-5, you get paid for results! It's often a long road to get there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Most people give up easily.
    Because we start out thinking it's magic. And thinking magic is real.

    Then we start learning that it's a long complex series of steps that no longer feels like magic, but drudgery. And it isn't what they signed up for. So they go to the next shiny object.

    But the ones that are successful are attracted to the work, more than they are attracted to the fantasy. That's why they keep learning and applying what they learn, after they make enough money to survive.

    Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller) once said in an interview that he is regularly asked how the magic is done. And he said that without exception, when he starts explaining the trick itself, they lose interest. Why? Because it's work. It's far harder in the preparation than the audience would suspect. It's drudgery, endless practice.

    Malcolm Gladwell said that it takes an average of 10,000 hours of practice before you are great at something...three hours a day for ten years (on average).

    And most of us, at the beginning of our endeavor (no matter what it is), get bored and tired way way before anything approaching 10,000 hours of work.

    It isn't exactly laziness. But lack of sustained interest. Or the lack of a driver that makes the work an obsession.

    That's a guess.
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    I feel that most people quit at things for
    various reasons but mostly because we
    have short attention spans and because
    most of us want instant gratification.

    There is a rare human trait called


    Few people have it, even fewer people
    have ever heard of it or know what it
    is. But it is very necessary to have
    this important quality if you plan to be
    successful in business and in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author allegandro
    Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

    they are not quitters they are consumers ..and without the consumers .. there would be little money to be made ..
    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    I have noticed that there is a real employer mindset and a real employee mindset. The employee mindset is the consumer mindset.
    This is the one that hits it for me, thank you!

    If you start with the mindset as a consumer, you want to have it, fast and easy, then your chance of failing will be much higher. But if you start with the mindset as an employer, you do understand that the path you take might not be without bumps, so you invest, fall start over and build your business.

    Sure there are many other grounds as well, but this thought I will take with me.
    I like the simplicity of it and I can use it when interviewing candidates.


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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Show us proof they gave up.

    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Most people give up easily.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

      Show us proof they gave up.
      We all know, that having an idea has a value, a very small value, but to execute it, the value is much higher. The difference between those two is the difference between giving up and starting.

      Executing an idea doesn't mean you will be successful, but at least you tried. most people just got stuck in the idea of making money online and never fully execute their idea.

      "To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions." Steve Jobs


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  • Profile picture of the author Zoe Brooks
    Too many people think they will become instantly rich while doing the absolute bare minimum.

    This isn't how it works. No successful business has ever just fallen into somebody's lap.
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  • Profile picture of the author Atif Anis Khan
    I had big thoughts and ideas about starting my own services. I started gathering data for places I wanted to target but as time went on, I got lost in my employers work and didn't get many peers power to initiate my own services and lost hope as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    Marketing is like building .You have to lay the foundation and build upon it .Some people get into marketing thinking they can make a quick buck but it is not that way .Those kinds of people don't understand about building relationships trust in order to make money .
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  • Profile picture of the author CruxisKnight
    Most people quit because they need money fast but business is not quick money so they end up going back to their jobs that pay fast.
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  • People quit because they don't succeed. They don't succeed because they chase rainbows. The ones who give a real go, fail because they simply aren't cut out for it, which is perfectly fine of course.

    I always wanted to learn how to play an instrument. How many people around the world have had that thought? Why didn't they do it? Why didn't "I" do it? Too much work. I didn't want to put the work in. I wanted to just play. Such a shame I couldn't just pick up a guitar and play.

    There are other reasons: They started with the 'details' instead of the picture; like trying to solve a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle with no picture on the box to guide you.

    If more people started with the picture to guide them (business vision) they would still struggle, but at least they would know where they are going.

    But since most people never get that picture (starting with the end in mind), they are always uncertain about their actions. Where is it leading? Am I progressing? Are these 'red' pieces Johnny sold me supposed to be here? How would I know? That uncertainty festers many other symptoms like frustration, lack of belief, overwhelm.

    Your question implies that so many people shouldn't quit. But the reality is, it's predictable and very much expected that so many people will quit. It's not an anomaly or something outside the norms. It's inevitable.

    With no clear vision from the start, you could end up with 10 different domain names, 4 different social media accounts, a couple of half-arsed blogs you lost interest in... all created in isolation. All the result of gobbling up pieces of other people's puzzles and trying to bash them together, hoping that some day, in some way, a business (the picture on the box) will magically pop into existence.

    Start with the picture, then move through the details. Most people start with the details and hope a picture will materialize.
    Strong Men and Women put themselves in harms way
    for the freedoms weak people give away for safety
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  • Profile picture of the author maxsi
    Business online? I think that you can't be rich in 1 day, business is business.

    By the way you can use web properties and make big profits daily, without capitals.
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  • Profile picture of the author tnob
    Most people give up easily.
    For me, I have been "wanting" to get into online business for years. Tried several different things and quit. Most of the time I would quit, it would be because I didn't think I would be good enough.

    Now this was predicated on the fact that I too, was a "consumer" with an "employee mindset". Even though I own my own offline business and it is successful, I want to find the best person to follow and learn from, only to find another person who claims to be better and smarter. It's a vicious cycle that somehow fills my tank, sorta.

    I agree that starting/doing/following through would allow me to be successful online. There are so many distractions and people touting to teach the best things that I fall victim way too easily.

    However, I think that part of it is like my opening statement...I don't think I am/will be good enough. When I decide to start some online project, I get all gitty and ready to make my mark. I start, and do the things that I have learned, building some site. Inevitably, I get to some hurdle (I like hurdles). I set out to find a solution, and in the process find out I did something already that needs to be fixed, updated, edited, changed, etc. Then I keep going deeper and deeper learning more about next steps until finally, I have seen hundreds of people online who are already doing this, and way better.

    Woe is me, why would anyone want to buy from me? Visit my website? etc. etc.

    This self-pity and lack of self worth are what usually stop me from moving forward. So please hear me, I am blaming this on myself, not others.

    Just trying to explain what it has been like for me for years. Part of the reason I joined this community was that I wanted to get involved, commit, and not give up on something. Learning here has been invaluable to my sense of worth, too. Seeing that so many others are successful and hearing over and over that, I just need to START, and be consistent helps me so much!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656805].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
      I don't think I am/will be good enough.
      I listened to a Clubhouse chat between Naval Ravikant and Ben Thompson the other night, and something they said there struck me, and feels relevant to your self-doubt here. In a nutshell, they said, some people miss that the internet inverts everything. You don't have to differentiate by being clever. Even if you're only average, you can differentiate by talking about a particular topic and filling a niche. It's an opportunity to be the only one doing something.

      Like others here have said, the key is to set a workable goal and just jump in! Another benefit of doing that is you'll likely find this forum's value increases in lockstep with your effort: the most seasoned WF'ers seem to really ramp up their helpfulness when they see evidence of genuine effort / dedication / tinkering ...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656854].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tnob
        some people miss that the internet inverts everything. You don't have to differentiate by being clever. Even if you're only average, you can differentiate by talking about a particular topic and filling a niche. It's an opportunity to be the only one doing something.
        Love this! Thanks for sharing. I started a WF Path yesterday in part bc of WF'ers like you.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657035].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
          Appreciate those words, and excellent to hear!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I joined this community was that I wanted to get involved, commit, and not give up on something. Learning here has been invaluable to my sense of worth, too. Seeing that so many others are successful and hearing over and over that, I just need to START,
    When will that happen? You joined a month ago and clearly have been involved and asking questions and joining discussion....WHEN will you start? No time like the present to make your move.

    Have you looked through the "Warrior Path" section? There are experts there but also newbies. Even there we see more people talk about doing something than actually doing it....but there are real successes there, too.

    Have you considered setting a reasonable goal of sales or site visits or list building or product development....and using a Warrior Path thread to list your plan and be responsible for updating so member can follow you and help with advice?

    The goal can be 30 days, 60 days or 90 days or whatever you want - read the rules of that section. It's not a rah rah part of the forum - it's an action plan you come up with and YOU follow and document. It might be enough to get you started. You can have a simple plan and then follow that success with a new plan in a new 'path'. That section is designed for members to move ahead and hold themselves responsible.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656806].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tnob
      When will that happen?
      I have been trying to learn a little bit more about SEO, as well as trying to narrow down to the "what" it is I want to do. I have so many ideas and I just keep getting bogged down in "which one".

      This OP gave me a little bit more motivation to get going. But now, Kay, you have pushed me over the top. You have inspired me to Start...today.

      Have you looked through the "Warrior Path" section?
      I have read thru Savidge's 'ebay' and 'starting from nothing' path threads (upon your recommendation in my 1st post where I introduced myself You were the first person to welcome me so I appreciate you.).

      I am willing to commit to you Kay, that I will have a path posted by EOD on there

      Thanks for the nudge.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656827].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by tnob View Post

        I have been trying to learn a little bit more about SEO, as well as trying to narrow down to the "what" it is I want to do. I have so many ideas and I just keep getting bogged down in "which one".

        This OP gave me a little bit more motivation to get going. But now, Kay, you have pushed me over the top. You have inspired me to Start...today.

        I have read thru Savidge's 'ebay' and 'starting from nothing' path threads (upon your recommendation in my 1st post where I introduced myself You were the first person to welcome me so I appreciate you.).

        I am willing to commit to you Kay, that I will have a path posted by EOD on there

        Thanks for the nudge.

        i am a little lost ..you are running an offline business . the fastest way to an online or information business ..would be to perfect your use of digital marketing to grow or make you business more profitable . if that business is done many other place or can be ..

        develop an information product with like 1000$ price point that covers the digital marketing techniques you are using and one hour of consulting for 4 weeks . and market it to those in your type of business

        added later
        i wonder if a large amount of the failure or quitting ..with people in Information marketing/internet marketing Making money online sector .. is online business is a code word for selling making money online products. Or the people looking for passive income ..is that much of the information revolves around selling you own info on those topics
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656845].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    You need to approach this as a job. If you were apprenticing in a trade, you'd expect to work for years before learning the role and being competent in it. Why is it different here in online marketing?
    Agreed, and this reminds me of something Seinfeld said in the documentary "Comedian." IIRC he was discussing the unproductive idea that comics need to wait for inspiration to hit before they're able to write/craft their next joke, and he said something to the tune of, 'construction workers don't want to go back to work after lunch. But they're going. That's their job. If they can exhibit that level of dedication for that job I should be able to do the same'
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656823].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It doesn't have to be 'end of day' - you can set a deadline of 'end of week'...it's just important to start somewhere. People here love to talk about

    'motivation' but the best motivator I've ever found is to start doing something. One thing leads to another and before you know it - you're on your way.

    Set reasonable, even easy, goals and then when you reach those - start another 'path' thread and higher goals. There are a lot of people here to help if you get stuck.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656835].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tnob
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      It doesn't have to be 'end of day' - you can set a deadline of 'end of week'...it's just important to start somewhere. People here love to talk about

      'motivation' but the best motivator I've ever found is to start doing something. One thing leads to another and before you know it - you're on your way.

      Set reasonable, even easy, goals and then when you reach those - start another 'path' thread and higher goals. There are a lot of people here to help if you get stuck.
      For a few weeks now I have been building out a mind map of what I want to do, narrowing down on more and more detail. I seriously need to just start. I said in my first post on this thread, but you helped me see it. Seriously, thanks. I hope you can poke holes in my path, and make fun of me, and tell me what I'm doing that is stupid. Your drive pushes me lol.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656844].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Versace26
    Hi there, I haven't quit I totally commited
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  • Profile picture of the author Jordan Stark
    Most people quit because they never had what it takes to finish...before they started.
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  • Profile picture of the author mohitensett
    That's true. Quitting is very easy and if you are really serious, then make a plan and execute it and BE SUCCESSFUL in it. Period.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11656929].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author White Pearl
    #1 Reason = Push button mindset.
    They think making money is like setting up a bitcoin rig that do the job itself while they will be playing games , Netflix and chill
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Beach
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  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    It's because true marketers are born, not made. And those who are made, believed someone else's story and that was not good enough to make them, keep walking. When you don't flinch, failure is not an option.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

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  • Profile picture of the author Ziad sy
    He wants to make money from the Internet, but he is not a believer in it!
    Believing in something means making every effort to achieve what we want
    Working on the Internet is more difficult (from my point of view) than real work because you are dealing with people you do not see with your eyes and you see their expressions and tone of speech through which you may sell something directly.
    On the Internet, the situation is different, you need to understand it without seeing them and guessing what they might do on your page, and this is the secret of selling online.
    I hope I got something from the truth.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657095].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Damion Burke
    People quit a lot of times because of a lack of purpose, I have seen it with other people and by experience. If people don't feel that their efforts are not going anywhere, then they will think..."what's the point?"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657101].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      It's oke, that you disagree, we live in a free world. But you're wrong, and let me explain to you why.
      So - you are claiming 'it's ok' but it's 'not ok' for someone to disagree? That is a bit narrow minded.

      But then after a big discussion - you say

      sure we also have people that actually try their best, and find out that IM is not for them

      which is exactly what was said that you decided to argue with.

      This is an opinion thread - most/some/many people is a vague number and "IM" is a vague occupation. When it's opinion there is no right or wrong ...just opinions.
      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657467].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author allegandro
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        So - you are claiming 'it's ok' but it's 'not ok' for someone to disagree? That is a bit narrow minded.

        But then after a big discussion - you say


        which is exactly what was said that you decided to argue with.

        This is an opinion thread - most/some/many people is a vague number and "IM" is a vague occupation. When it's opinion there is no right or wrong ...just opinions.
        I think you misunderstood what I said, or better maybe my English is not proficient enough to explain it 100% in the way I wanted.

        First of all, we have all opinions here, and I welcome each person that disagrees with me and others. If you disagree you open a discussion, and that makes you think. Thinking makes you see something from another perspective and I welcome it.

        So I disagree with his opinion, but I don't disagree with the fact that he has another point of view than mine. As you can read in my last line, I say that I could be wrong as well.


        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657482].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

          I think you misunderstood what I said, or better maybe my English is not proficient enough to explain it 100% in the way I wanted.

          First of all, we have all opinions here, and I welcome each person that disagrees with me and others. If you disagree you open a discussion, and that makes you think. Thinking makes you see something from another perspective and I welcome it.

          So I disagree with his opinion, but I don't disagree with the fact that he has another point of view than mine. As you can read in my last line, I say that I could be wrong as well.
          what if their is no write or wrong

          i am confused ..i see simmilar consumer behaviors in a hundred different or a thousand different areas ..

          and the question you are asking .. and the disdain you have for consumers .. confuses me ..i am hearing why are the consumers in im acting like consumers in every other industry ..

          to me you are looking for character flaws that don't exist ..as i have already stated people who sign up for forums or buy a few product ..have never really started ..so there is no point where they can quit ..

          there are a ton of false or unreasonable expectations in the IM camp

          I have generally stayed n the mind warriors part of the forum or the post in other sections that could have been in the mind warriors section ..
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657501].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author allegandro
            Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

            as i have already stated people who sign up for forums or buy a few product ..have never really started ..so there is no point where they can quit ..
            Isn't that also partly what I say, just in my case somebody starts with an idea in the head, and in your example, you put the actual starting point more to the back.

            For me, Idea is the starting point
            For you, the start of execution is the starting point.

            This results in

            For me: They have the idea, but they never execute, so they quit.
            For You: They never start with the execution, so no start, no quitting.

            Or do I miss understand you now?


            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657532].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author DABK
              If having an idea is the starting point everyone is such a quitter that it doesn't even make sense to ask why people quit, kind of like it is with why do people breathe.

              I woke up 15 minutes ago and, by your standard, I already quit
              Running the Boston Marathon
              Winning the Nobel price for physics
              Writing a novel
              Reading Mrs Dalloway again
              Reorganizing my garage
              Starting a dating consulting business
              Building a dating website
              Cooking a fancy dinner tonight.

              The list will be really long by the time I am going to go to bed.

              The list of successes will be much shorter:
              I will have gotten
              Ready for the day
              Returned phone calls from a handful of leads and clients
              Send an invoice to a new plumber client
              Figure out what's holding up the appraisal on a mixed-use property client
              Watch a movie with my kid
              Get takeout for dinner
              Come up with an SEO strategy for a new client.

              Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

              Isn't that also partly what I say, just in my case somebody starts with an idea in the head, and in your example, you put the actual starting point more to the back.

              For me, Idea is the starting point
              For you, the start of execution is the starting point.

              This results in

              For me: They have the idea, but they never execute, so they quit.
              For You: They never start with the execution, so no start, no quitting.

              Or do I miss understand you now?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657614].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author allegandro
                Originally Posted by DABK View Post

                I woke up 15 minutes ago and, by your standard, I already quit
                Running the Boston Marathon
                Winning the Nobel price for physics
                Writing a novel
                Reading Mrs Dalloway again
                Reorganizing my garage
                Starting a dating consulting business
                Building a dating website
                Cooking a fancy dinner tonight.

                LOL, Point taken!

                I love your reply, I wish I had the time for so many new ideas!


                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657616].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                Originally Posted by DABK View Post

                If gaving an idea is the starting point everyone is such a quitter that it doesn't even make sense to ask why people quit, kind of like it is with why do people breathe.

                I woke up 15 minutes ago and, by your standard, I already quit
                Running the Boston Marathon
                Winning the Nobel price for physics
                Writing a novel
                Reading Mrs Dalloway again
                Reorganizing my garage
                Starting a dating consulting business
                Building a dating website
                Cooking a fancy dinner tonight.
                I like that thinking.

                If you never started, you didn't quit.

                And there is a whole spectrum of points in the process of doing anything... for example.

                Writing that novel.

                if you think about writing a novel, but you don't...did you quit? fail?

                If you plan out the whole plot in your head, but don't write it down, did you quit?
                If you write it all out, but don't get it published...did you quit? If it's published, but you get tired of promoting it...did you quit?

                For example, at 66 years old, my interest in business is waning...I only have a project or two that I'm in the process of creating.....and one will certainly be created and promoted....but the other one I'm losing interest in...so...am I quitting? Failing? or just losing interest?

                If you change direction in your career, did you quit? If you were married for 30 years, and just grew apart....did you quit? Fail? Or just move on?

                Your post triggered a lot of thought in my tiny little brain. Thanks.
                One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

                What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657680].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author DABK
                  Conversely, as to the novel:
                  If I come up with the idea that once upon a time Boris Yeltsin, half way drunk and tired, bumps into a guy whose shado is EEEvvvilll (that means really evil) guy so hard that Boris' shadow is ripped from him and the really evil shadows attaches itself to Boris, and gives Boris the idea to choose Putin as successor;

                  If, then, you come up with the idea that Boris' shadow is desperately trying to find Boris, kick off the evil shadow, erase from Boris' head the idea that Putin should succeed, all that in the 3 months before Boris selects Putin;

                  If, then, you come up with adventures for this (and background as to how shadows move, communicate with one another and their host.. and have a few hours of fun doing it, did you succeed?

                  Because, unless your goal is to be a published author of science/fantasy, you have certainly accomplished something, no?

                  Not earth-shattering, but having fun is something.

                  Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                  I like that thinking.

                  If you never started, you didn't quit.

                  And there is a whole spectrum of points in the process of doing anything... for example.

                  Writing that novel.

                  if you think about writing a novel, but you don't...did you quit? fail?

                  If you plan out the whole plot in your head, but don't write it down, did you quit?
                  If you write it all out, but don't get it published...did you quit? If it's published, but you get tired of promoting it...did you quit?

                  For example, at 66 years old, my interest in business is waning...I only have a project or two that I'm in the process of creating.....and one will certainly be created and promoted....but the other one I'm losing interest in...so...am I quitting? Failing? or just losing interest?

                  If you change direction in your career, did you quit? If you were married for 30 years, and just grew apart....did you quit? Fail? Or just move on?

                  Your post triggered a lot of thought in my tiny little brain. Thanks.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657692].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

              Isn't that also partly what I say, just in my case somebody starts with an idea in the head, and in your example, you put the actual starting point more to the back.

              For me, Idea is the starting point
              For you, the start of execution is the starting point.

              This results in

              For me: They have the idea, but they never execute, so they quit.
              For You: They never start with the execution, so no start, no quitting.

              Or do I miss understand you now?
              i don't put much value on ideas ..the vast majority of them are terrible or deadly ..

              so unless someone has enough self awareness to figure out which ideas they can execute on ..and has some experience executing ..

              but if you want to understand my view .. many people who step into the im world are chasing dreams or feeding dreams ..and are after dopamine hits they get visualizing great wealth they will get once they find that magic product ..

              a large chunk of the iM or opportunity field ..online ..has the message .. that amounts to if you walked into a fitness club ..and there are bicture of body builders on the wall ..and the person getting you to sign up is telling you if you join this gym ..you can look like that in a few months .. and if you don't it's because you are a quiter or a looser ..
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657618].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author DABK
                Hey, hey, hey! If I walked into that gym today, in a few months I would look like those pictures. Even if I quit. Because that's just how I roll!

                Seriously, though, that is exactly how it is, with one adjustment: nobody tells you some of those people were photoshopped while others came to that gym looking like that, having spent years doing all the right things, some with the help of expensive coaches.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657897].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                  Originally Posted by DABK View Post

                  Hey, hey, hey! If I walked into that gym today, in a few months I would look like those pictures. Even if I quit. Because that's just how I roll!

                  Seriously, though, that is exactly how it is, with one adjustment: nobody tells you some of those people were photoshopped while others came to that gym looking like that, having spent years doing all the right things, some with the help of expensive coaches.
                  to look like that you actually have to really enjoy the pain of working out ..as it also come with a type of high afterword ..many have to put 3 hours a day in the gym days a week..hormonal supplementation that reduces needed recovery and allows one to work much harder much more often..th hardest part i hear..is the amount of food one has to eat to feed that metabolism. Which again is determined by genetics ..

                  but many of those big guys die young ..and drop dead in their 40's and 50's ..
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657905].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      I still think the best answer was the difference between the different mindsets.

      Then again, it will not be the only reason and also you can ask yourself when did somebody start, is an idea the start, or the start of the execution.

      So maybe you can say that there can be many explanations and not just one can be pointed out as the true and only reason why people quit.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657875].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

        I still think the best answer was the difference between the different mindsets.

        Then again, it will not be the only reason and also you can ask yourself when did somebody start, is an idea the start, or the start of the execution.

        So maybe you can say that there can be many explanations and not just one can be pointed out as the true and only reason why people quit.
        but you are attempting to stamp behavior as quitting that is not actually quitting ..maybe you are an extremly frugal person who has never made an impulse purches that can out o the box and soon after ended up on a shelf. And maybe ended up in a storage container..

        you are seeing something as quitting..I am seeing typical impulse driven behavior that drives the economy of the world and is the main source of revenue for a large swath of business ..

        we live in a far different world today than in the past..the most valuable resource any country has today..is people with money in their pockets ..
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657891].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author allegandro
          [QUOTE=Odahh;11657891Maybe you are an extremely frugal person who has never made an impulse purchase..[/QUOTE]

          I married once a girl after I knew her for just 5 weeks...

          But I wouldn't call that a purchase.


          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657907].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kenmichaels
            Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

            I married once a girl after I knew her for just 5 weeks...

            Sooooo, how'd that work out for you?

            Selling Ain't for Sissies!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657908].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author allegandro
              Originally Posted by kenmichaels View Post

              Sooooo, how'd that work out for you?
              BAD! I quited!


              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657915].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Odahh
            Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

            I married once a girl after I knew her for just 5 weeks...

            But I wouldn't call that a purchase.
            you say that like some would think that's a problem ..many marriage in the world are still arranged and couples don't meet untill they are getting married ..and the divrce rate on those are far lower .

            as long as she was over 18 before you met her
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657912].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author allegandro
              Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

              you say that like some would think that's a problem ..many marriage in the world are still arranged and couples don't meet untill they are getting married ..and the divrce rate on those are far lower .

              as long as she was over 18 before you met her
              I wanted to divorce her after week 10, or maybe even 8.... But that is a completely another story.


              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657914].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

                I wanted to divorce her after week 10, or maybe even 8.... But that is a completely another story.
                was that the shortest betwwen met and divroce ..and do you call a lawyer and have them start drawing up a prenup when you start dating a woman
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657918].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Juan Dominguez
    Most people quit because they think comming to the internet marketing world they will get their rent paid off or when their facing some type of financial crisis In the real world and come search up online how to make money online and see all this courses how to make money quick and fast
    online and then it gets to them when they purchase course figure out it's actually work like a job to be successful they quit. Because it's something their not used too. But anyone can do it consistency is the key
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  • Profile picture of the author selina10261
    Of course, I hope that the sooner I start to make money, the better, but on the other hand, I think persistence should be something that is necessary to do everything. But many people are unable to stick to the attitude, which led to their launch soon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tatsiana Isakova
    I agree with those saying that Warrior forum is not the benchmark for the level of motivation, etc.

    As for the general reasons for quitting, I think that most of us are still hoping to become billionaires overnight. And they jump into the niche, being completely unaware of the drudgery it may contain. Consistency and perseverance are what is going to bring you to the top.

    'Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.'
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11657165].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jignesh86
    The primary reason most people fail is they have unrealistic expectations from their online business.

    And I blame some online gurus for that.

    Most online opportunities are promoted promising fast results, They show the testimonial of people who achieved fast results. So all the beginner start thinking of joining and dreaming about living their job by next week or month.

    I used to be like that, But after struggling for few years I realized that it takes consistent effort, time and money to be able to make money online.

    Most people overestimates what they can achieve in six months and underestimates what they can achieve in next 5 to 10 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    My outlook used to be short term in other words I want to make sales now .A big shift took place once I understood the importance of building relationships and providing solutions for people
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    You sound like you think quitting internet marketing is always a bad thing.

    I disagree.

    Sometimes, the best thing someone can do is quit early. People quit for the reasons you and others have listed here. None of you considered the good reasons people quit internet marketing.

    Let me give you some examples:
    I own a business and think I can increase my revenue by doing online marketing as an affiliate. I try it out and find out that if I am successful at it I make less money than if I devoted the extra time to my existing business.


    I work for a bank and make $150k and have a bunk of benefits. I hear internet marketing can be lucrative. I dive in and figure out that when successful, I can make $200k but have to spend my time by myself in front of my computer and I do not like that. I quit.


    I get started, start making money, but hate every moment of it. I quit.

    Many people do quit for the wrong reasons, but not all.

    Nuance is useful in life.

    Originally Posted by allegandro View Post

    Most people give up easily.

    Every day new people start an online business, every day new people join the warrior forum. But most of them post or answer 1-5 times and then they are out. I just wonder why?

    If you're serious about making money online, why would you quit so fast? Did you expect to make money from the second you joined, did you expect that experienced online marketing gurus would give you all their secrets on the first day for free? or what is it?

    Making money online is like any other business you start, you start at ZERO, and you actually have to work to be successful.

    So don't be a quitter, like most, but make a plan and execute it. Or write below, why you failed and gave up after some days or weeks. Maybe I will start to understand it.
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    • Profile picture of the author allegandro
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      I disagree.
      It's oke, that you disagree, we live in a free world. But you're wrong, and let me explain to you why.

      Yes, there are nuances, and people might find out that IM is not for them and many other reasons.

      If you're right, it means that most people that subscribe here found out in days and sometimes hours IM is not for them. Just have a look at your visitors, when I look at mine or others, you see when they subscribed and when was their last activity. Very often they came one time, or maybe the next day as well, and then it was bye-bye.

      What does that mean and why did they subscribe? Yes, why did they subscribe to WF, to find out what IM is? No, I doubt, to understand what is IM, you don't need WF at all, there are much better sources to understand the basic principles of IM.

      Still, you're a newbie and you want to join a forum, where you can meet, people like you and others, that have years of IM marketing behind them. We talk about 100.000K plus years of experience, on this forum. And after one visit, you decide, not to return, and most likely to stop.

      Why do they say stop, because most people never turn their IDEA page into an EXECUTE page.

      Final question, why?

      In my opinion, it was answered before by Claude Whitacre. Most people are consumers, in life and in their mindset. They are looking for an of the shelve solution, that turns 1$ into 1.000$ in the next minutes. If they can't find or get it they give up or keep searching for the next amazing idea. That will probably never turn up.

      My nuance is, that sure we also have people that actually try their best, and find out that IM is not for them. Nothing but respect for those who try and by self reflect or after investing their own money fail. It happens and it's okay. But those people who really tried, also have the right mindset and will succeed in another kind of business. No doubt.

      And that is why I think you're wrong. But who knows, maybe I'm more wrong than you.


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  • Profile picture of the author AUwayne
    Starting out on a new business venture should be treated like a marathon, many hours of training to build up stamina, then the long race to win.
    Most people want to sprint, looking for instant results in real life think about the process.

    Born, Crawl, Walk, Talk, Run, Canter, Relax, that is a few years right there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by AUwayne View Post

      Starting out on a new business venture should be treated like a marathon, many hours of training to build up stamina, then the long race to win.
      Most people want to sprint, looking for instant results in real life think about the process.

      Born, Crawl, Walk, Talk, Run, Canter, Relax, that is a few years right there.
      i'm not picking on you ..

      buying several affiliate marketing products and signing up for forums..even signing up for clickbank and paying what ever fees..

      should not be considered the start of a business venture or even being in IM ..it is a hobby until you make more money than you have spent ..

      with my very opinionated view very few people ever even actually start .
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  • Profile picture of the author Stephen Wilkins
    In general, people leave their jobs because they don't like their boss, don't see opportunities for promotion or growth, or are offered a better reasons have held steady for years
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  • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
    You have to look at the balances in life. There are plenty of IM-ers that make good money ...

    But don't have real friends, love, family, etc.

    And not everyone wants to sell stuff. The world needs all sorts of people. Trying to figure it out. Because nobody has ever gotten it 100% right.

    So what's failure?

    What if I "quit" at being an IM-er but fall madly in love and have a wonderful family?

    And some Youtube d-bag has none of that, but $ 100K a month in Youtube $$$?

    Is that success?

    Lol it's balances. Everything kinda works out the way it's supposed to for the most part. You don't ever have to worry why other people quit.

    Their life isn't yours.

    Edit: I'll add. I basically stopped being an IM-er since 2015 to take care of my mom in her last years of life. Seemed way more important than having a Bentley or whatever. People have different priorities. It's fine.
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  • Profile picture of the author clayton1
    Because this type of work is only for people that want to dig into psychology and know an entire system. Aint for the faint of heart. And you don't understand the game until you come to your senses and realize you ain't just building a website. You're touching minds and souls through solid, well-thought-out, creative content. That said, we're dealing with real people that either want to be informed, to be entertained, or persuaded. And if you don't have the stamina to stick it out and serve those people up some dope content, you'll bounce quick. This type of work is either for the stupid or the intelligent. And quite frankly, after 10 years I'm not too sure which category I fall. Cause you ain't ever good enough and there is no beaten path. You simply blaze a trail an improve.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny

    Basically, this is why. Point is that they have been told 2 different misconception:

    1) They will become overnight rich, which is obviously false, but deep within people still believe and fall in that trap.

    2) They have to put money and work for years, and then after a long time period they see results: meanwhile they got SUCKED inside the guru's funnel and give all their money away to shiny objects.

    It's like losing weight: people always are looking for the next magic diet, and do not understand that they have to eat less, change diet and do more fitness and run.

    In making money online field is the same: you have to build a list of people interested in your product/service (if there are), and then sell them those services and provide value enough to prove that you're legit and know what you're talking about.

    That's all. But human mind is always looking for complicated toys...
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  • Profile picture of the author websignificant
    Natural selection. It seems to most newbies that online business is much easier and cheaper than offline. But after they begin to deepen, the understanding comes that in this business you have to work hard, to compete
    and to learn constantly. After that, newcomers go to look for another easier source of enrichment.
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  • Profile picture of the author Pro Gaming
    The most basic reason why they quit is they can't really figure out how they can make things work for them. Proper guidance and support could help anyone to achieve what they are looking to have in their life . Being a teacher I came across multiple students who are learning dropshipping from me and previously they have bought some shitty courses which were not even expensive but didn't even have a basic stuff that they need to learn about the system and how it works .
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Babenkoff
    Most people expect to make serious money easily and quickly but internet marketing is not such a quick and easy way.
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  • Profile picture of the author neilthackerseo
    One of the major things for most people is hitting an obstacle/barrier. It could be seeing someone on Twitter making mega-money from Affiliate sites or their personal brand which is already 10x more established than yours. Often, it makes you think why you would even bother - niches become diluted and you think that all the clients in the world are already spoken for.

    Finding motivation is tough, but it's key for pushing forwards.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlexKS
    Everyone WANTS to make money online and live the ''laptop lifestyle'' but most people aren't willing to do what it takes to get there.

    Motivation can only get you so far. If you lack the discipline to see things through and push forward when it gets tough, you won't go far.

    I started my online business almost three years ago, and I didn't see any significant results until a few months ago. I failed many times, but I never quit for more than a couple of days.

    My WHY was keeping me from giving up.

    You need to know WHY you're doing it. If you don't have a good reason, you will likely give up and fail.

    I don't think that ''I want to make money online because it's cool'' is a good enough reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author BrendaReviers
    Because they are matured and positive minded persons. They have golden heart. They are nice and respectful peoples they are always honestly talk with others.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Singletary
      Originally Posted by BrendaReviers View Post

      Because they are matured and positive minded persons. They have golden heart. They are nice and respectful peoples they are always honestly talk with others.
      This is why people quit?

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  • It's a tough pill to swallow, but not all of us have the privilege of doing long-term investments.

    Most people who quit without actually starting are probably individuals that were tricked into thinking you can make big money from the internet for free-which as most of us know, cannot be further from the truth.

    As a digital marketer for more than 20+ years, I've had my fair share of difficulties and was on the verge of quitting myself. I remember one of the first few start-ups I worked for in the early 2000's, it was for a health and fitness app and program. The dude in the driver's seat was a visionary, but we were just scratching the surface of digital marketing back then, we had no clue how to navigate, and there weren't really a lot of resources available to actually help us.

    Long story short, the dude got derailed from his vision, and we ended up selling the idea to someone else that actually tried. They made a killing with the idea.

    Taught me a good lesson to start now, push forward, and complain once everything's done lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Additionally, some people give up because of fatigue and burnout.
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  • Profile picture of the author gogogoing
    money loves silent , and its good to be in this way , like keep it in secret and makes money .
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  • Profile picture of the author faizalaila
    i also agree with you and i want to add something here. Most of the people study in colleges for 4 years in order to get a job of 500$ but if you focus on online earning then you would be able to earn 500$ in 5 to 6 months.
    So why don't we focus on digital marketing?
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Capra
    I'd say for most people it's because it is a financial burden. I've been doing content marketing since January 2020. I made $400 in the first month and have been chasing my next $ ever since. I've not given up because fortunately, I have an eBay business that has fortunately helped fund pretty much everything ever since. The reason I'm still going is that I believe the investment of just over 1-year of my time and money has to be worth it. I also think that there are things I should have taken on board sooner. Plus also every new thing I learn makes me feel like what I'm doing is a little bit more possible. Seeing others that have done it is also very encouraging.

    I guess people give up because of the money. The very reason they want to do it for in the first place. They worry about subscription fees and their own failures. Basically, they don't believe in themselves and they quit because they don't think that they can do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author kriveculifestyle
    Well said!

    Most of people think that yes and that's the reason why they work for people who don't give up.

    People think if they work online, there will go everything smooth. They are not ready for any failure.

    The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people go through obstacles/failures and unsuccessful don't.

    This is connected to mindset. You either have entrepreneurship mindset or you learn that. And you have to believe in yourself, especially when bad times comes
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  • Profile picture of the author johnloyatt
    It's true , Today's people join such kind of forums by effect by others and after sometime either they change their mind or have some problem . But if you be regular on such forum than you can definitely earn .
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  • Profile picture of the author tajumal husssain
    If they are not participating more on warriorfoum it does not means they stop internet marketing. some of them join other forums. and some search from google.
    i also read from many sites [Link removed by moderator].
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  • Profile picture of the author kumarajite
    Yes, You are telling true, many people are come to forums and another platform like as Online business as well as affiliate program etc but they are quit and we would like keep these platform for long term because we will learn something So, I will try to keep this forum for a long term.
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  • Profile picture of the author Giftsheep
    Why do most people quit?

    Well, let me tell you a quick story.

    There was this football player (soccer in the US) that I admired a lot. He was flying, was young, dynamic and quick striker who'd score from pretty much all angles. You just had to pass him the ball and he'd find a way to score. Why? Because he used his killer instinct.

    A few years later, and he was sold for a huge sum of money to another giant club.

    Guess what? He failed.

    And the harder he tried, the more he failed. He even went on to miss open net goals. It was horrible.

    So what's the cause of all that?

    He lost his killer instinct. As a stiker, you have to use your instinct to score. Not logic. Not overthinking. Not by focusing on failures.

    It's the same I believe in marketing.

    If you lose your killer instinct (or you don't even focus on it at all), you will fail.

    As an internet marketer your goal is to focus on SALES as that will get you from point A to point B.

    Everything in between is only the driving vehicle for that. But your entire focus should be on making sales and to do whatever it takes to keep the persistency.

    This requires discipline, but once you master it, it becomes easy to focus on the things that will actually make you money without overthinking everything or trying to make everything look 'perfect'.

    This business is only for people who are unafraid of other people's opinion and are willing to put in the work required to get SALES.

    Now, if you want repeat sales it means that you have to over-deliver on value and keep on producing more value down the line.

    If you want more REFUNDS, focus on putting bogus content.

    But if you want to make more SALES, whether you sell crap or you sell gold, it's going to sell eventually if you learn the art of getting the sale. What happens after the sale, is up to you and your morals.

    Best wishes
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  • Profile picture of the author AffiliateAware
    Many people don't quit, they don't even get started at all.

    Reading forums all day and watching youtube videos doesn't qualify you as an action taker.

    I would say you're a quitter if you've made $10,000 in a month and you stopped the next.

    Or you made $500 today and tomorrow your performance dropped.

    I would say you're a quitter if today you cold called 15 prospects and tomorrow you call 0.

    You're a quitter if you took action on something and stopped out of fear of rejection.

    Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

    Man up, do what it takes to succeed because if you don't, you're letting your family down, your children, wife/husband and everyone around you. And most importantly, you're letting yourself down.

    Don't quit.
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  • Profile picture of the author uchrisbrow
    A lot of people give up easily due to lack of motivation, or no inner drive.
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  • Profile picture of the author darklocal
    A failure is an event not a person... Yesterday ended last night, today is brand new day! I learned from Zig Ziglar. I think they should have a goal. A long term goal supplemented with weekly goal and daily goals. That help me a lot strive with my business.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tanvir Nabi
    Online businesses need patience and persistence. People like to jump quickly to fill up walet. It is not easy. Working hard to the right point and sticking to it is really something important.
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  • Profile picture of the author Henry Martin
    Yes, most people quit easily they want everything easily they don't want to work harder that's why they quit easily if you achieve something then you have to work hard for that thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author niyazahamed
    They can't understand so they quit easily. Need to work hard to achieve what ever we need. If everything get easily then it is not reasonable.
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  • Profile picture of the author SaasReseller
    Having any kind of success online is rare and very difficult. More than 9/10 SaaS companies that receive funding fail too. Most people would like to make this work, but their wallets tell them to stop.
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