Your Biggest Sticking Point with Product Creation Is...
This is for those who are not already world-class product creators. If you have never created your own info product before...or maybe you have only created one or two products, (but it took you a long time and seemed like more trouble than it was worth?)...
What has been your biggest roadblock that has made it difficult to finish your product so far?
These are the biggest sticking points so far in the order contributed by Warriors:
1. Self doubt/overthinking- not believing the product would be valuable enough to charge for.
2. Uncertainty in niche selection
3. Creating products without the needed expertise based on market research, experience and results.
4. Selling private label rights products as solutions without understanding the needs of people in the niche market.
5. No experience in the field related to the chosen niche.
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"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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