Amazon Email Link to Redirecting Page

1 replies
I have an email list that I figured out will buy books. My esp will let me put an Amazon affiliate/seller link in emails, but, of course, Amazon will not allow affiliate links or links to an Amazon seller page in emails.

So can I place an email link to a page on my site which then redirects to my Amazon affiliate page or seller page? I'm also looking into drop shipping. I'd just like to avoid having to buy books and then ship them myself.
#amazon #email #link #page #redirecting
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    Originally Posted by hersbear View Post

    So can I place an email link to a page on my site which then redirects to my Amazon affiliate page or seller page? I'm also looking into drop shipping. I'd just like to avoid having to buy books and then ship them myself.

    That is exactly what you should do, direct them
    to your website that features your Amazon links.

    Then have a variety of topics you can point them
    to when you send your emails, for instance lists of
    recommended reading, various top ten lists, best
    business books, or whatever your audience is
    interested in.

    As to drop shipping books or shipping yourself,
    both options sound like a drag. Figure out ways
    to keep things easy for yourself.
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