Why community could be the next big thing in marketing

by WarriorForum.com Administrator
8 replies
A new article on Martech.org looks at why even B2B marketers are talking about community.

People like to be part of a group that shares common interests, whether personal or professional. There's nothing new about that -- so why are so many people suddenly talking about the importance of community to brands, including B2B brands, and the rise of new C-suite role, the Chief Community Officer?

The author here says that community is as old as humanity and that almost 20 years ago, they were moderating discussions on message boards. Sarah Cascone is Senior Director of Marketing at Bluecore and has been watching developments closely. Community building, she says, "is already in the works at Bluecore."

"A B2B company doesn't have the same emotional attachment for a customer as say a brand or retailer, where the product or mission of the company is part of the customer's lifestyle. So when you create a passionate community behind what a B2B company stands for, I think that's when it really gets interesting - because it's no longer about the product."
The pandemic has changed the landscape for organizations during the past eighteen months. For Bluecore, the ongoing connectors with its customers turned out to be highlights from their live events which could be replicated digitally -- for example, bi-monthly executive forums and hands-on digital training.

"There's always a shiny object to chase," Cascone adds. "What's important is to understand what is worth chasing and why. For something like community - when you can tie that to the way in which you're able to build a pipeline for your business, it becomes something we need to pay attention to. At Bluecore we found it moved the needle for our business in ways that are tangible and not tangible."
#big #community #marketing #thing
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Could be the next big thing? I about fell over reading that header... Relationships are a BIG DEAL. My business revolves around the concept and has for years. Nothing "new" or "next" about it.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675652].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author writeaway
    Community has always been joined at the hip with marketing

    Proof? Just look at how vibrant many guru FB groups are now after those people left traditional marketing forums

    With that said, community-powered marketing can be a double edged sword

    It can vaporize overnight if the marketer focuses more on extracting from members instead of actually providing real value
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675659].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Just look at how vibrant many guru FB groups are now after those people left traditional marketing forums

    The main reason this has occurred is many forums lost the personal touch that FB groups have. Forums became 'managed' by owners/staff who do not connect with members. This thread is an example - whoever starts these threads does not ever participate in any discussion that results. It is impersonal and I've seen other forums going the same direction - with the same results.

    On those FB groups the person who started the group is right in there talking to people.... there is a feeling of community that many forums have lost over time. Change happens.

    That said, if i read one more article or post online that says 'the pandemic has changed the landscape' I'll barf. It has become the go to excuse for writers/marketers. For a FB group or a forum - the same opportunities for community connection exist. As the article review above says - the trick was connecting to the customers....who would have thunk it?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675689].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      The main reason this has occurred is many forums lost the personal touch that FB groups have.
      From a millennial perspective ... what killed forums was the fakery. It became too easy to build an image on here and other forums. ON FB groups, people get called out. Here it 's impolite.

      But WaFo still has bullshitters.
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  • Profile picture of the author FaraiMist
    There is no question about networking worth in IM. Making a community is worth more $$ in the end rather than any other business.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Facebook and the like are really only good for people who want to walk and look into a Smartphone screen so they don't miss some update, since there is little in the way of anchoring where you where, or last posted.

    I prefer traditional forum constructs, and plenty still do.

    We have a discussion about this on the private, forum owners forum, and the overall consensus was that FB and the like are more fad driven, or a Ferrari dragging a Winnebago, instead of a house.

    That appeals to a big demographic, sure, but people will get sick of trawling through cat videos, and silly images to see if someone responded to what they posted. Conventional forums, you go to the thread and your post.

    I see consistent signups for my one, which uses a recent template, and older forums, like this one, that cannot update as they would lose to much data, still getting new recruits.

    I have seen hideous forums still getting or retaining members, and even new ones with terrible formatting doing likewise, so administration and members tend to drive success.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11676980].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      Forums do lend that "exclusivity" feeling that Facebook groups don't

      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      Facebook and the like are really only good for people who want to walk and look into a Smartphone screen so they don't miss some update, since there is little in the way of anchoring where you where, or last posted.

      I prefer traditional forum constructs, and plenty still do.

      We have a discussion about this on the private, forum owners forum, and the overall consensus was that FB and the like are more fad driven, or a Ferrari dragging a Winnebago, instead of a house.

      That appeals to a big demographic, sure, but people will get sick of trawling through cat videos, and silly images to see if someone responded to what they posted. Conventional forums, you go to the thread and your post.

      I see consistent signups for my one, which uses a recent template, and older forums, like this one, that cannot update as they would lose to much data, still getting new recruits.

      I have seen hideous forums still getting or retaining members, and even new ones with terrible formatting doing likewise, so administration and members tend to drive success.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11679772].message }}
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