Potentially Profit Producing Activities

8 replies
A lot of time people are busy as they can be every day but still can't make their business profitable.

This can be for a lot of reasons but one I think is being busy doing the wrong things or at least things without the potential to produce a profit.

What kinds of things do you do daily or on a regular basis to keep the profit going in your business? Consider being a little more specific than something like "lead generation". More specific ideas may help others better.

And what kinds of "normal" business activities do you consider doesn't have much if any profit potential?

#activities #potentially #producing #profit
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  • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    A lot of time people are busy as they can be every day but still can't make their business profitable.

    This can be for a lot of reasons but one I think is being busy doing the wrong things or at least things without the potential to produce a profit.

    What kinds of things do you do daily or on a regular basis to keep the profit going in your business? Consider being a little more specific than something like "lead generation". More specific ideas may help others better.

    And what kinds of "normal" business activities do you consider doesn't have much if any profit potential?

    Converting leads. Without that, you don't have revenue. A myriad of ways to do it. But you have to convert leads. It's that simple. But complex. Until you figure it out. Then it's like oh that's what I had to do?


    It's the only thing that generates revenue.

    I'll give an example. My son has a friend that has 500K TikTok followers. But he can't convert that to $$$. So he works at a grocery store.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675638].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by 1Bryan View Post

      I'll give an example. My son has a friend that has 500K TikTok followers. But he can't convert that to $$$. So he works at a grocery store.
      Your sons friend needs to contact business' for sponsorships. The kid might actually want to hire an agent. The agent will be motivated to make deals, because they would be paid for every deal that is made. Would be a win win.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        Your sons friend needs to contact business' for sponsorships. The kid might actually want to hire an agent. The agent will be motivated to make deals, because they would be paid for every deal that is made. Would be a win win.
        Lol tried. Fell on deaf ears.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675647].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by 1Bryan View Post

          Lol tried. Fell on deaf ears.
          Tried what? reaching out on Insta / twitter to compatible companies? Did you try 10? 100? 1000? "Tried" is not 5 or 10 contacts... in this scenario you have to be relentless. The proposition has to be pointed towards the value you can bring the potential sponsor. I have 500,000 followers, I get on average X amount of views per day / per week / per month. My target demographic is Z.

          The kid has nothing but time on his hands. Works 40 hours a week... makes 7 tiktoks a week? then what? Just as the title of this thread suggests... his potential profit potential activity is reaching out on Twitter and Insta in the 10's and hundreds of contacts PER DAY. Again what else are they doing? They are not converting by choice. Let that sink in for a moment. "Tried" and "Trying" are 2 different things.

          You can wonder why its not happening, or you can be active in making it happen. Failure is only Failure once you stop trying.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675649].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
            Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

            Tried what? reaching out on Insta / twitter to compatible companies? Did you try 10? 100? 1000? "Tried" is not 5 or 10 contacts... in this scenario you have to be relentless. The proposition has to be pointed towards the value you can bring the potential sponsor. I have 500,000 followers, I get on average X amount of views per day / per week / per month. My target demographic is Z.

            The kid has nothing but time on his hands. Works 40 hours a week... makes 7 tiktoks a week? then what? Just as the title of this thread suggests... his potential profit potential activity is reaching out on Twitter and Insta in the 10's and hundreds of contacts PER DAY. Again what else are they doing? They are not converting by choice. Let that sink in for a moment. "Tried" and "Trying" are 2 different things.

            You can wonder why its not happening, or you can be active in making it happen. Failure is only Failure once you stop trying.
            Lol. Thanks for the lecture on failure.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11675691].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author savidge4
              Originally Posted by 1Bryan View Post

              Lol. Thanks for the lecture on failure.
              That was far from a lecture on "Failure" that was a lecture of how to succeed actually. Read my post that answers the question left by the OP on this very thread, and re-read what I said. How many people do I contact in a day? A week? a month? 10's and 100's. I practice what I preach.
              Success is an ACT not an idea
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              • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
                Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                That was far from a lecture on "Failure" that was a lecture of how to succeed actually. Read my post that answers the question left by the OP on this very thread, and re-read what I said. How many people do I contact in a day? A week? a month? 10's and 100's. I practice what I preach.
                Not interested in a turf war.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Mark Singletary View Post

    A lot of time people are busy as they can be every day but still can't make their business profitable.

    This can be for a lot of reasons but one I think is being busy doing the wrong things or at least things without the potential to produce a profit.

    What kinds of things do you do daily or on a regular basis to keep the profit going in your business? Consider being a little more specific than something like "lead generation". More specific ideas may help others better.

    And what kinds of "normal" business activities do you consider doesn't have much if any profit potential?

    My day is broken into time blocks. I spend 2 hours every day going out door to door selling my services.

    I alot 1 hour a day ( + / - ) maintaining relationships. In the process of the above activity I might stop into a neighboring business I am doing or have done work for and see how they are doing, just check up on them, etc.

    i Spend 1 hour a day "team building" Personally reaching out to my employees, My vendors, anybody that may need a "Touch" to hear their concerns and praise them for their efforts.

    Spend less than an hour a day working with my business advertising.. print ads, web ads etc.

    Spend about 2 hours a day with my online sales team, working on SEO and traffic related functions.

    All of these things are within the process of bringing new business, and or maintain current business. 6 to 8 hours of my day is just this.

    As off as this may sound, but in my situation Fulfillment is not a personal priority that makes my company money.. I have staff that does that and have worked over the years to build a team that works efficiently, and I can count on. It used to be my day was split 25 / 75 25% getting business, and 75% fulfillment.

    I would say team building is the most important aspect of my daily routine. and its not just "My" team.. I consider past current and future clients as part of the team. Referrals are nurtured, and account for a huge amount of my incoming business today.

    Hope that Helps!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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