$300 to $700 per 1K word writers? Oops! Why that's the case?!!!

31 replies
Hey guys,

I have got a question for you!

I own a small 70-80 pages website around parenting and child care.
The other day I decided to expand it by adding more contents inside of it, so I went to Linkedin tried to find some native English speaker writers who can write on the field for me to hire them.
8 ladies got back to me, and the rates they suggested for content/blog post writing made me go crazy!

Their rates ranged from $300 to $700 per 1K words!!!!!!!

Can you guys tell me why that's the case please? And whats the solution here??

Many thanks.
#$300 #$700 #case #oops #word #writers
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    By your tone, I'm assuming that you think the fees quoted are on the high side. But for a well-researched and authoritative piece by a professional writer, those prices are in the sort of ball park I'd expect.

    You could certainly find cheaper writers - there are several places such as Freelancer and Upwork you could try, but only you know what kind of quality you're willing to pay for and the sort of audience you want to serve. But I'd have thought that parenting and child care are topics requiring experience and a degree of competence above the run-of-the-mill article writer bunch.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684000].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    Way too high in my view.

    I would also try Fiverr.com.

    Lower rates and possibly higher quality writers there.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684005].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Way too high in my view.

      I would also try Fiverr.com.

      Lower rates and possibly higher quality writers there.
      Lets just say the Fiverr articles don't convert in this case. So the OP spends money filling her blog up with a bunch of articles, with no conversions. Linkedin writer charges the Original Poster more money. All articles convert readers into buyers. Traffic increases, site moves higher in the ranking.

      Which one was way to high in the long run ......
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684077].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author 1Bryan
      Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

      Way too high in my view.

      I would also try Fiverr.com.

      Lower rates and possibly higher quality writers there.
      That's like saying McDonald's has the best hamburgers. Unreal.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684113].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    I find this a bit amusing... Reading the OP, the "English" seems VERY GOOD, if not native. So one has to wonder... in the exchange of Money for Time, and you obviously find that the exchange is not in your favor, why not write the articles yourself?

    I am going to agree with Frank ( as I most often do ) that you get what you pay for. And if you do go the lessor route I want you to keep track of the time it takes to make editting corrections etc for each article, and then look back at the time vs money exchange, and think if it may have been in your advantage with both Time and Money to write the articles yourself.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684010].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    The solutions depend on your goal.

    'Writing' is a vague word.

    If I sit at my computer and type a bunch of sentences, I am writing. Even if I am making all kinds of mistakes.

    If I pay attention/fix the mistakes, either as I go or at the end, I am proofreading / editing.

    If I pick a topic, think about a point I want to make, organize my thoughts, then write, I'm still "just" writing.

    If I reaserch the topic (or spent years studying), then do the above, most people call that writing.

    Point is, people charge based on the time involved and the skill(s) required and what they have gotten before for similar work.

    You require more / higher skills, you pay for them.

    A few years ago, I paid 18 and 25 and 10 for 300-word articles. Each suited my needs, so it was money well spent.

    But the 10 dollar one was not an article, even though it had a title and paragraphs. The 25 dollar one was about as good as my 9th grade essays on topics I did not study was, where I was done in 150 words but the teacher put a 300-word minimum requirement.

    PS Sometimes, I do not hire myself to write the articles I need: I'd be losing money.

    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Hey guys,

    I have got a question for you!

    I own a small 70-80 pages website around parenting and child care.
    The other day I decided to expand it by adding more contents inside of it, so I went to Linkedin tried to find some native English speaker writers who can write on the field for me to hire them.
    8 ladies got back to me, and the rates they suggested for content/blog post writing made me go crazy!

    Their rates ranged from $300 to $700 per 1K words!!!!!!!

    Can you guys tell me why that's the case please? And whats the solution here??

    Many thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684078].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      The solutions depend on your goal.

      'Writing' is a vague word.

      If I sit at my computer and type a bunch of sentences, I am writing. Even if I am making all kind of mistakes.

      If I pay attention/fix the mistakes, either as I go or at the end, I am proofreading / editing.

      If I pick a topic, think about a point I want to make, organize my thoughts, then write, I'm still "just" writing.

      If I reaserch the topic (or spent years studying), then do the above, most people call that writing.

      Point is, people charge based on the time involved and the skill(s) required and what they have gotten before for similar work.

      You require more / higher skills, you pay for them.

      A few years ago, I paid 18 and 25 and 10 for 300-word articles. Each suited my needs, so it was money well spent.

      But the 10 dollar one was not an article, even though it had a title and paragraphs. The 25 dollar one was about as good as my 9th grade essays on topics I did not study was, where I was done in 150 words but the teacher put a 300-word minimum requirement.

      PS Sometimes, I do not hire myself to write the articles I need: I'd be losing money.

      I see what you mean mate.
      But I am poor (and unlucky), unable to pay such amounts for blog posts. Especially when I need 10s and 100 of such posts (Plus another fee/per post for off-page seo).

      Honestly the things go even more complicated when you are not a native English speaker too. If you go for nasty cheap writers you might NEVER be able to professionally detect and determine the quality they offer you.

      So the best solution for a guy like me, is going for pro guys from places like Linkedin that I can trust more. That's what I did, and I expected to find guys who charge say $100/1K words MAX, but the minimum rate was $300.

      A few years ago, when I had some money, I tried to find a guy from this forum to help me expand my online carrier and make more online income. He charged me near $30K and brought me "absolutely zero" dollars!
      After that nasty and veryyy depressing period, I have big challenges to go hire guys with such rates the Linkedin writers ask for.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684123].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        There is a guy in this forum: laurencewins.

        He might be what you are looking for: A couple if years ago, he was charging 28/400 words.

        You do not need 1000 words.

        You need content that makes sense.

        Small topic can be covered well in 100 word. And neither Google nor your visitors will object. Actually, they would object if you used 200 words to cover a topic that could have been covered in 100.

        Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

        I see what you mean mate.
        But I am poor (and unlucky), unable to pay such amounts for blog posts. Especially when I need 10s and 100 of such posts (Plus another fee/per post for off-page seo).

        Honestly the things go even more complicated when you are not a native English speaker too. If you go for nasty cheap writers you might NEVER be able to professionally detect and determine the quality they offer you.

        So the best solution for a guy like me, is going for pro guys from places like Linkedin that I can trust more. That's what I did, and I expected to find guys who charge say $100/1K words MAX, but the minimum rate was $300.

        A few years ago, when I had some money, I tried to find a guy from this forum to help me expand my online carrier and make more online income. He charged me near $30K and brought me "absolutely zero" dollars!
        After that nasty and veryyy depressing period, I have big challenges to go hire guys with such rates the Linkedin writers ask for.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11685685].message }}
        • Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          You do not need 1000 words.

          You need content that makes sense.

          Small topic can be covered well in 100 word. And neither Google nor your visitors will object. Actually, they would object if you used 200 words to cover a topic that could have been covered in 100.

          Succintness is brinkmanship with plenty left to spare.

          Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11686270].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author SARubin
      Originally Posted by DABK View Post

      The solutions depend on your goal.

      'Writing' is a vague word.

      If I sit at my computer and type a bunch of sentences, I am writing. Even if I am making all kind of mistakes.

      If I pay attention/fix the mistakes, either as I go or at the end, I am proofreading / editing.

      If I pick a topic, think about a point I want to make, organize my thoughts, then write, I'm still "just" writing.

      If I reaserch the topic (or spent years studying), then do the above, most people call that writing.

      Point is, people charge based on the time involved and the skill(s) required and what they have gotten before for similar work.

      You require more / higher skills, you pay for them.

      A few years ago, I paid 18 and 25 and 10 for 300-word articles. Each suited my needs, so it was money well spent.

      But the 10 dollar one was not an article, even though it had a title and paragraphs. The 25 dollar one was about as good as my 9th grade essays on topics I did not study was, where I was done in 150 words but the teacher put a 300-word minimum requirement.

      PS Sometimes, I do not hire myself to write the articles I need: I'd be losing money.


      Someone recently asked how long it took me to write a particular sales page.

      My answer was simple... It took me 25 years to write it.

      Grow Your Copywriting Skills & Network with Other Copywriting Professionals - Join us at the Copywriters Forum

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684247].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I think a lot of people find articles expensive when they do not see a clear connection between how much they pay and how much the article is going to get them back.

        Yes, sometimes an article is too expensive in relation to revenue created.

        But, often, people don't even bother to say: Made 13000 in the last 12 months.
        I have 10 articles on my site. On average, an article made me 1300/year.

        I've made 29000 in the last 3 years. I've had 10 articles on my site all this time.

        On average, an article's made me 2900.

        So, if an article makes me 2900 over 3 years, how much should I pay for another one.

        Yes, I know, it's not as clear-cut when in real life, but with a bit of patience, the value of an article can, indeed, be estimated well enough that people can draw meaningful, useful conclusions.

        Originally Posted by SARubin View Post


        Someone recently asked how long it took me to write a particular sales page.

        My answer was simple... It took me 25 years to write it.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684283].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author wizard12
    Thank you very much for all replies...

    After submitting this thread, a guy with zero posts PMed me and suggested to do the job for me for $200! LOL.

    Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

    By your tone, I'm assuming that you think the fees quoted are on the high side.
    I can tell you taht you are right somehow. well I know that they charge me for their experience either, But the point is that I am not a rich guy to be able to pay such rates for my website, and we all know that a website requires 10s and 100s posts and articles to experience success.

    We are not at say 2014-2015 when you could come up with thin 5-6 page websites and rank well.

    The main point here is that I am not able to come up with such investments.
    I am a poor IMer who experienced failure for several times (I'll start a thread soon and speak of what happened to me after big investments which made me poorer not richer!)

    Originally Posted by talfighel View Post

    Way too high in my view.

    I would also try Fiverr.com.

    Lower rates and possibly higher quality writers there.
    No mate, my experience does not necessarily confirm that.

    Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

    I find this a bit amusing... Reading the OP, the "English" seems VERY GOOD, if not native. So one has to wonder... in the exchange of Money for Time, and you obviously find that the exchange is not in your favor, why not write the articles yourself?
    Thank you buddy for the encouragement.
    Honestly I think my English is really broken and odd.
    I have learnt it through online reading of English texts and papers in different fields (Mainly science and engineering related papers).
    I myself don't believe that my English is powerful like you say. But one point is that not me, but just a native English speaker can judge my English language.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684121].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

      After submitting this thread, a guy with zero posts PMed me and suggested to do the job for me for $200! LOL.
      That is considered spam around here. Please report the user by clicking on the red triangle in your private message. This way the Admin or Moderators can deal with the spammer.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684189].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

      Thank you very much for all replies...

      After submitting this thread, a guy with zero posts PMed me and suggested to do the job for me for $200! LOL.

      I can tell you taht you are right somehow. well I know that they charge me for their experience either, But the point is that I am not a rich guy to be able to pay such rates for my website, and we all know that a website requires 10s and 100s posts and articles to experience success.

      We are not at say 2014-2015 when you could come up with thin 5-6 page websites and rank well.

      The main point here is that I am not able to come up with such investments.
      I am a poor IMer who experienced failure for several times (I'll start a thread soon and speak of what happened to me after big investments which made me poorer not richer!)

      No mate, my experience does not necessarily confirm that.

      Thank you buddy for the encouragement.
      Honestly I think my English is really broken and odd.
      I have learnt it through online reading of English texts and papers in different fields (Mainly science and engineering related papers).
      I myself don't believe that my English is powerful like you say. But one point is that not me, but just a native English speaker can judge my English language.
      Learnt.... "Learned"
      I myself - "I" ("myself" is superfluous)

      Write for yourself; I have see dreadful grammar accepted on "top" ezines and directories, and investigated article spinners too... not one is any good.

      I have invested in medium-high spec article writers on Fiverr and elsewhere; most of them are rubbish too
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684208].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

      Thank you buddy for the encouragement.
      Honestly I think my English is really broken and odd.
      I have learnt it through online reading of English texts and papers in different fields (Mainly science and engineering related papers).
      I myself don't believe that my English is powerful like you say. But one point is that not me, but just a native English speaker can judge my English language.
      With this reply the broken English is a bit more apparent. Really what you need, is simply someone to clean up what you write. If you went into the "Wanted Members wanting to hire you section ( https://www.warriorforum.com/wanted-...king-hire-you/ ) you might be able to get someone inexpensively to clean up your articles for you.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684312].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author max5ty
    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Hey guys,

    I have got a question for you!

    I own a small 70-80 pages website around parenting and child care.
    The other day I decided to expand it by adding more contents inside of it, so I went to Linkedin tried to find some native English speaker writers who can write on the field for me to hire them.
    8 ladies got back to me, and the rates they suggested for content/blog post writing made me go crazy!

    Their rates ranged from $300 to $700 per 1K words!!!!!!!

    Can you guys tell me why that's the case please? And whats the solution here??

    Many thanks.
    Not familiar with your site..

    and don't know how many readers you have. But, I would suggest you not overlook the benefits of having some of your loyal readers offer content for your site.

    There may be some good ideas among the readers. It would increase loyalty and also may save you a couple of bucks?

    Just a thought...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684122].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SiteNameSales
    It's too much to pay if you are looking for a run-of-the-mill piece that will satisfy a curious reader doing a search for your topic. Buy run-of-the-mill I'm referring to a general piece that covers a particular subject, but not necessarily in great depth.

    Do you have a particular topic in mind? How deep to you want to go with it? In any case, you can find some decent freelancers at IWriter. You post your topic with instructions and the stable of freelancers will decide if it's something they would want to take up. Rates are very reasonable.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684183].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author wizard12
      Originally Posted by SiteNameSales View Post

      Do you have a particular topic in mind?
      Parenting and Babies, Toddlers, Children Education (Like teaching them writing, math, how to behave and anything which is related to such ages)

      In any case, you can find some decent freelancers at IWriter. You post your topic with instructions and the stable of freelancers will decide if it's something they would want to take up. Rates are very reasonable.
      Thanks for the suggestion, are the people there native English speakers or what?

      Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

      I have invested in medium-high spec article writers on Fiverr and elsewhere; most of them are rubbish too
      Yes I agree with you. That's why I leaved such platforms and preferred to go directly to Linkedin. But the rates killed me.

      An English saying: You get what you pay for! LOL.
      But the point is that a website needs 10s-100s posts to be able to be called a decent website.
      If that was just 1 or some articles, then it was OK for a guy like me to go for high payments.
      But when some writers ask for $300 to $700 per 1K words (And a website needs such amount of posts/pages), it means that you must be either a really rich man to to be able to pay such rates, or your website is bringing you a lot of money each month.
      Let me translate that for you guys: The poor are almost always Miserable. LOL

      Originally Posted by Monetize View Post

      I am not sure why their rates are so high, nor do I know why
      people here are bashing Fiverr freelancers...........

      You can post your job for bids or contact the writers directly.
      It saves time to post your job at first, that way you can see
      people's profiles and prices and make your decision on
      who you prefer the best.

      Either way, you can ask them questions before you commit.
      Mate can you please do me a favor and PM me some of such native English speakers you have found on fiverr and they made you happy?
      I see you seem a native English speaker, so it is YOU (Not me) who could detect if they are really good writers or not. So can you please help me in that regard?
      Thank you so much.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      With this reply the broken English is a bit more apparent.
      Would you please let me know the broken words/lines in my post please (It is fun for me to see how much I am away of English)?

      Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

      Wizard12, this is the key point. You've mentioned that you want more articles and blog posts in order to rank higher, but you haven't said how you're monetizing the content. Are you promoting affiliate products? Are you going after advertisers or sponsors?
      For start affiliate products, but if I manage to expand the website then I'll go for other ways to make it bring (More) money too.

      Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

      Tried Freelancer.com?
      yes I tried Fiverr, but I was unable to find (And figure) neat people there.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684862].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sauliv
    Rates you were quoted were not just for actual writing, but for the entire package. Let me explain -- a client hires you to write an email. You tell him it's $300. He says it's OK. Sends you the money. We both agree it's a test project to see if we can work together. So I crank out an amazing email. Client says you're too aggressive, tells you to "tone it down a bit". You tell the client, this is direct response copy and it should be aggressive. The client says his list is "family oriented". You know that the client knows jack shit about generating sales. In the end, you part ways. And $300 made it worth while for you.
    Another example -- client hires you to write a long form copy. You do a ton of research, find a hook, crank it out. Client takes a look at your draft and goes line by line making you take out every word the client thinks is too aggressive. The result is the copy that is so shitty, it's not going to generate a single sale even though a client has a ton of traffic, most of which is generated by throwing millions of cache they get from second round of funding. If that wasn't bad enough, the client launches your sales letter as a blog article - in a wall of text. You part ways and promise yourself to never ever write for clients again. Ever. You move on to launching your own offers and the rest is history.
    The point of all of this is -- good direct response writing has a ton of value. But requires a lot of research to come up with a big idea. It can take a lot of preparation. You have to get to know your prospect, the market, what they want etc.$300 - $700 for 1000 words is actually pretty normal when you take into account how much agonizing work it takes to rewrite the copy 7 times.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684210].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Monetize
    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Their rates ranged from $300 to $700 per 1K words!!!!!!!

    Can you guys tell me why that's the case please? And whats the solution here??

    I am not sure why their rates are so high, nor do I know why
    people here are bashing Fiverr freelancers.

    Their rates might be high because most everyone's farming
    this type of work out to others, so you need to be aware.

    I have used Fiverr 200+ times for various projects including
    content creation and I have been satisfied 97% of the time.

    Whenever I have had a problem, I have been refunded by
    Fiverr staff, so I have never been burned.

    The only thing I would warn you about is that lots of people
    fake their locations and state that they are in the U.S./U.K.
    when they are actually in some other exotic location like

    That's been my biggest problem when hiring writers since
    I require my content to be written in American English, not
    some other weird version. So you should be thorough when
    choosing your writers.

    I usually buy my content in packages of ten articles or blog
    posts of 250 words each.

    You can post your job for bids or contact the writers directly.
    It saves time to post your job at first, that way you can see
    people's profiles and prices and make your decision on
    who you prefer the best.

    Either way, you can ask them questions before you commit.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684291].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Serene Carmen
    You can also have a look at Content Wish. The price is the same as Fivver and the quality is good.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684309].message }}
  • The powah of words is inversely proportional to what 99% of people are prepared to pay for 'em.

    Deal is: less'n you can write 'em out all by your lonesum, does your business deserve el cheapo or mebbe what it actschwlly needs?

    Sadly, too many demanders of magic unequipped with the necessary wand appear equally clueless.

    This is why it is necessary to set clear an' viable RATES.

    1k words has massivo pullin' powah, actschwlly.

    An' you cannot expect to yank if'n you ain't dishin' out the spank.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684360].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    Originally Posted by DABK View Post

    The solutions depend on your goal.
    Wizard12, this is the key point. You've mentioned that you want more articles and blog posts in order to rank higher, but you haven't said how you're monetizing the content. Are you promoting affiliate products? Are you going after advertisers or sponsors?

    What actions (if any) do you want your site visitors to take?

    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Honestly the things go even more complicated when you are not a native English speaker too. If you go for nasty cheap writers you might NEVER be able to professionally detect and determine the quality they offer you.
    So the best solution for a guy like me, is going for pro guys from places like Linkedin that I can trust more.
    I think that's sensible if you're not confident in your ability to discern the quality of the writing. The other option is to write the articles yourself - you know best what you want to say - then hire a professional to edit and proofread them.

    But again, it all comes down to your intentions for the site. If your plan is to build long-term authority, you could do worse that take Max5ty's suggestion and enlist your visitors to contribute content and get some discussions going that way.

    Just adding more and more bog-standard articles - each probably saying the same things in different words - isn't going to help you stand out from the bunch, or enhance the user experience of the site.

    Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684377].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
    Tried Freelancer.com?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11684473].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author angrybudcom
    Health is a sensitive niche => prices are higher.

    However, for 300 it should be Mark Twain, for 700 - a google insider.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Flm
    If your business benefits in the long haul, it could be a sound investment.

    I pen all of the literature for myself and have saved $$$ to the tune of thousands and thousands.

    George Troy Marketing on Youtube

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11685778].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author PuBGee Gamer
    Professional writers charge more now people use more software for copy writing or content writing that's why a pro writer charge more
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11685889].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Pro writers do not charge more just because there is software. They charge more because they take into account their time, effort, skills and what the market bears.

      They play in a different market than that where people use software.

      Gucci is not charging more because Walmart and Dollar stores sell cheap clothes.

      Because people buying at Walmart and Dollar store are not Gucci's market.

      Originally Posted by PuBGee Gamer View Post

      Professional writers charge more now people use more software for copy writing or content writing that's why a pro writer charge more
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11685907].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Awais_Afzal1
    Originally Posted by wizard12 View Post

    Hey guys,

    I have got a question for you!

    I own a small 70-80 pages website around parenting and child care.
    The other day I decided to expand it by adding more contents inside of it, so I went to Linkedin tried to find some native English speaker writers who can write on the field for me to hire them.
    8 ladies got back to me, and the rates they suggested for content/blog post writing made me go crazy!

    Their rates ranged from $300 to $700 per 1K words!!!!!!!

    Can you guys tell me why that's the case please? And whats the solution here??

    Many thanks.
    If you target 2nd world or 3rd world countries you will get a lot of people who charge far less then that, you can try to find some experienced and cheap resource.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11686069].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paulieatherton
    Hi wizard12

    what precisely do you want these articles to achieve?

    I mean specific outcomes?

    What does success mean to you in terms of ROI?

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11686318].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author netzvid
    It is really crazy, You can search for content writing agency they usually charge 1.5 to 2.5 Rupees per word for quality content with pluralism report.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11687179].message }}
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