What is the cheapest way to buy real traffic for Ads Arbitrage?

5 replies
Did anyone ever bought pop under traffic to generate traffic for a blog ?* I believe this is the cheapest form of ads you can find to generate traffic to a site but to be honest i never saw a blog doing it!*

The idea is to buy cheap real traffic and then monetize it with Ads. I believe it's called Ads Arbitrage.*

Is there any other method to buy cheap traffic and then monetize it with ads?
#ads #arbitrage #buy #cheapest #real #traffic
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  • Profile picture of the author dave_hermansen
    There's traffic and then there is real traffic that is interested in your site. I cannot imagine random traffic from pop-under ads on other sites is going to be very lucrative traffic for any website.
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  • Profile picture of the author coolidge
    Originally Posted by CaptainCool View Post

    Did anyone ever bought pop under traffic to generate traffic for a blog ?* I believe this is the cheapest form of ads you can find to generate traffic to a site but to be honest i never saw a blog doing it!*

    The idea is to buy cheap real traffic and then monetize it with Ads. I believe it's called Ads Arbitrage.*

    Is there any other method to buy cheap traffic and then monetize it with ads?

    CPV ads are the cheapest. Push Ads for some countries are very cheap too.


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  • Profile picture of the author Victor Courville
    There are many ways that are cheap and many ways that are F-R-E-E. But to get yourself branded and get out there and be active is the best. If your in social media areas, just respond and give help when needed. But "Herculist" has been a good place for solo ads. And there are many traffic exchanges to get involved with as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Pop under traffic sounds kind of sketchy. If you have a blog, you should be able to get free organic traffic by adding consistent value content daily, promoting it and learning SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    I do not know of one, but cheap traffic is often expensive.

    Paying 100 to get 10000 visitors that make you 90, for instance, is very expensive.

    Originally Posted by CaptainCool View Post

    Did anyone ever bought pop under traffic to generate traffic for a blog ?* I believe this is the cheapest form of ads you can find to generate traffic to a site but to be honest i never saw a blog doing it!*

    The idea is to buy cheap real traffic and then monetize it with Ads. I believe it's called Ads Arbitrage.*

    Is there any other method to buy cheap traffic and then monetize it with ads?
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