$75,000 by December 14th!

62 replies
I had everyone laugh at me when I said I will make 10k.
I had everyone laugh at me again when I said I will make 100k.
Today I want to announce that I will make $75,000 by December 14th.
Laugh at me if you want but I will make this happen. But I need your help!

I'm launching my coaching program for $3000. I'm shooting for 25 students max and I plan on raking in $75,000. I'm a real estate investor and this is what I'm passionate about and I want to share my secrets with everyone who is "willing" to take action.

I can see why people think this might be overpriced but I've paid my first coach $4000 and another $7500 (split 15k) on my first deal. We only had 12 sessions of 30 minute phone conversations. I plan to deliver more and share all my marketing strategies that everyone is scared to share. btw, I made 15k on my first deal and 100k on my second deal without investing any of my money. (wholesaling properties)

So here's my plan. Let me know what you guys think.

My plan is to build 50 list a day which will turn out to 1,500 in 30 days. Out of the 1,500 I expect 2.5% conversion. So that will be 25 sales. I don't have a list yet but I plan to start building my list on Monday the 16th. I will LAUNCH my coaching session on December 14th, 2009. I will warm my list using the product launch formula.

-50 list/daily
-10 videos (help them take action for results)
-25 articles to my opt-in page
-forum marketing
-blog commenting
-twitter following
-craigslist marketing

What will I give?
-Step-By-Step how to start the business
-Marketing materials (letters, business card, post cards)
-1hr/week mastermind phone call
-unlimited email access

What's the take away?
-I will raise my price to $5000 after this launch.
-they won't get unlimited email access to me

What do you guys think? Anything missing? Do you think this is possible? I need your advice!!!

#$75 #14th #december
  • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
    Good Luck.. I'm not laughing but Good Luck.

    But, I'd say you would need more than Article Marketing and Social Networking to get a $3K sale.

    But, I'm not very good.. So, we're back to Good Luck.

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      haha honestly i never tried article marketing. i know i def need some more marketing. my mentor launched a product for $1200 and he had dozens of students sign up without much marketing.

      Originally Posted by Sumit Menon View Post

      Good Luck.. I'm not laughing but Good Luck.

      But, I'd say you would need more than Article Marketing and Social Networking to get a $3K sale.

      But, I'm not very good.. So, we're back to Good Luck.

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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      haha exactly. one thing i hate doing is working. but eehhhh you can only make money by working or outsourcing.

      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      I think you better get started
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  • Profile picture of the author dmarze
    What can I say... Good Luck.

    Get Unique Content Rich Website... I Will Build And Promote It For You (WSO)

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  • Profile picture of the author GuerrillaIM
    If you get a 2.5% conversion rate for your $3k coaching program from your list generated on craigslist/article marketing/twitter then you have some killer skills. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      Let's hope that I have a killer conversion rate. Out of 5 people i meet in person about 1-2 people actually want to take the coaching. I plan to deliver it the same way online.

      Originally Posted by GuerrillaIM View Post

      If you get a 2.5% conversion rate for your $3k coaching program from your list generated on craigslist/article marketing/twitter then you have some killer skills. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384635].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Sumit Menon
        Originally Posted by choson View Post

        Let's hope that I have a killer conversion rate. Out of 5 people i meet in person about 1-2 people actually want to take the coaching. I plan to deliver it the same way online.
        Well, then you should give them like 30 minutes of free phone time or something so that they know you're serious. Then you can think of a 2.5% conversion. I mean, it's easier to persuade them to buy one-on-one.

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  • Profile picture of the author lakshaybehl
    Having great goals is awesome. But achieving them requires doing whats not generally obvious and definitely counter intuitive.

    Article Marketing?
    Social Bookmarking?

    Sound neither unobvious, nor counter intuitive.

    Get a mentor who's done it himself or herself.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1383971].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ForeignProfessor
      Does "Choson" = 조선? 화이팅!

      (Translation: Does Choson mean Joseon as in the Korean Joseon dynasty 1392-1910? Good luck =) )
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384038].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      Thanks for the great advice. that's exactly how i'm planning to deliver my coaching. to peopple who aren't having success or not making at least 5-10k a month with flipping houses. I believe in having a mentor in every aspect of life. Thanks again. =)

      Originally Posted by lakshaybehl View Post

      Having great goals is awesome. But achieving them requires doing whats not generally obvious and definitely counter intuitive.

      Article Marketing?
      Social Bookmarking?

      Sound neither unobvious, nor counter intuitive.

      Get a mentor who's done it himself or herself.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384639].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Harvey
    you have great and glorious aspirations. I wish you luck and would be interested to hear how you progress..
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Hersh
    You seem like a serious guy. I really like the idea that you're setting goals for every step that you are going to take.

    As others say, having 2.5% conversion on a $3000 coaching program is another thing. Without social proof you're not going to get there.

    With that said, I reall wish you good luck and I hope you'll achieve your goal.

    Mike G
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      Maybe I won't make $75,000 but when i make $30,000 i won't cry about it.

      thanks for the good words. =)

      Originally Posted by Mike Hersh View Post

      You seem like a serious guy. I really like the idea that you're setting goals for every step that you are going to take.

      As others say, having 2.5% conversion on a $3000 coaching program is another thing. Without social proof you're not going to get there.

      With that said, I reall wish you good luck and I hope you'll achieve your goal.

      Mike G
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  • Profile picture of the author Gee S
    Maybe instead of article marketing and social try some real estate forums. Show people you know your stuff by helping them out and that lil signature of yours will help pull in interested parties.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Rosa
      Give Give Give GIve greaat content and show that you are a true authority to your list and im sure you will get it.. if you know about jeff walker and frank kern and have seen other launches you should know...

      i have no doubt that you can do it, but you need to give them enough good content that they can make money alone with it and if the free content is that good, then the paid must be amazing.... you get the idea.. but you got it man.. I dont believe in luck so im not gonna bother saying it.. lol
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384150].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sloth456
    Try your hardest and if you fail you'll know what went wrong and what not to do next time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lett
    I believe you. You don't need a good luck, because i know you will do it anyway. What's the feeling having $75,000 in the corner?
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    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      Originally Posted by Lett View Post

      I believe you. You don't need a good luck, because i know you will do it anyway. What's the feeling having $75,000 in the corner?
      Feeling great. I love the positive energy but I am more driven by people who doubt me. Just from your words I can see that you're a type person who make things happen just by saying it.

      Honestly, I had bigger checks roll in before but it only feels good for that day. The next day you forget it happened. haha you know what i mean? =)

      Originally Posted by sloth456 View Post

      Try your hardest and if you fail you'll know what went wrong and what not to do next time.
      My goal is to make $75k or fail fast. Either way, it's a win-win situation for me. The lesson is more valuable than the money. Thanks =)

      Originally Posted by davidrosa9 View Post

      Give Give Give GIve greaat content and show that you are a true authority to your list and im sure you will get it.. if you know about jeff walker and frank kern and have seen other launches you should know...

      i have no doubt that you can do it, but you need to give them enough good content that they can make money alone with it and if the free content is that good, then the paid must be amazing.... you get the idea.. but you got it man.. I dont believe in luck so im not gonna bother saying it.. lol
      I'm going to give out a lot of contents and videos through the email teaching them to get started. I will give them action step to take so they can come back with a deal. I think once they see that they are getting results, they would have no problem throwing the money up. thanks for the great advice. =)

      btw, people said poker was luck. So i got started playing to prove people wrong. Two of my best friends are poker players so I learned from them for a month and I flipped $250 to $5000 within a month. But I quit soon as I knew I proved my point. I do a lot of things just to prove people wrong. And I never make money just to make money. I love the challenge. It's a competitive sport.

      Originally Posted by MrEyeconic View Post

      Maybe instead of article marketing and social try some real estate forums. Show people you know your stuff by helping them out and that lil signature of yours will help pull in interested parties.
      I'm def. going to use forum marketing. I think that's where most of the REALLLLL motivated investors are. They are always on forums trying to find the magic bullet.

      I believe that anything in life, you can find online or a forum. But people just need a coach to hold their hand. Especially in real estate, people are scared to flip their first property. Once they get over that, it's OVER!

      Thanks for the head up, buddy. =)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384731].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kevin J Foy
      You create your own luck by what you do ... so i'm not going to say good luck. like some of the others I too would be interested to hear how it goes
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  • Profile picture of the author Raja Kamil
    I suggest you, print out what you had written on the first post above.
    Then, patch it on every door you get on your house.
    And, keep imagine about it.
    Aim the sky, at least you can reach the moon.

    Man without dream is man without aim.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384695].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
    My problem with this is you using
    all FREE sources of traffic.

    "Blog commenting"... I mean seriously
    man you're going to need to come up
    with a better plan.

    I know everyone likes to cheer on pie in the
    sky dreams. Which is fine. But I like to look at
    reality because I've been doing this for years and
    I know alot of the pitfalls. And the $75k in one
    month as a newbie is one of them.

    You're starting with no list and using probably
    the slowest traffic generation methods out there.

    I would work towards a goal that's realistic
    and build from there.

    Again I've seen this happen time and time again.

    And I personally never seen one person do it. Not
    because it can't be done. But because to do it takes
    ALOT of knowledge, understanding, and experience.

    Not trying to rain on your parade... But most people who
    encourage this type of pie in the sky goal setting are
    doing so because they secretly hope you do it so they
    can keep believing in the facade that making big money
    with an internet business is easy.


    Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
    else is an illusion.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jim Symonds
    I think you need a lot of proof to sell at that price.

    Also, you might consider starting an affiliate program, and sharing a large protion of the sales with affiliates.

    This way, you leverage the work of others in your endeavor.

    Still though, they must buy into what you're selling as well.

    Best of luck,

    Run Your Own Direct Sales MLM Company ==> https://DirectSalesMLM.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384711].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      I'm planning to start my affiliate program after this launch. After this launch I will split 50% commission with anyone promoting my coaching program. I feel like it'll be easier to reach out to all the top guys after this.

      Thanks. =)

      Originally Posted by Jim Symonds View Post

      I think you need a lot of proof to sell at that price.

      Also, you might consider starting an affiliate program, and sharing a large protion of the sales with affiliates.

      This way, you leverage the work of others in your endeavor.

      Still though, they must buy into what you're selling as well.

      Best of luck,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1384779].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
    Originally Posted by choson View Post

    Today I want to announce that I will make $75,000 by December 14th.
    Laugh at me if you want but I will make this happen. But I need your help!
    Okay First - SOAP BOX alert! I'm getting on it.
    Nothing personal but my cup runneth over. I've seen too much of these recently I guess.

    Choson I have no doubt that you can make $75,000 or even $250,000 by December 14th. Shoot, You can get a hook up for crack cocaine and get more than that.

    What I want to know everytime I see one of these posts is why is the goal to make that amount of money in that amount of time?

    I know some maybe even most will think I am stupid for thinking this way but heres my thought . I want to provide VALUE in my services . When my kids look at me and ask what I did to become successful I don't want to tell them I "raked in $75000 " from 25 customers. I want to tell them i built a business helping people, taking the time to provide $2-$5 value for every dollar I charged - that I helped families and helped change peoples lives. Yeah I know to some of you out there thats a whole lot of fairy dust garbage and you'll rush to fume at how stupid I am and how business is about making money. I don't see why it has to be just that. To most of the people I know it doesn't take a whole lot to change their lives especially financially. I've never seen anyone before they close their eyes for the last time whisper that although they were well off they should have made more money.

    I look at your marketinng plan and see all thats wrong with IM. Its all centered in on how much money you can make in as little time as possible. I look at your marketing plan and the fact that you say you need help from forum members as a clear signal that you have nowhere near the value you are asking for your coaching. All you are talking about is your goals and not a word of the valuable content you should put in. Its all about the plan and not a word asked about what you should provide for that kind of money.

    Sorry but when I pay $3000 - $5000 to get mentored it won't be from a guy that has to ask people he doesn't even know personally what he should do and how to improve his marketing plan. If he's charging that he should have his stuff down straight already.

    So I am sure if you get $30,000 or $100,000 in a month there wil be people high fiving you (without having a clue as to whether you did or you are just playing guru for a future offer) but I won't be one of them. I'll blow your mind and tell you I don't start a product, application or provide a service thinking how much can I make th maximum in the shortest amount of time.

    I take the time to develop what I have to offer, go over the weaknesses of it even after its out and figure out how I can improve it add more value to it where I blew it and can do better. Yeah I know. Sucker won't make a dime (but you know I am not doing too bad with that. I"ve pased the dime mark at least).

    Sure I want to profit but again I'll blow your mind I also sometimes try to limit the profit so that the people who have the good sense and graciousness to hand me their dollars are rewarded for getting something valuable and a little special.

    If this is the approach your mentor taught you you wasted your money and if this is what your approach is you'll waste some other people's money or they'll push it further down the line like a pyramid trying to find some people to pay them to cover the fees you charged them . When I pay a mentor I want him to teach me how to build a business properly, step by step, slow as we have to go with solid foundations not how to make a quick hit.

    Besides when a self professed successful real estate investor starts looking for 25 people to give $3,000 to him I am reminded of the successful real estate investors I know of that know how to make that on one transaction and it kinds of gets me wondering why thats not the focus.

    I'm not saying this towards you or implying anything but as it relates to IM in general as I get off my soapbox and wait to get blasted for my silly and unrealistic values I am reminded of a quote from probably ther greatest quote movie of all time (and this isn't even a particularly good one. In fact not so hot at all) - Jerry Macguire:

    " How about a little piece of integrity in this world that is so full of greed and a lack of honorability that I don't know what to tell my son"

    Way overstated and more than a little corny? yeah way corny but lets concentrate on putting value in our products and services not how much we can make in as little time as possible.

    Soapbox kicked back under the counter.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385035].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
      I can careless if I have 1 student. I'm ONLY doing this because I'll be flying to korea for a month and I'll finally have some time to teach people. My passion is to help others reach their financial freedom. And in my experience real estate has been on of the easiest way to do it.

      I had to move back to my parent's house at one point because I failed my business. And I know how painful it is not being able to find your first real estate deal. I even know how it feels thinking that drug dealing is the only way out. I've been there and done it. I made a promise myself that I will help people who are in need of help.

      The only reason I wrote about WHAT I"M GOING TO DO and HOW I'm going to make money is because I NEEDED ADVICE. Or I just wanted to see if anyone else had ideas. And I'm only using internet marketing because I want to reach out to everyone who is stuck with real estate investing.

      I am not a guru. And I don't claim to be a big internet marketer. I'm a real estate investor who want to share my secrets with people who are really dying to make their first deal happen.

      Btw, money don't mean much on this launch. I can make $3000 and I'll be happy. I just wanted to max out to 25 students, that's it. I didn't want to take more than 25 students because I wanted to get to know every one of them personally.

      Thanks for taking your time and write your opinion. btw, I would've stuck with dealing drugs if it was only about money.

      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      Okay First - SOAP BOX alert! I'm getting on it.
      Nothing personal but my cup runneth over. I've seen too much of these recently I guess.

      Choson I have no doubt that you can make $75,000 or even $250,000 by December 14th. Shoot, You can get a hook up for crack cocaine and get more than that.

      What I want to know everytime I see one of these posts is why is the goal to make that amount of money in that amount of time?

      I know some maybe even most will think I am stupid for thinking this way but heres my thought . I want to provide VALUE in my services . When my kids look at me and ask what I did to become successful I don't want to tell them I "raked in $75000 " from 25 customers. I want to tell them i built a business helping people, taking the time to provide $2-$5 value for every dollar I charged - that I helped families and helped change peoples lives. Yeah I know to some of you out there thats a whole lot of fairy dust garbage and you'll rush to fume at how stupid I am and how business is about making money. I don't see why it has to be just that. To most of the people I know it doesn't take a whole lot to change their lives especially financially. I've never seen anyone before they close their eyes for the last time whisper that although they were well off they should have made more money.

      I look at your marketinng plan and see all thats wrong with IM. Its all centered in on how much money you can make in as little time as possible. I look at your marketing plan and the fact that you say you need help from forum members as a clear signal that you have nowhere near the value you are asking for your coaching. All you are talking about is your goals and not a word of the value you want to put in. Its all abot the plan and not a word asked about what you should provide for that kind of money.

      Sorry but when I pay $3000 - $5000 to get mentored it won't be from a guy that has to ask people he doesn't even know personally what he should do and how to improve his marketing plan. If he's charging that he should have his stuff down straight already.

      So I am sure if you get $30,000 or $100,000 in a month there wil be people high fiving you (without having a clue as to whether you did or you are just playing guru for a future offer) but I won't be one of them. I'll blow your mind and tell you I don't start a product, application or provide a service thinking how much can I make th maximum in the shortest amount of time.

      I take the time to develop what I have to offer, go over the weaknesses of it even after its out and figure out how I can improve it add more value to it where I blew it and can do better. Yeah I know. Sucker won't make a dime (but you know I am not doing too bad with that. I"ve pased the dime mark at least).

      Sure I want to profit but again I'll blow your mind I also sometimes try to limit the profit so that the people who have the good sense and graciousness to hand me their dollars are rewarded for getting something valuable and a little special.

      If this is the approach your mentor taught you you wasted your money and if this is what your approach is you'll waste some other people's money or they'll push it further down the line like a pyramid trying to find some people to pay them to cover the fees you charged them . When I pay a mentor I want him to teach me how to build a business properly, step by step, slow as we have to go with solid foundations not how to make a quick hit.

      Besides when a self professed successful real estate investor starts looking for 25 people to give $3,000 to him I am reminded of the successful real estate investors I know of that know how to make that on one transaction and it kinds of gets me wondering why thats not the focus.

      I'm not saying this towards you or implying anything but as it relates to IM in general as I get off my soapbox and wait to get blasted for my values I am reminded of a quote from probably ther greatest quote movie of all time (and this isn't even a particularly good one) - Jerry Macguire:

      " How about a little piece of integrity in this world that is so full of greed and a lack of honorability that I don't know what to tell my son"

      Way overstated and more than a little corny? yeah but lets concentrate on putting value in our products and services not how much we can make in as little time as possible.

      Soapbox kicked back under the counter.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385077].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by choson View Post

        I even know how it feels thinking that drug dealing is the only way out. I've been there and done it. I made a promise myself that I will help people who are in need of help.
        Choson the reference to drug dealing was only to make a point about other things that can get anyone money fast. Obviously since I don't know you I wasn't implying anything about your past. I am very glad you chose not to go further down that route. Instant bonus is your life expectancy went up with that and yeah I could have gone down that route too.

        Look I know there are people that will tell you differently but sometimes a goal to get a certain amount in a certain time can be a bad goal. You have to balance short term income goals with long term. If youaare talking in terms of US dollars $3000 each is pretty good. You get two or three in december put the time in, find out how you can improve the value to them and others going forward and guess what? they feel like they got their money's worth then they refer you to two or three more and with real and honest testimonials even more than that.

        Some copywriters right here wil tell you how they now regularly get clients that pay them that and more. Different kind of work but the principles are the same.

        Wish you the best. As I said it wasn't all directed at you. You see these kinds of goals in IM a lot and I think at least to some degree its why so many followers of the quick approach fail.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385109].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
          Don't tell me what I know and don't know. You said, "unless you have private investors behind you with pocket full of cash." Isn't this a no money down deal too? This is just one way to do a no money down deal. I had investors invest money on a property for me. If you guarantee an investor they will make 30k, they won't mind throwing up some money.

          10 years and you still question no money down deals? That's like IMers questioning seo and email marketing. I think you might need another 10 year under your belt. =)

          Btw, I have two deals I'm closing on thursday that I was suppose to bank 35k each with no money down. But I'm going on a family vacation, going to korea for a month, and launching my product so I won't have time right now. So I'm just going to close "with my own money" for now and when I come back from korea I will bank 35k a piece.

          Originally Posted by jurek View Post

          I do not think that you are an expert in realestate investng i'm doing real estate investing for last 10 years and now if you try to tell me that you can invest in realestate without using your own money that's telling me that you do not know nothing today you will not be able to borrow money from the bank unless you have lorge down paymant and credit score 780 anles you have privat investors behind you with pocket full of cash.

          Don't worry, i didnt take anything the wrong way. Thanks for the advice. =)

          Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

          Choson the reference to drug dealing was only to make a point about other things that can get anyone money fast. Obviously since I don't know you I wasn't implying anything about your past. I am very glad you chose not to go further down that route. Instant bonus is your life expectancy went up with that and yeah I could have gone down that route too.

          Look I know there are people that will tell you differently but sometimes a goal to get a certain amount in a certain time can be a bad goal. You have to balance short term income goals with long term. If youaare talking in terms of US dollars $3000 each is pretty good. You get two or three in december put the time in, find out how you can improve the value to them and others going forward and guess what? they feel like they got their money's worth then they refer you to two or three more and with real and honest testimonials even more than that.

          Some copywriters right here wil tell you how they now regularly get clients that pay them that and more. Different kind of work but the principles are the same.

          Wish you the best. As I said it wasn't all directed at you. You see these kinds of goals in IM a lot and I think at least to some degree its why so many followers of the quick approach fail.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385343].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author ShellySamuel
        Great determination,
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        • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
          Hey good luck to you but I think your approach is wrong. You're looking to start a coaching program to "rake in" (your words) 75K in a few weeks. That's the wrong mindset to start a coaching group IMHO. What's in it for them? Will you guarantee that they'll make their investment back? Sure coaching programs are very lucrative but they shouldn't be started on a whim in an effort to "rake in" 75K in a few weeks.

          Just a thought but good luck to you and don't forget to offer a great coaching program to your students don't just treat them like an ATM.
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          • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
            I didn't mean to sound like RAKING in 75k. If you read above I said that I don't care if I get one student. I just thought 25 is the MAX I can handle and get to know personally. But thanks for your advice anyways. I see where you're coming from and I guess I worded it wrong. =)

            Originally Posted by Alan Petersen View Post

            Hey good luck to you but I think your approach is wrong. You're looking to start a coaching program to "rake in" (your words) 75K in a few weeks. That's the wrong mindset to start a coaching group IMHO. What's in it for them? Will you guarantee that they'll make their investment back? Sure coaching programs are very lucrative but they shouldn't be started on a whim in an effort to "rake in" 75K in a few weeks.

            Just a thought but good luck to you and don't forget to offer a great coaching program to your students don't just treat them like an ATM.

            I don't think he meant to come at my neck but thanks for the great advice. I know $3000 is NOTHING for a coaching program. I've paid $4000 to talk to my coach 30 minutes a week. haha and split my first deal which was 15k, so I gave him another $7500. But I never considered that a lot because I'm making a killing now. =)

            Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

            Are you kidding me.

            The man has every right to charge $3000 considering
            he is an expert in Real Estate.

            I don't doubt his ability to provide value to
            up and coming real estate stars.

            Get off your egotistical high and mighty horse
            my friend.

            Just because you don't put value on yourself
            and your knowledge doesn't mean other people
            shouldn't value their knowledge.

            $3,000 isn't ALOT of money to everybody.

            Furthermore he doesn't know how to internet market
            and he isn't teaching others how to internet market.

            He is teaching them about Real Estate. So how does
            him asking for help about internet marketing take
            away from his expertise in Real Estate?

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385354].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
              Can you guys stop telling me I can or cannot do it and ACTUALLY read the post and give me some advice.

              I had two people who gave me great advices.

              1. Forum Marketing
              2. Talking to them 30 min personally on the phone.


              No offense but who cares what you think? I don't mean to sound like an asshole but I can CARELESS what you think? Because if i did, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

              Even my family and friends laughed at my entrepreneur dream.
              -People doubted me when I first opened my business. ended up making 10k/month at 21
              -People doubted me when I said I was a real estate investor. made 10k on first deal
              -People doubted me when I said my goal for the year was 100k. Made 100k on the second deal
              -People said poker was all luck so I proved them wrong by flipping $250 to $5000.

              Need I say more?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385368].message }}
              • Originally Posted by choson View Post

                Can you guys stop telling me I can or cannot do it and ACTUALLY read the post and give me some advice.

                I had two people who gave me great advices.

                1. Forum Marketing
                2. Talking to them 30 min personally on the phone.


                No offense but who cares what you think? I don't mean to sound like an asshole but I can CARELESS what you think? Because if i did, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

                Even my family and friends laughed at my entrepreneur dream.
                -People doubted me when I first opened my business. ended up making 10k/month at 21
                -People doubted me when I said I was a real estate investor. made 10k on first deal
                -People doubted me when I said my goal for the year was 100k. Made 100k on the second deal
                -People said poker was all luck so I proved them wrong by flipping $250 to $5000.

                Need I say more?
                Why do you insist on responding to one or two posts per post? You have unnaturally inflated the post count of this thread and it looks like you might be getting ready to start the spamming.

                Please use the multiquote and respond to all posts AT ONE TIME!
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385631].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
                  Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

                  Why do you insist on responding to one or two posts per post? You have unnaturally inflated the post count of this thread and it looks like you might be getting ready to start the spamming.

                  Please use the multiquote and respond to all posts AT ONE TIME!
                  haha thanks. I never knew how to use it. I was actually clicking quote then copying it and pasting to another quote to answer two to three questions. We learn something new everyday. =)

                  I'm sorry if it bothered you.

                  Any advice other than that?

                  Originally Posted by Kevin J Foy View Post

                  You create your own luck by what you do ... so i'm not going to say good luck. like some of the others I too would be interested to hear how it goes
                  I'm interested how it'll turn out also. I'm half nervous and half excited.

                  Originally Posted by TelegramSam View Post

                  Why bother with coaching?

                  Can't you make this amount of money in real estate?

                  There are lot of opportunities right now.

                  If you read above, there are two reasons why.

                  1. I will be in Korea for a lil longer than a month. I have extra time in my hand to finally start something I always wanted to which is coaching.

                  2. If I haven't met my mentors I wouldn't be where I am. When I was broke I made a promise to myself that I will help others to achieve financial freedom. I wanted to give back just like my mentors did for me.

                  There was a time in my life I thought money, drugs, and girls were everything. And some people made me realize that there was more to life and I made a promise to myself that I will help others the same way in the future. My mentors literally saved my life.

                  And yes, soon as I come back from Korea I'm going to close on two small deals. 35k a piece. I hope that answers your questions. I love flipping houses but at the same time it bores me sometimes. And plus my life goal is touch 100 lives before I die. Just as my mentors did for me.

                  Originally Posted by Gclunis View Post

                  Really awesome idea, I like it alot actually. The fact that you are laser focused in making it a reality is also very great. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will keep the interested few here on the forums updated to your successes.
                  Now I have everyone's attention I'm obligated to make it happen. If I didnt post this thread I probably played it low for 2-3 students for $5,000. haha
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385698].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
                  Originally Posted by Charles Montgomery View Post

                  Why do you insist on responding to one or two posts per post? You have unnaturally inflated the post count of this thread and it looks like you might be getting ready to start the spamming.

                  Please use the multiquote and respond to all posts AT ONE TIME!
                  I've tried to use the multiquote button and for some reason it doesn't work for me; maybe i'm technically challenged, but does that make me a spammer? If you look around the forum, you see all kinds of very decent people responding to each post with a separate one of their own; to call it unnatural, or indicative that the op is a spammer seems bizarre to me.

                  Now I will do the unnatural act of responding to someone else in another post;-)
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1386787].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
                Originally Posted by choson View Post

                Can you guys stop telling me I can or cannot do it and ACTUALLY read the post and give me some advice.

                I had two people who gave me great advices.

                1. Forum Marketing
                2. Talking to them 30 min personally on the phone.


                No offense but who cares what you think? I don't mean to sound like an asshole but I can CARELESS what you think? Because if i did, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

                Even my family and friends laughed at my entrepreneur dream.
                -People doubted me when I first opened my business. ended up making 10k/month at 21
                -People doubted me when I said I was a real estate investor. made 10k on first deal
                -People doubted me when I said my goal for the year was 100k. Made 100k on the second deal
                -People said poker was all luck so I proved them wrong by flipping $250 to $5000.

                Need I say more?
                You make some good points, and assuming what you say is true, have an impressive record of accomplishments, but it's strange that you object to people offering their opinions of whether you can do it or not, given that your first post contained the question: "Do you think this is possible?" You shouldn't really ask for people's opinions about a specific topic and then respond to the answers by telling them you don't care what they think.

                I wish I could offer you expert advice, but you're obviously much more of an expert on making money than I am (giving the benefit of the doubt on your claims).

                However, I will respond to a couple of things you said that jumped out at me.

                First, on what do you base your stated expectation of a 2.5% conversion rate? You seemed to imply that it was based it on how people respond to you in person, but that seems like apples and oranges to me. People on your list that never met you won't respond exactly like those you deal with in person.

                I may not know much, but I do know that no IMer I'm aware of would dissagree that the only way to project conversion rates is to test them. The 2.5% seems to be a wild guess.

                Also, you said when you meet people 1-2 out of 5 "want to take the coaching". First, there's a big difference between wanting to take it, and actually coughing up the $3k. So who knows how many actually would do it until they pony up? Also, if this was a true conversion rate, 1-2 out of 5 is an incredible 20-40%, not 2.5%.

                Which begs the question; wouldn't it be a lot easier to just meet 5 people a day for 25 days (assuming the lower conversion of 1 out of 5), and get your 25 sign-ups that way, if that's already proving so powerful?! I mean, it's tough to beat a 20% conversion rate, and if all you have to do is meet people and they're ready to rock, why not just do that?

                Finally, to Mike Anthony; I doubt many people think your stated values are corny or stupid; I think most here probably share them, and there are certainly plenty of posts all through the forum that espouse focusing on providing tons of value. It's almost a cliche, so you aren't the rare moral voice you seem to think you are; your values are admirable, but not unusual.

                Also, many people have exciting personal money goals that they talk about, that co-exist in peace with their goals of helping people.

                I think it's a bit unfair to assume the op is not interested in providing great value to his clients, just because he sounded a bit blustery here with the way he talked about his $75k goal, and used the wording "rake in". He may be unrealistic, like you say, but that doesn't mean his heart's not in the right place, or that he can't deliver.

                Also, I'm not sure he needs to know everything about real estate and where newbie investors hang out online to be able to teach his clients some killer strategies like his no money down deals, or netotiating so you make money on both ends of a flip.

                If all he knows is how to negotiate well, and can teach it, he might be able to help people create fortunes without even turning on a computer (although of course it would help). The real money in most real estate transactions is made face to face at the closing table anyway; not online.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1386866].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
                  Originally Posted by Greg guitar View Post

                  Finally, to Mike Anthony; I doubt many people think your stated values are corny or stupid; I think most here probably share them, and there are certainly plenty of posts all through the forum that espouse focusing on providing tons of value. It's almost a cliche, so you aren't the rare moral voice you seem to think you are;
                  easy there Greg. I don't recall me claiming I was any rare moral voice and I can't see how you can do that bit of mind reading to tell me what I think I am and then go on to talk about being fair. I've seen quite a few people blasted and have been blasted myself for taking that position in other threads so call it a defense mechanism because I knew I would be attacked. However I was referring to IM and theres a lot of people in IM looking for the quick fix and selling it. Thats undeniable. However If I thought I was the only one then I wouldn't mention the FTC holding near the same line.

                  Many do not hold that position. Most I don't know about but many is very clear to me.

                  Also, many people have exciting personal money goals that they talk about, that co-exist in peace with their goals of helping people.
                  And some don't. A goal to rake in $75000 in 30 days on something you are new to is not one of them. You may disagree (and thats what makes a forum interesting)but a plan to get money in a short time is an entirely diffrent strategy than building a solid business. I think alot in IM today gets people moving in this make tons of money in a short time syndrome and is a critical factor as to why so many people don't make it.

                  Anyway the OP stated he got where I am coming from and appreciated the advice. I'm cool with him and he with me. Its all good.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1386965].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Greg guitar
                    Mike; perhaps I misinterpreted what you said, but it's not because I attempted to read your mind. It's because I attempted to glean the meaning behind these words:

                    "I know some maybe even most will think I am stupid for thinking this way but heres my thought . I want to provide VALUE in my services "

                    If you think "maybe even most" people on this forum will think you're stupid for wanting to "provide VALUE", it seems to me that implies your position might be rare, or at least unusual in this forum. If you agree with my (common, I think) view that taking other people's money without providing value is immoral, that would make you a rare voice of morality.

                    I don't see how that interpretation is unfair, but if it is, I'm sorry.

                    I agree with you that desperate, "get rich quick" thinking can hurt someone who's never made much money, since they will likey self-sabatage, not handle adversity well, and give up if the money doesn't come as quickly or easily as they'd expected. But if one is inspired by unreasonable goals, takes unreasonably massive action to achieve them, and decides to become "unstoppable", I see no harm in reaching for outrageously big and fast results.

                    For someone who has lots of confidence, a workable, scalable plan that is congruent with their values and self-image, and is willing to course correct when meeting with the unexpected, it can't be denied that "getting rich quick" is possible, since people have done it. I'm not saying it's ever going to be the norm, but such successes naturally inspire people.

                    I think you made a comment earlier about unreasonable claims that will be stopped by the new FCC rules. I support their intent to stop misleading advertisers, but if I understand the rules correctly, they are very bad indeed. Is it true that they forbid testimonials with income claims unless you can prove your "average" customer made as much? If so it's absurd, unfair and a gross infringement on free speech.

                    First of all, no merchant could even know what each customer made, so making any claims, or allowing them to be made in a testimonial will be a terrible liability.

                    Second: Included in the average are: a large percent that never unwrapped the course; a large percent that unwrapped it, and then shelved it; a smaller percent that read a few pages; an even smaller percent that read the whole thing but never acted; a tiny percent that actually took action; and the miniscule percent that took sustained action and didn't give up before they actually made a profit. It's ridiculous that only the average can be heard from, since only a tiny percent ever give the method a meaningful test.

                    People need inspiration. Average results don't inspire. Nor does the prospect of "building a solid business", unless that means, a business that thrives, grows quickly, and provides you with an extraordinary lifestyle.

                    If I'm going to buy the blueprint for a business model, I'll buy it based on the fact that action takers can create great results, not the fact that the majority (as always) did nothing. Nor am I going to buy plans to "build a solid business", unless that solid business can make me much richer much faster, with much less drudgery than a job would. Fortunately, that can be done, but the FCC doesn't want us to talk about it.

                    As for the op; If he's truly produced a lot of success over the last several years with his real estate investing, and he wants to teach others to do the same, getting 25 takers in a month might not be a "get rich quick" scheme for him. From his claims, he can make more than $75k on a single deal, and is already rich anyway. (It's easier for rich people to "get rich quick";-)

                    In fact it seems possible that he's not really trying to "build a business" on the internet. Perhaps he's just looking at the internet as a way of advertising to find 25 people that want to learn to do what he does. I don't get the impression he sees IM as his new career. I think his main thing is doing deals, and he wants the satisfaction of teaching other people to do it too.

                    It does seem odd though, as I pointed out already, that he claims when he meets 5 people, 1-2 of them want to take his coaching program, and yet he wants to go to all the work of marketing the program online just to get 25 takers. All he really needs to do is go out and meet 65-130 people in the next 30 days, and he'll have his spots filled. That should be doable.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1389030].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
                      Originally Posted by Warriorisme View Post

                      hi i'm new in this forum and wish you good luck..nothing imposible....
                      Thanks! =)

                      Originally Posted by young-Money View Post

                      Good Luck Buddy.You can do it
                      I'm a little nervous but it's alright because I get this feeling before all the big deals.

                      Originally Posted by dubie217 View Post

                      Sounds like you are really passionate about this. Good luck with it and let us know how it goes. Work, work, work.
                      I only work 2-3 hrs a week and I already worked 3 hours today! =(
                      I know I'm going to have to bust my ass for this. like you said... gotta go work work work!

                      Originally Posted by SteveRenner View Post

                      Hey Choson,
                      In order to pull off your plan you will need to have a few things in place.
                      It's all about Marketing. You can sell anything if you have the right Marketing
                      Materials, the right Offer, and drive enough Traffic to it.

                      1) Position yourself as the expert in this market. Write a Report, or
                      get a ghost writer to do it for you > How You Can Make ,xxx.xx
                      in the Real Estate Market in 90 days or less with No Experience.

                      2) Create a Squeeze Page for Optins. Use a short Video and Optin
                      Box above the Fold.

                      2) Create a Killer Sales Letter for your offer. Get the best selling Video
                      product / course on ClickBank in your Niche and use it as your blueprint.

                      Show Proof of the deals you have done, and the income you have made.
                      Life Style Shots, Your Mansion, Mercedes. If you don't have these Rent
                      Them for the shoot.

                      ( You can't tell people you live at your parents and ride the bus )

                      3) Get some testimonials, from your former students, and from Recognized
                      Experts in your field, (How about the guy you paid $15k to?)

                      4) Drive Traffic to it, through PPC. You don't realistically have time to
                      become recognized as an expert in the Real Estate forums.

                      You should see pretty quickly if your squeeze is converting. If not work
                      on it until it is. Then give away some of your best content to your list
                      in Video Format every few days leading up to your Launch.

                      5) Put your offer out on some JV Forums. Google "Mike Mertz" you may
                      be able to pick up a few JV Partners.

                      6) Advertise a Free Real Estate Seminar at the local College. Film it and
                      use it as your 197.00 product. Use segments for your Video Giveaways.

                      7) Get a Warrior to create your site graphics with some exciting Product
                      Array photos.

                      8) Use your Coaching Program as the Upsell.

                      9) Put this product up for sale at ClickBank.

                      10) Roll up your sleeves, go to work and Make It Happen!

                      You can do anything you put your mind to. If you want to
                      make $75,000 in the next 30 days, that is a tall order, but it
                      can be done. Even if you only do 1/2 of that it would be Great!

                      Remember it takes money to make money - you are going to
                      have to invest some money to make it happen, but it should
                      be well worth it!
                      I REAAAAAAALLY appreciate your help. What a great advice. I guess this is the reason why I posted this thread so someone like you can give me a good advice. Thanks! =)

                      Originally Posted by Greg guitar View Post

                      Mike; perhaps I misinterpreted what you said, but it's not because I attempted to read your mind. It's because I attempted to glean the meaning behind these words:

                      "I know some maybe even most will think I am stupid for thinking this way but heres my thought . I want to provide VALUE in my services "

                      If you think "maybe even most" people on this forum will think you're stupid for wanting to "provide VALUE", it seems to me that implies your position might be rare, or at least unusual in this forum. If you agree with my (common, I think) view that taking other people's money without providing value is immoral, that would make you a rare voice of morality.

                      I don't see how that interpretation is unfair, but if it is, I'm sorry.

                      I agree with you that desperate, "get rich quick" thinking can hurt someone who's never made much money, since they will likey self-sabatage, not handle adversity well, and give up if the money doesn't come as quickly or easily as they'd expected. But if one is inspired by unreasonable goals, takes unreasonably massive action to achieve them, and decides to become "unstoppable", I see no harm in reaching for outrageously big and fast results.

                      For someone who has lots of confidence, a workable, scalable plan that is congruent with their values and self-image, and is willing to course correct when meeting with the unexpected, it can't be denied that "getting rich quick" is possible, since people have done it. I'm not saying it's ever going to be the norm, but such successes naturally inspire people.

                      I think you made a comment earlier about unreasonable claims that will be stopped by the new FCC rules. I support their intent to stop misleading advertisers, but if I understand the rules correctly, they are very bad indeed. Is it true that they forbid testimonials with income claims unless you can prove your "average" customer made as much? If so it's absurd, unfair and a gross infringement on free speech.

                      First of all, no merchant could even know what each customer made, so making any claims, or allowing them to be made in a testimonial will be a terrible liability.

                      Second: Included in the average are: a large percent that never unwrapped the course; a large percent that unwrapped it, and then shelved it; a smaller percent that read a few pages; an even smaller percent that read the whole thing but never acted; a tiny percent that actually took action; and the miniscule percent that took sustained action and didn't give up before they actually made a profit. It's ridiculous that only the average can be heard from, since only a tiny percent ever give the method a meaningful test.

                      People need inspiration. Average results don't inspire. Nor does the prospect of "building a solid business", unless that means, a business that thrives, grows quickly, and provides you with an extraordinary lifestyle.

                      If I'm going to buy the blueprint for a business model, I'll buy it based on the fact that action takers can create great results, not the fact that the majority (as always) did nothing. Nor am I going to buy plans to "build a solid business", unless that solid business can make me much richer much faster, with much less drudgery than a job would. Fortunately, that can be done, but the FCC doesn't want us to talk about it.

                      As for the op; If he's truly produced a lot of success over the last several years with his real estate investing, and he wants to teach others to do the same, getting 25 takers in a month might not be a "get rich quick" scheme for him. From his claims, he can make more than $75k on a single deal, and is already rich anyway. (It's easier for rich people to "get rich quick";-)

                      In fact it seems possible that he's not really trying to "build a business" on the internet. Perhaps he's just looking at the internet as a way of advertising to find 25 people that want to learn to do what he does. I don't get the impression he sees IM as his new career. I think his main thing is doing deals, and he wants the satisfaction of teaching other people to do it too.

                      It does seem odd though, as I pointed out already, that he claims when he meets 5 people, 1-2 of them want to take his coaching program, and yet he wants to go to all the work of marketing the program online just to get 25 takers. All he really needs to do is go out and meet 65-130 people in the next 30 days, and he'll have his spots filled. That should be doable.

                      I know it sounds a lil odd but I played poker for a month last year and flipped $250 to $5000. I only played to prove that I can do whatever I put my mind too. I'm a lil odd and I know it can sound odd why I would use IM if I can get more coaching students offline.

                      Haha plus... I'm the guy who spent thousands of dollars on IM and even on IM cruise and still haven't launched a product. So I really need to show myself that I didn't waste my time learning JUST TO LEARN.

                      Plus, I aspire to be the next generation of Robert Kiyosaki and I believe that internet marketing will help a lot. I wouldn't be able to reach and help everyone I want by meeting people face to face. Honestly, I want to teach people how to be successful. Whatever success means to them. It can be money, girls, family, friends or whatever they think it means. But first I need to establish myself as the real estate investing coach to do anything. Plus, I find pleasure in teaching people.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1392486].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author AverageGuy
                        good luck to your plan, when the time is over, please post back even the plan failed. others may learn something.

                        BTW, start from $250, and win to $5000, is not difficult at all. but, If you can start from $2500, and win to $50000, I may have more interest in your story.

                        again, good luck.


                        Originally Posted by choson View Post

                        I know it sounds a lil odd but I played poker for a month last year and flipped $250 to $5000. I only played to prove that I can do whatever I put my mind too. I'm a lil odd and I know it can sound odd why I would use IM if I can get more coaching students offline.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1392513].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho
                          Originally Posted by AverageGuy View Post

                          good luck to your plan, when the time is over, please post back even the plan failed. others may learn something.

                          BTW, start from $250, and win to $5000, is not difficult at all. but, If you can start from $2500, and win to $50000, I may have more interest in your story.

                          again, good luck.

                          well for poker, it get's really competitive as you move up your stakes. But I made 100k with zero down in real estate. wasn't that impressive enough? I'm not here to impressive anyone and I understand what you mean about the 2500 to 50000 comparison. I'll def keep everyone posted regardless what the situation is. thanks. =)
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1392627].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author EndGame
                Originally Posted by choson View Post

                Can you guys stop telling me I can or cannot do it and ACTUALLY read the post and give me some advice.

                I had two people who gave me great advices.

                1. Forum Marketing
                2. Talking to them 30 min personally on the phone.


                No offense but who cares what you think? I don't mean to sound like an asshole but I can CARELESS what you think? Because if i did, I wouldn't be where I am right now.

                Even my family and friends laughed at my entrepreneur dream.
                -People doubted me when I first opened my business. ended up making 10k/month at 21
                -People doubted me when I said I was a real estate investor. made 10k on first deal
                -People doubted me when I said my goal for the year was 100k. Made 100k on the second deal
                -People said poker was all luck so I proved them wrong by flipping $250 to $5000.

                Need I say more?

                Choson, no disrespect, but in response to the above, I think you care what other people think as you came to a public forum and posted this thread, and then left the following line, bolded at the end of your original post:

                "What do you guys think? Anything missing? Do you think this is possible? I need your advice!!!"

                Some of the opinions aren't too constructive, I agree, and you might not like everyone's thoughts and opinions, but you did ask for them.

                As to whether you can do it or not. I don't know, I don't have enough experience in your field to say. I will say however I echo some of the thoughts of fellow Warriors here when I say your chosen methods of traffic generation are going to inhibit you.

                I would recommend using PPC to get eyeballs to your offer.

                Just my 2 cents.

                Best of luck to you either way. Hope you reach your goal.

                P.s.: At the time of writing this I had not seen Greg's reply. My apologies.


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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel E Taylor
      Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

      Okay First - SOAP BOX alert! I'm getting on it.
      Nothing personal but my cup runneth over. I've seen too much of these recently I guess.

      Choson I have no doubt that you can make $75,000 or even $250,000 by December 14th. Shoot, You can get a hook up for crack cocaine and get more than that.

      What I want to know everytime I see one of these posts is why is the goal to make that amount of money in that amount of time?

      I know some maybe even most will think I am stupid for thinking this way but heres my thought . I want to provide VALUE in my services . When my kids look at me and ask what I did to become successful I don't want to tell them I "raked in $75000 " from 25 customers. I want to tell them i built a business helping people, taking the time to provide $2-$5 value for every dollar I charged - that I helped families and helped change peoples lives. Yeah I know to some of you out there thats a whole lot of fairy dust garbage and you'll rush to fume at how stupid I am and how business is about making money. I don't see why it has to be just that. To most of the people I know it doesn't take a whole lot to change their lives especially financially. I've never seen anyone before they close their eyes for the last time whisper that although they were well off they should have made more money.

      I look at your marketinng plan and see all thats wrong with IM. Its all centered in on how much money you can make in as little time as possible. I look at your marketing plan and the fact that you say you need help from forum members as a clear signal that you have nowhere near the value you are asking for your coaching. All you are talking about is your goals and not a word of the valuable content you should put in. Its all about the plan and not a word asked about what you should provide for that kind of money.

      Sorry but when I pay $3000 - $5000 to get mentored it won't be from a guy that has to ask people he doesn't even know personally what he should do and how to improve his marketing plan. If he's charging that he should have his stuff down straight already.

      So I am sure if you get $30,000 or $100,000 in a month there wil be people high fiving you (without having a clue as to whether you did or you are just playing guru for a future offer) but I won't be one of them. I'll blow your mind and tell you I don't start a product, application or provide a service thinking how much can I make th maximum in the shortest amount of time.

      I take the time to develop what I have to offer, go over the weaknesses of it even after its out and figure out how I can improve it add more value to it where I blew it and can do better. Yeah I know. Sucker won't make a dime (but you know I am not doing too bad with that. I"ve pased the dime mark at least).

      Sure I want to profit but again I'll blow your mind I also sometimes try to limit the profit so that the people who have the good sense and graciousness to hand me their dollars are rewarded for getting something valuable and a little special.

      If this is the approach your mentor taught you you wasted your money and if this is what your approach is you'll waste some other people's money or they'll push it further down the line like a pyramid trying to find some people to pay them to cover the fees you charged them . When I pay a mentor I want him to teach me how to build a business properly, step by step, slow as we have to go with solid foundations not how to make a quick hit.

      Besides when a self professed successful real estate investor starts looking for 25 people to give $3,000 to him I am reminded of the successful real estate investors I know of that know how to make that on one transaction and it kinds of gets me wondering why thats not the focus.

      I'm not saying this towards you or implying anything but as it relates to IM in general as I get off my soapbox and wait to get blasted for my silly and unrealistic values I am reminded of a quote from probably ther greatest quote movie of all time (and this isn't even a particularly good one. In fact not so hot at all) - Jerry Macguire:

      " How about a little piece of integrity in this world that is so full of greed and a lack of honorability that I don't know what to tell my son"

      Way overstated and more than a little corny? yeah way corny but lets concentrate on putting value in our products and services not how much we can make in as little time as possible.

      Soapbox kicked back under the counter.
      Are you kidding me.

      The man has every right to charge $3000 considering
      he is an expert in Real Estate.

      I don't doubt his ability to provide value to
      up and coming real estate stars.

      Get off your egotistical high and mighty horse
      my friend.

      Just because you don't put value on yourself
      and your knowledge doesn't mean other people
      shouldn't value their knowledge.

      $3,000 isn't ALOT of money to everybody.

      Furthermore he doesn't know how to internet market
      and he isn't teaching others how to internet market.

      He is teaching them about Real Estate. So how does
      him asking for help about internet marketing take
      away from his expertise in Real Estate?


      Self Actualization is one's true purpose. Everything
      else is an illusion.

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
        Originally Posted by Daniel E Taylor View Post

        I don't doubt his ability to provide value to
        up and coming real estate stars.
        I don't really care what you don't doubt. I Do and like everyone on these boards I have a right to my opinion. Its a forum. there are no affidavits being handed out. Buying into things like that without quesionis what gets so many people burned by guru posturing and like it or not there are some internal inconsistencies but I like him and said a number of times in my post alot of what I said wasn't aimed at him. He took the point well unlike some people because I think he gets it even if you don't.

        Get off your egotistical high and mighty horse
        my friend.
        Something needling at you about what I wrote?? Didn't I say I fully expected a response like this from some people. Thanks for proving me right. and no need for the friend farce. We've had a run in before and we aren't. Truth in advertising.

        Just because you don't put value on yourself
        and your knowledge doesn't mean other people
        shouldn't value their knowledge.
        Reading will always do you wonders. I have no problem putting value. I never told him once to lower his price. I commented on the get rake in $75000 a month stategy and it irks you. Wonder why? LOL I knew I would step on someones toes. Theres alot of this in IM and it offends you to have it pointed out? Why?

        I see nothing wrong with the advice. I told him to build steadily and improve with each customer since he is new to mentoring. If that bothers you its too bad. I've run too many businesses to listen to the get rich quick garbage.

        Furthermore he doesn't know how to internet market
        and he isn't teaching others how to internet market...... how does
        him asking for help about internet marketing take
        away from his expertise in Real Estate?
        lean forward and learn something before popping off on your keyboard. Why? Because successful Real estate investors know their market better and know where other investors hang out beyond craigslists and reading blog comments. Because he stated in a subsequent post that he was mentored by a guy that launched a product successfully and therefore would know how to do it in his niche not ask on an IM forum. Get it now? Is it sinking in?

        Sheesh for anyone that knows how to read and think you can see a number of inconsistencies here. So i have my doubts. That wasn't even my main point. Its obvious my high and mighty horse of saying people should build great value in what they offer and not go the "rake it in" method in the "I made $25,000 in three weeks and you can too" tradition is what really has your wheels running. You took more offense than he did.

        Thank God the FTC is bringing those days to a close.

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  • Profile picture of the author Gclunis
    Really awesome idea, I like it alot actually. The fact that you are laser focused in making it a reality is also very great. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully you will keep the interested few here on the forums updated to your successes.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385412].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TelegramSam
    Originally Posted by choson View Post

    I'm a real estate investor...

    Why bother with coaching?

    Can't you make this amount of money in real estate?

    There are lot of opportunities right now.

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  • Profile picture of the author competitive
    I have been in real estate for 6 years, my company was one of the pioneers of no money down deals in the UK. We sold some £60 million worth of property per year before the slump. A lot of the property sales were fed from real estate courses where they charged upwards of $3,000, $5,000 and even $20,000. However a lot of the courses were closed down due to overcharging for poor content. I wrote an ebook on it here www.authorisedreviews.com/property which I successfully sold online in 2003.

    My advice is:-

    If you are charging $3,000 you need to make sure you have fantastic content which truly delivers.
    Getting people to buy the courses was hard work and a numbers game. You need to compose a killer sales letter that drives people to a taster workshop then you will get a certain number to buy the course if you give away massive content free bonuses.
    Once people buy the course you then need to build the end to a mssive explosion of buying signals and have ready properties for the students to buy there and then. That way it fulfills the full requirement of the course from cradle to grave so to speak.

    I am retired from my real estate now having built a personal portfolio of 118 properties. My buddy in America copied my techniques and has sold 250 properties this year alone himself.

    Best of luck
    Barry Hurst
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385734].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Austin E Anthony
    Good Luck Buddy.You can do it
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1386875].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dubie217
    Sounds like you are really passionate about this. Good luck with it and let us know how it goes. Work, work, work.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1386908].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author armani
    Good luck on your venture!
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  • Profile picture of the author chebe21

    just keep in mind that is easier to sell "Results" than "Promises"

    show them and proof them that this course is going to make them money, and you are set!

    as you do with your investors!

    by the way,

    I'm willing to be your affiliate for this course!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1395262].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Cho

      I just wanted to acknowledge that I didn't make $75k by december 14th. I flew to korea on the 7th and haven't worked a single day ever since i got here. Changing people's lives and help other people is all good but I'm really enjoying my stay here. I haven't been to korea for 5 years and I missed everything about korea and everyone of my family and cousins.

      I know I can stay quite about it but I just wanted to keep everyone updated. I'm staying in korea until end of february and I don't plan to work a bit. Money is great and it provides me to travel and all but I feel that I can always make money later. So I decided to just enjoy my time here.

      Sorry if I upset any of you guys or let any of you guys down. Wish you all the best of luck and hope you guys have a great year. =)
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    well how much did you make.

    I have some family in korea right now, I hear it's pretty cool down there.
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