Any grand plans for 2022? 2023 is just 12 months from now...

12 replies
What are your plans for 2022? Launching something big? Trying out a new MMO method/technique? Getting more subscribers? Launching a Youtube channel? If you have been putting off doing these in 2021, then perhaps 2022 is the right time? If you don't have one, 2023 will come soon and you will still be in square 1...

I will start... I will focus on building up a Facebook Group. Been doing this lacklustrely in 2021 but in 2022, I will do it more seriously...

Share them here so that you can have some accountability...
#2022 #2023 #grand #months #plans
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  • Profile picture of the author Marian
    Yes, I'm going to take my YT channel to the next level in 2022!

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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    I am working on overcoming my fear or phobia of camera, I was never shy or reclusive in real life, but cameras, talking to voice mail, even the sound of my own voice, when I am not mocking a 100 other voices for comedy, singing, and fun...

    But, yeah I am aiming at You Tube and video networks and start turning writings in video and audio format for max reach is a key factor in my 2022 mission! Along with writing epic level sales copy and content, that is always first and foremost!
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo
      How'd you manage when they took your picture for your driver's licence and other needed IDs?

      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      I am working on overcoming my fear or phobia of camera, I was never shy or reclusive in real life, but cameras, talking to voice mail, even the sound of my own voice, when I am not mocking a 100 other voices for comedy, singing, and fun...

      But, yeah I am aiming at You Tube and video networks and start turning writings in video and audio format for max reach is a key factor in my 2022 mission! Along with writing epic level sales copy and content, that is always first and foremost!
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      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by WF- Enzo View Post

        How'd you manage when they took your picture for your driver's licence and other needed IDs?
        I grin and bearded it I suppose, lol. But, I have literally recorded 100's of hours of audio/video (*I don't like any of it, lol) - just trying to take a construction look and that spoken language over 30+ years and covert in into professionalism through online means, which as you already know - are many channels! But, that attitude (*and tone) that I carried in multiple fields of construction - it doesn't resonate well with the manner I envision the writings/teachings I'm about to unload.

        Almost prefer to outsource the voiceover and video stuff... and just be the brain, writer, designer, etc.
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    I developed a system that sends me 25+ business owners asking for help with Digital and Social Media Marketing. My goal is to scale this strategy to all entrepreneurs looking for 1099 contract work.

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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  • Profile picture of the author Rory Singh
    Nah. Same ole same ole for me...

    More You Tube reviews, more seo blog reviews and more tiktok videos.

    Just consistent free marketing methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I will try to grow my email list as bigger as i can as i fount this very important .My target its 10k subcribers until 2023
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    • Profile picture of the author WF- Enzo

      Let us know if you've reached at least 5k subscribers mid-year.

      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      I will try to grow my email list as bigger as i can as i fount this very important .My target its 10k subcribers until 2023
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Me l am cleaning up a trading file, so l can scan for stocks more easily and avoiding the mistakes l made in 2021.

    I am also stocking up on popcorn, and watching things unfold.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    Today I actually saw a guy on a bike an the bike only had one pedal.

    Because he only had one leg.

    Riding the bike perfectly...while carrying a puppy in one arm. :0

    THAT sight made me realize I am not thinking big enough. .

    I have decided I will become multi-millionaire.

    What is new is that was never my goal in life. But it is now.

    Nothing will stop me.

    If Kanye West can be worth 1.8 Billion anything is possible!
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  • Profile picture of the author Klara Pelhe
    I plan to bring more affiliates to our network, as well as new advertiser and to manage to collect new, great offers that can be added to the existing ones. We started working on this in the previous year, but now we will get this to the new level, and hopefully achieve all our goals by the end of third quarter.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I plan on focusing on 2 things: My podcast and my Youtube channel. I believe i will have success in both this year, with podcasting being the easiest. Also, i sell on ebay full time so I'm looking to grow that as well. Ebay has taught me much about the offline side of direct mail and shipping, and lots of these lessons i have applied to my website and am seeing great results from it so far. 2022 wont be a year of breakthrough, but moreso a year of major increase.
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