I need some marketing tips for my website called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?"

by Dario2
20 replies
I'm a developer, so I'm not good at marketing but I'm trying.

I came up with this, well stupid, idea. It's called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?". In simple terms: people can visit your profile and ask "would you ______ for a dollar?", like "chug a beer", "twerk for 30 seconds", "french kiss person X"... Then you fulfill the request and earn $1. Simple as that.

What I've tried so far:

- Post on Reddit, ProductHunt and Hackernews

- Cold emailing

- Ask people if they would like to include me in their newsletter

- Have in plan to start FB ads.

Currently I have 100 subscribers. Can you please give me more idea on how to promote it. (I'm aware of everything regarding this project, I don't want to change the concept or MVP, it is the way it is, I just need some marketing suggestions)
#called #marketing #tips #website
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by Dario2 View Post

    I'm a developer, so I'm not good at marketing but I'm trying.

    I came up with this, well stupid, idea. It's called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?". In simple terms: people can visit your profile and ask "would you ______ for a dollar?", like "chug a beer", "twerk for 30 seconds", "french kiss person X"... Then you fulfill the request and earn $1. Simple as that.

    What I've tried so far:

    - Post on Reddit, ProductHunt and Hackernews

    - Cold emailing

    - Ask people if they would like to include me in their newsletter

    - Have in plan to start FB ads.

    Currently I have 100 subscribers. Can you please give me more idea on how to promote it. (I'm aware of everything regarding this project, I don't want to change the concept or MVP, it is the way it is, I just need some marketing suggestions)
    Take it to the masses... and set up some of them there split screen dealies on TikTok of someone asking... and the other person doing... and make the thing go viral

    Be sure to add the site URL in text on the asking side
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Try to reach viral people on youtube instagram and tiktok .Ig you pay them a fee that people have huge amount of traffic and you get huge traffic to your website
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    • Profile picture of the author Dario2
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      Try to reach viral people on youtube instagram and tiktok .Ig you pay them a fee that people have huge amount of traffic and you get huge traffic to your website
      I was thinking about that, thanks
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    • Profile picture of the author showforapk
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      • Profile picture of the author adeel34
        Yea that is the good
        Thenks for this
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  • Profile picture of the author quadagon
    Originally Posted by Dario2 View Post

    I'm a developer, so I'm not good at marketing but I'm trying.

    I came up with this, well stupid, idea. It's called "Would You Do It For A Dollar?". In simple terms: people can visit your profile and ask "would you ______ for a dollar?", like "chug a beer", "twerk for 30 seconds", "french kiss person X"... Then you fulfill the request and earn $1. Simple as that.

    What I've tried so far:

    - Post on Reddit, ProductHunt and Hackernews

    - Cold emailing

    - Ask people if they would like to include me in their newsletter

    - Have in plan to start FB ads.

    Currently I have 100 subscribers. Can you please give me more idea on how to promote it. (I'm aware of everything regarding this project, I don't want to change the concept or MVP, it is the way it is, I just need some marketing suggestions)
    For something like this I would be looking for a large element of growth hacking. I like the basic idea and can see potential but I would slightly change it.

    Add nominate three friends and turn it into a challenge. The ALS challenge should provide some good inspiration for you.
    I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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    • Profile picture of the author Dario2
      Originally Posted by quadagon View Post

      For something like this I would be looking for a large element of growth hacking. I like the basic idea and can see potential but I would slightly change it.

      Add nominate three friends and turn it into a challenge. The ALS challenge should provide some good inspiration for you.
      Nomination is a good idea, just not sure whether I want to code new things on top of that and again make the same mistake as before: keep coding, don't promote.
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  • Profile picture of the author Loveyov
    To reduce your marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    Since you plan to run Facebook ads, you can put the whole idea in motion with Youtube ads. That way people can capture the whole idea in one fell swoop and even laugh at some of the examples. Plus you can show them it's a great way to earn money in their spare time, and even become famous.
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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    I agree with savidge4 you have to turn it into an entertainment source from a marketing standpoint.

    Yes someone will watch someone twerk for 30 secs for a $1.

    But where the serious money will be is in video after video upload creating massive numbers of follows and subscribes.

    That is an asset you can monetize further.

    There are also YouTube and Meta Pay Incentives just for reels/shorts.

    *Sidenote you have a huge opt in on the site but no incentive to fill it out.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Promote Robocop!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Of all the half cocked ideas I have seen in say the last year... this one has legs. My real question is if you are the middleman of dollars... how exactly are you getting paid? I m going to assume by ads... Might I suggest signing up for the dollar tree affiliate program ( https://www.dollartree.com/affiliates )

    I think without question you have to tie the "Proof" ( Yeah ill do that for a dollar, and here is a video showing I did it ) with a social media platform... and that means Youtube shorts or TikTok.

    In essence what I see your angle being is a website of curated content, that is a gateway to more views of your subscribers videos.

    Going to be honest here.. your homepage, well uh sucks... imagine what it would look like with links to videos of people doing things for a dollar?

    Your logo... "Would you do it for a Dollar" needs to be in some like crazy Roger Rabbit looking font... you need an image people can "Borrow" to place in their videos - said crazy looney toonz type logo with the website URL included.

    The whole idea is wicked silly and needs to be treated as such... over the top...

    THIS is the marketing... fun, entertaining... and you can be baller $1.00 at a time and get people to do stupid crap... OR you can earn your way to Millionaire status $1.00 at a time. The world is FULL of both types of people.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11707555].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Dario2
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Of all the half cocked ideas I have seen in say the last year... this one has legs. My real question is if you are the middleman of dollars... how exactly are you getting paid? I m going to assume by ads... Might I suggest signing up for the dollar tree affiliate program ( https://www.dollartree.com/affiliates )

      I think without question you have to tie the "Proof" ( Yeah ill do that for a dollar, and here is a video showing I did it ) with a social media platform... and that means Youtube shorts or TikTok.

      In essence what I see your angle being is a website of curated content, that is a gateway to more views of your subscribers videos.

      Going to be honest here.. your homepage, well uh sucks... imagine what it would look like with links to videos of people doing things for a dollar?

      Your logo... "Would you do it for a Dollar" needs to be in some like crazy Roger Rabbit looking font... you need an image people can "Borrow" to place in their videos - said crazy looney toonz type logo with the website URL included.

      The whole idea is wicked silly and needs to be treated as such... over the top...

      THIS is the marketing... fun, entertaining... and you can be baller $1.00 at a time and get people to do stupid crap... OR you can earn your way to Millionaire status $1.00 at a time. The world is FULL of both types of people.
      I'm a middleman, I'll do payments via Stripe. Landing page is easy to adjust and to change, it's not something at the moment, but at least it's there
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  • Profile picture of the author Dario2
    How about I start inviting people and I pay people for doing something for a $1? What do you think about that?
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    • Profile picture of the author quadagon
      Originally Posted by Dario2 View Post

      I'm a middleman, I'll do payments via Stripe. Landing page is easy to adjust and to change, it's not something at the moment, but at least it's there
      Originally Posted by Dario2 View Post

      How about I start inviting people and I pay people for doing something for a $1? What do you think about that?
      Quick question where does your $1 come from?

      If you are paying out $1 how much need to come in on the other side to account for your expenses and fees?

      Don't mean to be down I think you have a great idea here - I am not seeing how you make money.
      I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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      • Profile picture of the author Dario2
        Originally Posted by quadagon View Post

        Quick question where does your $1 come from?

        If you are paying out $1 how much need to come in on the other side to account for your expenses and fees?

        Don't mean to be down I think you have a great idea here - I am not seeing how you make money.
        If you are interested this is how Stripe does it https://b.stripecdn.com/docs-statics...72971c1367.svg
        $1 is coming from the buyer, his credit card
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        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Originally Posted by Dario2 View Post

          If you are interested this is how Stripe does it https://b.stripecdn.com/docs-statics...72971c1367.svg
          $1 is coming from the buyer, his credit card
          From what l have heard PayPal minimum payment is $12, and you are setting yourself up for failure by asking members to have to do all of the CC, stuff for a buck.

          You may have to consider stringing 12 things together or an upsell as Fiverr does or start a trading campaign and start out with a buck and see how big you can get it.

          You would have to donate most of it, for leverage but 100k out of a million isn't a bad goal, good luck.
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        • Profile picture of the author quadagon
          Originally Posted by Dario2 View Post

          If you are interested this is how Stripe does it https://b.stripecdn.com/docs-statics...72971c1367.svg
          $1 is coming from the buyer, his credit card
          I am not sure I am getting this

          From what I gather stripe charge 30 cents and 2.9 % transaction fee.

          So if someone pays you $1 you will receive 67 cents.

          But you are then going to pay out $1 this is putting you in minus figures. You loose money on each event.
          I've got 99 problems but a niche ain't one
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    From Paypal:

    Normal PayPal accounts have a minimum transaction amount of $0.01 and a maximum transaction amount of $4,000.
    BUT - using a charge card you have fees for that, too.

    Why would YOU pay people to do 'things' - that's not in any way a money maker. I'm not convinced a 'list' made up of people willing to do something dumb for a buck would be a valuable list...but maybe that's my lack of imagination.

    You started by asking about people paying YOU to do 'stuff' - or perhaps paying each other to do 'stuff' and then went to you paying them. Where is the profit?
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author ashtondunhill
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      From Paypal:

      Why would YOU pay people to do 'things' - that's not in any way a money maker. I'm not convinced a 'list' made up of people willing to do something dumb for a buck would be a valuable list...but maybe that's my lack of imagination.

      I think the OP is planning on making money off the people watching and not the people doing.

      personally, though, I really do not think it is a good idea. Why would I go to your site and get paid a dollar to do something when I can go to Youtube, make videos of myself doing stupid things, and potentially make hundreds or thousands in ad revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author George Kokorikos
    Promote your move on youtube with a nice video and then the same video make it viral with the help of facebook ads!
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