Could somebody promote an Affiliate Offer on one site only that gets 150 Million + Views Monthly?
This morning I got an email from a marketer that enjoys doing their own thing. They can have an idea and go with it without a track record of yay or nay.
They asked me if this could bring sales to an affiliate offer (his commission would be in the 400-500 dollar per sale range).
What he wants to do is write 200 articles (I enjoy creating content but this is a lot in my eyes) on an article site that gets 150,000,000 visitors a month. His goal is to write about 7 a day.
The site allows affiliate links if relevant to the topic. I gather he will write about affiliate marketing, work from home, and make money online.
He wants to see if this could bring sales on its own and is not cross-promoting the offer (he is sticking with the one article site) on a website, blog, forum, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook account.
Could this generate sales over time or is even the best writer at two major disadvantages:
1- The age of the website (he would only say it is older than 5 years). He certainly did not want me to know the source. What I mean by that is are there already too many others that their articles would show up in the search box on the site since they have a 5+ year headstart?
2- Does he need the cross-promotion and the exposure from the other sites mentioned above?
The only other thought he stated was if he got 2 sales a month out of the offer he wants to promote the 200 articles and even a few more after would be worth it.
Obviously, this is outside my realm of expertise but am fascinated by his question and always learn a great deal from the threads on the Warrior Forum.
Thank you as always and all be well and safe!
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho