Could somebody promote an Affiliate Offer on one site only that gets 150 Million + Views Monthly?

10 replies
Hi Warriors:

This morning I got an email from a marketer that enjoys doing their own thing. They can have an idea and go with it without a track record of yay or nay.

They asked me if this could bring sales to an affiliate offer (his commission would be in the 400-500 dollar per sale range).

What he wants to do is write 200 articles (I enjoy creating content but this is a lot in my eyes) on an article site that gets 150,000,000 visitors a month. His goal is to write about 7 a day.

The site allows affiliate links if relevant to the topic. I gather he will write about affiliate marketing, work from home, and make money online.

He wants to see if this could bring sales on its own and is not cross-promoting the offer (he is sticking with the one article site) on a website, blog, forum, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram or Facebook account.

Could this generate sales over time or is even the best writer at two major disadvantages:
1- The age of the website (he would only say it is older than 5 years). He certainly did not want me to know the source. What I mean by that is are there already too many others that their articles would show up in the search box on the site since they have a 5+ year headstart?

2- Does he need the cross-promotion and the exposure from the other sites mentioned above?

The only other thought he stated was if he got 2 sales a month out of the offer he wants to promote the 200 articles and even a few more after would be worth it.

Obviously, this is outside my realm of expertise but am fascinated by his question and always learn a great deal from the threads on the Warrior Forum.

Thank you as always and all be well and safe!
#150 #affiliate #million #monthly #offer #promote #site #views
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  • Profile picture of the author ashtondunhill
    6 or 7 high quality, thought out articles would perform much better than 200 pump and dump articles
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Don't know the site - don't know the person's expertise - don't know if the visitors number is accurate - don't know if visitors go to read articles, to use articles or only to advertise their own 'stuff'.

    I've used articles to sell - but the links led to my own sites - my own sales pages - my own email signup lists. Not using anything except straight affiliate links on articles on a site you don't own...doesn't sound like a winner to me. But - he could dive in and submit articles daily for a month - and he would know if it was a good idea or not.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

    They asked me if this could bring sales to an affiliate offer (his commission would be in the 400-500 dollar per sale range).

    What he wants to do is write 200 articles (I enjoy creating content but this is a lot in my eyes) on an article site that gets 150,000,000 visitors a month. His goal is to write about 7 a day.
    Article sites get views from the people who write the articles, and a few people who take the articles as content. Articles on the site don't rank well...if at all. Very very few of those visitors are people looking for information for themselves.

    Do a Google search on any subject, and see how many article site articles show up on the first page. None.

    And the article SITE gets the views, not the articles themselves.

    Far better to start their own blog, and get the first page ranked. That way, at least their articles will show up.
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    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well if the site has so much traffic then definetively he will make a lot of money if its niche related to the offer he promote
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    It depends on the site, the offer, the traffic, and how the views are generated. As others have stated, it's better to put the articles on your own site and then drive traffic to it. There are a multitude of ways to do that. You should probably look up how to rank an article on your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Saurav Gami
    It depends upon the type of product/service he sells.... if he is selling second hand Lamborghini then people would love to watch but not to buy in that way revenue is not generated
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  • Profile picture of the author EnterIn
    If it were me, first I would make sure that the articles I write will MOST PROBABLY make sales That's the first thing I'd do. The best way in my opinion to do this is to check if the site accepts advertising. Buy a few ads - offering a free report or video, and see the response.

    A good response would indicate that the traffic on that site is targeted for the affiliate offer.

    The second way to test is to write just a few articles. 5 will do. Then offer some irresistible freebie related to the topic of the article right at the end. With a 150 million users per month, a bad response COULD be a sign that the traffic is not targeted to your affiliate offer.

    In my experience, a few well written articles will let him know if that site has people who are interested in what he has to offer. For me, ONE article has sometimes done the job of testing for interest.

    So, test with a few ads or a few quality articles - attacking the topic from different angles of course - and see if there is interest - people joining your list to get the freebie or buying the product - then decide whether or not to proceed further.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11708968].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nonin
    Originally Posted by Craig Fenton View Post

    What he wants to do is write 200 articles (I enjoy creating content but this is a lot in my eyes) on an article site that gets 150,000,000 visitors a month. His goal is to write about 7 a day.
    humm... 200 articles generating 150mil visitors to the website? Is it possible at all for a normal human being?
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11709081].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Craig Fenton
      The person is not generating 150,000,000 million visitors.

      150,000,000 is the amount of people throughout the world that visit the site over a 30 day period.

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  • Profile picture of the author xeniux
    150 million visitors/month is huge, Site like has around 230 million visitors/month (, maybe he is a journalist on big News & Media site and wants to cooperate with you to earn commissions. If the niche is related to your business it might be worthy enough, but need to verify more about him.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11710753].message }}
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