Best Browser Add-Ons For Analyzing Page Speed

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A new article on Search Engine Journal says you can power up your page speed diagnostics with these top browser extensions that make it easier to optimize webpages.

Measuring page speed by debugging a slow website is important. All Chrome browsers have built-in tools to help troubleshoot why a page is slow and not performing as well as it could.

Google Lighthouse Extension For Chrome And Firefox

Lighthouse is a great tool for obtaining an easy-to-understand overview of webpage performance with the option to dig deeper into diagnostic feedback and advice for making a webpage faster. There's a standalone Google Lighthouse webpage, but you have to copy the URL of the page you want data for then navigate to the Lighthouse tool. With the Lighthouse extension, the full power of the tool is available with the click of a button. All you do is click the extension icon and then the blue Generate Report button.

Page Load Time Browser Extension

The Page Load Time browser extension for Chrome and also for Firefox provides a highly accurate page load metric because it uses the Navigation Timing API, which is described on the Mozilla developer page for the Navigation Time API. The browser extension has been installed over 100,000 times and has been rated 258 times. Once installed, all you have to do is visit a page and look at the Page Load Time icon on the top right corner of the browser.


The Performance-Analyser Extension for Chrome Browser is like the Page Load Time Browser Extension only it goes further in what it covers. It uses the Resource, Navigation, and User Timing APIs. This extension generates colorful pie charts to provide a visual representation of various metrics such as requests by domain and provides the navigation timing API information in a convenient waterfall chart that visualizes the render time.

Page Size Inspector

The Page Size Inspector Extension for Chrome is especially useful because it provides a snapshot of a variety of metrics, including how many requests were made for fonts and what the uncompressed size of that download is.What makes this extension stand out is the easy to understand interface plus the size in bytes for HTML, JS, CSS, Images, Ajax, and Fonts. The Chrome browser extension also provides times in seconds for download for a quick and handy overview of page speed metrics at your fingertips right there on the page.

Checkbot: SEO, Web Speed & Security Tester

This extension aggregates multiple tools related to SEO. What's of interest with this extension is that it provides data that can help to better understand why a webpage takes as long as it does to download. The plugin reports on File Minification, Network compression information, File Caching, Render blocking CSS and JavaScript, Duplicate CSS and JavaScript, Excessive inlined CSS and JavaScript, and Redirects and also chained redirects. All of the above data points are super useful for understanding possible issues that need fixing.

Page Speed Browser Extensions</h2>
<p>Page speed browser extensions are extremely useful for publishers and developers. They can help you quickly identify problems right at the moment without having to open up another webpage and then paste a URL on another website. Page speed diagnostics can be done right there while you're on the site, automatically or with the click of a button.
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